Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6877 Void hegemony!

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The Void Dominant Body is running rapidly, refining the spiritual power of space repeatedly, becoming stronger and stronger!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, his aura changed drastically!

Streams of mysterious spatial spiritual power rippling out of his body, forming a mysterious space ten feet in radius, firmly protecting him!

Crack... Rumble!

There was a loud bang!

The two white hurricanes that besieged him were abruptly pushed back.

Song Yuan turned pale with shock!

Immediately, two hurricanes were frantically urged, trying to break open this space!

But the next scene completely shocked him!

Although the space of ten feet is not large, no matter how powerful the white hurricane is, it cannot invade at all!

"Space field? No!"

Song Yuan exclaimed in amazement, his eyes were full of strange colors!

It seems that this is indeed the space domain.

Because it is formed by the condensation of powerful spatial spiritual energy.

But it is not an ordinary space field!

What exactly is it?

Song Yuan did not continue to attack, but stared at the ten-foot-sized space.

His brows tightened and loosened from time to time, and his complexion fluctuated, as if he wanted to see through Jiang Tian's secrets.

But the ten-foot void that was so close at hand blocked him ruthlessly like a moat!

At this moment, he suddenly felt powerless!

Jiang Tian was just a few feet away, but he couldn't cross the distance that was almost within reach!

"Brother Jiang?"

"Brother Song, don't worry!"

Song Yuan couldn't help being puzzled and asked.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, but was not in a hurry to answer.


Song Yuan nodded slightly, retreated a hundred feet away and waited.

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian scanned the ten-foot void!

This is indeed a kind of space field, but it is not an ordinary space field.

Because of the space domain, he has already controlled it, and he can open and close it as he pleases!

But now this ten-foot-sized field is obviously not the kind of space field in the past!

Its breath is extremely mysterious, and its power is also extraordinary.

It is derived from this transformation of the Void Hegemony!

And the slightest change in this field is inseparable from his Void Hegemony.

Any fluctuation in space can be clearly controlled by the Void Overlord.

And its efficacy and power are far from comparable to the previous space domain!

Not to mention anything else, the two hurricanes just now have already verified its effect.

Even if you stand still here, Song Yuan can't break through!

"Elder Baili, what kind of domain is this?"

"Space Domain!" Bailikong said in a deep voice, "but it's obviously not a normal space domain, because a normal space domain can't block your attack, at most it's just a consumption!"

"That's right!"

Song Yuan nodded slowly, but the doubts in his heart were not resolved.

Because he found that Bailikong couldn't tell why.

If you want to solve this doubt, you can only wait for Jiang Tian to explain himself!

"Void overlord body, overlord body domain... I understand!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, deeply feeling the power of the ten-foot void.

The next moment, with a wave of his hand, this area spread to hundreds of feet!

Hum rumble!

The diffuse domain aura is equally astonishing, but it's not as dense as it was at the beginning!

"Brother Jiang, forgive me!"

With a wave of Song Yuan's big hand, a white hurricane came out of the body and blasted towards the edge of the Baizhang void.


Then there was a violent roar, and the white hurricane bombarded with a large number of space cracks.

But it is difficult to tear the edge of the Baizhang domain!

"Hiss!" Song Yuan couldn't help gasping, and frowned tightly.

It's fine that the space of ten feet cannot be shaken, but now it has spread to a hundred feet, and it is still impossible to break through!

"Thank you!" Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

Song Yuan's move was actually to help him test the strength and power of this field.

"Brother Song, if you don't mind, you might as well increase your strength!"

"Then I won't be polite!"

Song Yuanzheng had this intention.

Immediately, it fit together, turned into a white hurricane and slammed into it personally.

Crack... Rumble!

A terrifying bang followed, and the white hurricane slammed into the edge of the Baizhang Domain.

Song Yuan's body bullied nearly Zhang Xu!

"Very good...huh? No!"

Song Yuan was just about to rejoice, but his face changed!

He found that he hadn't really broken through the field, but with terrifying power, he forcibly swept and deformed the edge of the field, and forcibly drove forward Zhang Xu!


Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand and waved forward.

Hum rumble!

The Baizhang void trembled slightly, and the domineering space power rushed towards the twisted edge.

Song Yuan was thrown out in an instant!


The Baizhang Void instantly recovered to its original state!

Song Yuan retreated hundreds of feet away, dispersed the hurricane, and looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief!

"Brother Jiang, how do I feel... this hundred-foot space is even more domineering than your physical body?"


Bailikong's face also changed slightly, and his eyes looking at Jiang Tian became extremely deep.

Now that the competition has been played, Jiang Tian's performance has become stronger and stronger.

No wonder the other party has the guts to refuse the solicitation of the City Lord's Mansion, it seems that they really have a strong confidence!

"Brother Lao Song took action. You are right. This space is indeed special, because it is an extension of the power of the Void Hegemony. In this area, the power of the Void Hegemony is omnipresent, and its power is far beyond the general space domain!"

Jiang Tian said with a smile.

After pondering for a moment, he already had a conclusion in his mind.

The domain evolved through transformation is named—Void Hegemony!

"This is the Void Dominion!"

Jiang Tian didn't hide anything, and there was no need to hide anything.

"Void hegemony? Strong, very strong!"

Song Yuan took a deep breath, but his expression was a bit complicated.

At this time, he has completely put away his breath.

Sensing the strangeness, Baili Kong's face changed slightly!

"Nephew Song Xian, you are..."

Song Yuan waved his hand and smiled: "It's over!"

"It's over?" Bailikong was stunned!

"Well, it's over, there's no need to fight anymore, if I continue fighting, I might make a fool of myself!"

Song Yuan laughed and landed on the ring.

Bailikong glanced at Jiang Tian with extremely complicated eyes, then looked at Song Yuan.

"Nephew Song Xian, are you... admitting defeat?"

Due to the rules of Xingling, unless one side clearly confirms to lose, the competition will not be considered over.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly: "Brother Song, you don't have to!"

Song Yuan waved his hand and said: "Brother Jiang, there is no need to say more, this competition is indeed over, please save me some face and let me go down the stairs!"

Jiang Tian looked at Song Yuan and smiled.

"Brother Song is too modest. If we continue to fight, we should be able to fight for a long time!"

"Fierce battle?" Song Yuan shook his head, and said solemnly: "Unless Brother Jiang puts away this Void Dominion, I won't even be able to get close, so what's the point of a fierce battle?"

"I don't think Brother Song has any hidden cards!"

"Hehe, of course, so I also think that Jiang Tian must have other cards in his body. This is not a life-and-death battle, and it is meaningless to continue fighting."

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