Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

But these people are all top-notch fighters, and they are the strongest among this group of people.

They frantically urged the magic weapon to attack frantically, which also put considerable pressure on Jiang Tian.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of light, and he was not surprised but happy!

What he wanted was this effect, and what he was waiting for was this kind of opportunity!

Because it is only a waste for him to bear the opponent's magic weapon attack.

And only in close combat can he have the opportunity to force the opponent to release the power of the original gods, and then take the opportunity to devour the tonic!

"True dragon body!"

Crack, bang bang bang... Rumble!

Jiang Tian launched an instant killing skill, but he didn't use his full strength.

Instead, keep it at an extremely limited intensity!

But even so, it surprised the opponent!

Buzz buzz!

In an instant, more than a dozen "Jiang Tian" appeared in different positions.

And with a quick swing, the purple sword will slash!

Chi chi...Puff puff!

A dozen heads flew up in an instant, and then fell into the air with more than a dozen corpses.


"Instant killing technique!"

"Quickly suppress him!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they attacked violently again in amazement, not daring to give Jiang Tian any chance to attack.

The power of the instant killing technique is too terrifying, so fast that they, the original gods, can't react at all.

In the confrontation between the strong, speed is a powerful force.

When the speed reaches the extreme, even if one's own hard power is lacking, one can make up for it with super speed.

Jiang Tian is already extremely powerful, and with the addition of instant killing skills, his combat power is bound to be even more terrifying!

No one is willing to take such a risk, no one is willing to face such an opponent, what they can do is to further compress the encirclement, making Jiang Tian unable to use it!

Completely overwhelmed his instant killing skills!

Bang, click... Boom!

Everyone shot wildly, and at this moment they didn't even care about avoiding their companions, they just blindly suppressed Jiang Tian blindly.

It has to be said that doing so immediately achieved good results.

Under a burst of crazy attacks, Jiang Tian's instant killing skills seemed to be really suppressed!

But the next moment, a space pattern suddenly enveloped them, making their bodies turbulent, as if they were stuck in mud!

"Space suppression!"

"Get rid of it!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

While everyone was shocked, they frantically stimulated their blood and spiritual power, trying to get rid of the space suppression.

But with the fall of another pattern, their efforts instantly came to naught.

"Blood vision, open!"

Boom boom boom boom!

Everyone decisively unfolded the blood vision to resist the suppression of space power.

Sure enough, in this way, their bodies regained self-control instantly, and they were about to break free from Jiang Tian's oppression.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian suddenly launched the "Power of the Starry Sky"!

Buzz buzz!

The powerful power is under the hood, making the powerhouses of the original gods who have not yet escaped furious!

"Extreme arrogance!"

"How dare you use the power of the starry sky to deal with us original gods, I think you are courting death!"

"This is his limit. Let's fight back with all our strength!"


In an instant, the atmosphere of the crowd changed again!

At least 20 people have launched the power of the starry sky realm!

"so much!"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

You know, only a dozen or so of the two hundred people had awakened the power of the original gods.

And among the more than 100 people, there are more than 20 or nearly 30 people who have awakened this power!

I have to say that these people are really strong!

But he also made a lot of money!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian's eyes were bright, and he immediately urged the "Power of the Starry Sky" to make a forceful crush.

But this kind of method, in front of these arrogant original gods, seems a bit out of control.

"A mere junior, dare to use the power of the starry sky to counteract our original god-level power, it's really beyond our control!"

"If it's other means, we might be a little more afraid, but since it's a confrontation of realm power, we're invincible!"

"Boy, die!"


Twenty or so powers of the original god realm turned into a torrent, pressing down on Jiang Tian's starry sky power with terrifying roars.

Don't talk so much, even if it is one-on-one, Jiang Tian has no chance of winning in the face of the powerful power of the original gods!

There is no other reason, because this is the crushing of realms, not a contest of hard power.

In front of the will of the realm, Jiang Tian's power of the starry sky is inherently weak. After encountering the powerful power of the original god realm, it will collapse instantly and bow his head to surrender!

"Defeat me!"

"Crush him!"


Accompanied by violent roars, more than twenty Daoyuan Divine Realm forces pressed down on Jiang Tian.

"Well done, that's great!"

Jiang Tian shouted excitedly, without fear.

If the opponent scattered his shots, he would waste several times more time.

But such a concentrated attack was right in his arms!


Hum rumble!

The moment the power of the starry sky collided with the power of the original gods, a scene that shocked the opponent followed!

The collision of the two forces did not end with Jiang Tian's defeat as they imagined.

Quite the opposite!

On the contrary, Jiang Tian's power of the starry sky had the upper hand inconceivably, and he forcibly withstood the impact of more than 20 original god-level powers!



"How can it be?"

"Oh My God!"

The original gods were completely stunned!

They couldn't imagine how the mere power of the starry sky could resist the powerful power of the original god?

Shouldn't these two forces be distinct in strength and weakness?

Shouldn't the relatively weak power of the starry sky disintegrate and bow down in an instant in front of the powerful power of the original god?

Why is this the case?

"Swallow it!"

The moment the two forces clashed, Jiang Tian decisively launched the "Swallowing Void Art".

Opening his mouth wide, he swallowed the torrent of more than twenty Taoist powers in one gulp!


The next moment, there was a strange fluctuation in his body!



"His power in the starry sky is changing!"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Everyone was completely stunned!

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Tianqiang's swallowing of the power of the original god should have suffered a strong backlash.

In the future, even without them taking action to suppress it, Jiang Tian himself would collapse into chaos.

But the reality is completely opposite to their imagination!

At this moment, Jiang Tian's breath was fluctuating.

But it's not the performance of backlash injury, but the breath change caused by the rapid transformation of the power of the starry sky!

"My God!"

"how so?"

"Can anyone tell me why this is happening?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and their hearts were hit like never before!

The power of the original god unconditionally crushes the power of the starry sky, this is the law of martial arts, the iron law of martial arts!

Why did it fail here in Jiang Tian!

Not only failed, but even reversed?

"Don't stand still, kill him quickly!"


Everyone woke up suddenly, realizing that the opportunity was fleeting.

The teaming up just now can't help Jiang Tian, ​​if he waits for his transformation to complete, wouldn't it be even more hopeless?

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