Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6882 Baili letter

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"No, although the self-explosion came suddenly and quickly, it was not enough to annihilate Brother Jiang directly!"

"But Jiang Tian, ​​where did you go?"

The two kept looking around, but still did not find Jiang Tian.

But when their eyes turned back, they were all startled!


"Brother Jiang, you..."

Bailikong and Song Yuan stared forward with wide-eyed eyes.

Jiang Tian actually stood where he was, like a normal person!

"It's nothing, I just used spatial spiritual power to cover up the self-destruct power of this secret treasure."

Jiang Tian said lightly.

Bailikong and Song Yuan looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

The actual situation is probably not as simple as Jiang Tian said!

If it was just the spiritual power of the space, why couldn't they sense Jiang Tian's trace at all just now?

"Void hegemony?"

Song Yuan thought of a possibility.

He has already experienced the power of the void hegemony in depth.

And just witnessed Jiang Tian's feat of killing eight hidden dragon killers in an instant.

This kind of method made him feel extremely afraid!

Obviously, Jiang Tian just now should have resolved the threat of the secret treasure's self-explosion by virtue of some magical function of the Void Dominion.

But the other party didn't want to say more, so he couldn't force him to ask.

"Void hegemony, it seems that it is far from being as simple as it seems!"

Song Yuan muttered to himself, feeling a little complicated.

Originally, he thought that the previous battle was just a loss to Jiang Tian, ​​but now it seems that it may not be as simple as a loss.

The gap between the two is probably bigger than he imagined!

"Brother Jiang, what is it that blew itself up just now?"

Song Yuan suppressed his distracting thoughts and hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, but that thing is wrapped in a space spiritual power, it should hide a secret!"

Jiang Tian frowned and said.

"That's really a pity!"

Song Yuan shook his head and sighed, deeply depressed.

The secret treasure covered in this way is obviously not simple, and it is very likely that there is a secret related to the hidden dragon hidden in it.

It's a pity that it has exploded, and there is no way to detect it.


Jiang Tian waved his hand lightly, and the corpses of the hidden dragon killers were immediately incinerated by Ziyan.


Bailikong let out a sullen breath silently.

Although the death of Hidden Dragon Killer has nothing to do with him and the City Lord's Mansion, if Jiang Tian just leaves like this, it will be difficult for him to deal with it.

Now Jiang Tian killed the person, and he also killed the traces, so all the responsibilities have nothing to do with Bailian City.

Even if the Yinlong organization comes to make trouble in the future, Bailian City can explain it easily.

Jiang Tian said solemnly: "Elder Baili, Brother Song, you don't have to make things difficult. If someone asks about this matter, I will bear everything. You don't have to hide anything for me!"

He takes care of his own affairs, and he never wants to implicate irrelevant people and forces.

Song Yuan shook his head: "Brother Jiang doesn't have to be like this. I killed two of them, and there were many warriors and civilians present. You can't hide this at all. You don't have to think so much."

"Jiang Daoyou, on behalf of the City Lord's Mansion, I thank you for your understanding!"

A deep voice resounded through the void, and an old man in a fiery robe came from the direction of the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, and landed on the star ring!

Beside him, there were two other elders with deep breaths, both of whom were above Bailikong!

"Jiang Xiaoyou, this is the City Lord of this city—Bailixin!"

"City Master Baili is serious. One person does things and one person is responsible. They came here for me. Naturally, I won't implicate others."

"Ashamed, Xiaoyou Jiang really made this old man ashamed for saying that!"

Bailixin expressed his apology with helplessness in his eyes.

Although Bailian City's family business is large, it is still in the open. It still has a deep fear of the Hidden Dragon Killer Organization that stings in the dark like a poisonous snake and devours people like a ghost.

"City Master Baili, since the selection of Bailian City has ended ahead of schedule, I will immediately go to Chiyue City and bid farewell!"

Jiang Tian bowed his hands in greeting, ready to leave.

But Bailixin stopped him.

"Wait a minute, little friend. After all, you represent Bailian City in the competition. If you can really stand out, I, Bailian City, will definitely be rewarded. As the saying goes, you don't get rewarded for nothing. In order to wish you success, I will prepare a small gift on behalf of Bailian City. Please accept it!"

"Isn't that necessary?"

Jiang Tian's face was pale, and he was not interested in the so-called gift from Bailian City.

Firstly, he has no shortage of cultivation resources, and secondly, he just came here to fight, and he really has no real friendship with Bailian City.

Although the next round of competition will be held in the name of Bailian City, but without this springboard, he would naturally not have such a chance to be shortlisted.

And the better his follow-up record, the higher the reputation and influence of Bailian City.

In this way, it can be regarded as clearing the two.

"No, my friend misunderstood!" Bai Lixin said solemnly: "Any warrior who represents a large city will enjoy sufficient preparation resources. This is the practice of the supernova, and it is also recognized and must be done by all large cities. Therefore, this small gift is something that you should enjoy, and it is not entirely the favor of the old man."


Jiang Tian didn't understand the details behind the selection of the supernova.

But what the other party said was reasonable.

Just imagine, every martial artist who goes to the super city to participate in the follow-up selection is the ultimate evildoer of the younger generation.

Betting on such a person, the future harvest may be beyond imagination.

Just as he was thinking deeply, Bailixin had already delivered a carefully prepared gift.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, there are three things in the gift that the old man prepared:"

"One is the three Profound Dragon Pills. This pill has a unique effect. It is very effective in suppressing injuries and restoring bloodline spiritual power in front of battle. Many experts in the original god realm regard it as a trump card or even a life-saving pill. If you encounter passive situations and difficult situations in the follow-up competition, you can use it to restore your strength!"

"The second is the three-way sealing talisman. This talisman has only one function, which is to seal the blood and spiritual power in the body from loss. In some special or even extreme situations, it can help you stabilize your position!"

"The third is three drops of dragon blood. This blood is refined from the blood essence of a fifteenth-level dragon and monster. Its effect is extremely violent. It can forcibly stimulate the potential of the bloodline and increase the combat power in an emergency. How high it can be increased depends on the user's own blood aptitude and physique. But one thing is certain. Just one drop can make a child break through the limit and gain super combat power. Consumption, remember to use it with caution!"

Three Profound Dragon Pills, three Spirit Sealing Talismans, and three drops of Demon Dragon Blood!

The Xuanlong Pill is a nourishing elixir, which can instantly restore the spiritual power of the blood.

The spirit sealing talisman can suppress injuries, stabilize the situation, and prevent the rapid decline of combat power.

The blood of the dragon can forcibly increase the combat power, gain an advantage when the strength of the two sides is similar, and even turn defeat into victory in a passive situation!

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