Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6884--Andrew Sakya City

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They are always staring at the end of the constantly refreshed list, where it scrolls rapidly, and the subsequent rankings emerge one by one!

Five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand... Hum!

The list suddenly stopped scrolling!

Countless lines of sight looked towards the bottom of the list, the line of golden characters was slowly creeping, and finally a long-awaited name appeared!

Seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, Jiang Tian, ​​the original ranking, eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!


"Seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!"

"One thousand, one thousand!"

"Oh my god, he has risen to another thousand ranks!"

"This is too exaggerated!"


There was a sensation in the audience, and the violent noise directly overturned the clouds in the air!

Everyone was shocked by this ranking.

After all, according to their estimates, a rise of more than two hundred is already quite remarkable.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian suddenly rose to another thousand ranks!

The higher the reward list of the Dao Palace, the more difficult it is to increase, it's like climbing a mountain with a heavy load.

Not only is it facing huge consumption, but with every step up, the load will continue to increase.

One can imagine the pressure and difficulty we will face in the future!

But under such circumstances, Jiang Tian unexpectedly rose to another thousand ranks!


too exaggerated!

"He... once again broke the record of the Dao Palace's reward list!"

"It seems that his enemy has not given up and is determined to hunt and kill him!"

"The change in the rank of one thousand means that the number of bounties is increasing sharply, and his enemy has obviously spent a lot of money!"

"Yinlong's assassination is said to have never failed, this time Jiang Tian also broke their record, bringing a shameful record to Yinlong!"

"It's okay to kill a few people, but this humiliating and arrogant Yinlong organization can't swallow it. The next assassination must be ground-breaking, and it will hit the ground!"

Everyone analyzed various situations, and the atmosphere became extremely dignified.

"Jiang Tian...can he reach Chiyue City?"

"Don't forget that he has the space escaping technique. In terms of escaping speed alone, even the hidden dragon might not be able to catch up to him."

"So, he is more likely to face the assassination of Yinlong in Chiyue City?"

"This is almost inevitable. If you were the leader of Yinlong, would you let him leave Chiyue City alive?"

"of course not!"


Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but gasped again, feeling horrified.

Jiang Tian really had enough limelight in Bailian City, causing shocks time and time again, and writing records one after another.

But he also offended the forces that he couldn't afford to offend, and cast a heavy shadow over his trip to Chiyue City!

At the same time, in a secluded corner of the Lord's Mansion of Bailian City.

An ordinary-looking old man was holding seal formulas, and he was performing some kind of special communication secret technique.

"The target has already gone to Chiyue City. This person has an extremely domineering space domain and claims to be the hegemony of the void; Bailixin gave him three each of the Profound Dragon Pill, the Sealing Talisman, and the Blood of the Demon Dragon!"


Red Moon City.

The closest super city to Bailian City!

At this time, a huge star arena has already been set up on Chiyue Square, the largest square in the city!

The star ring is ten thousand feet long and wide, larger than the squares in many cities.

Surrounded by a powerful defensive circle, it can resist the warrior's spiritual bombardment to the greatest extent.

This is the Xingling of Chiyue City, who will be ready to welcome young evildoers from more than a dozen large cities in the surrounding area in three days!

As the only super city in this area, there are more than a dozen large cities around Chiyue City, and Bailian City is just one of them.

At the same time Jiang Tian left Bailian City, fierce battles were still going on in the star arenas in these large cities.

There are still three days left for the selection of the star ring, and these three days are also the challengers' last chance.

When the three-day deadline expires, the last champion will go to Chiyue City to participate in the next round of star competition selection on behalf of the large city where he is located.

Distance is not too big a problem for Jiang Tian.

Therefore, he did not go directly to Chiyue City, but came to another large city tens of millions of miles away from Bailian City to observe and compete.

This city is called Sakyamuni!

He has just come to Daoyu not long ago, although he has basically adapted to the martial arts environment here, but he still lacks sufficient understanding of the surrounding area and the situation of the young monsters who will participate in the next round of competition.

In addition, there are still a few days left, so there is no need to rush to Chiyue City now.

Therefore, he decisively turned around and came to Sakyamuni to observe the challenge of the star competition.

On the central square of Shakya City, a huge star ring has been set up!

The range of this star ring reaches thousands of feet, and its momentum is extremely magnificent!

In the corners around the arena, there stood a statue of Sakyamuni!

This statue has rosary beads around its neck, cassocks on its body, its eyes are slightly closed, its long eyebrows are drooping, and it exudes a solemn temperament!

These four Sakyamuni statues are the four eyes of Xinglei's defensive formation.

They resisted the bombardment of spiritual power erupted by the warriors on the ring, and firmly confined these powers on the star ring so that they would not affect the warriors watching the battle.

When Jiang Tian came to the central square, the showdown between the stars had already begun!

On the arena, a bald young man in Buddhist robes clasped his hands together, and a dazzling precious light erupted from his palms.

It was as if a round of scorching sun was rising in front of him, the dazzling light illuminated the entire square, and the astonishing aura was so overwhelming that countless onlookers couldn't look directly at it!

"Buddha's bloodline, this is the bloodline of Buddha's light!"

"Worthy of being the number one genius of the young generation in Sakyamuni, this hand of 'Buddha Light Crossing the Sun' alone is enough to make any opponent surrender!"

"It is said that the Buddha's light bloodline has a super strong Buddha nature, and it is simply a natural Buddha cultivator!"

"Fluoxiu, it's really too strong!"

Facing the dazzling golden Buddha light, the warriors in the square exclaimed like a wave.

Although they could no longer see clearly the situation of the fight in the arena, there was no doubt that Frosh had secured the victory of the competition.

It is only a matter of time before the opponent loses!

"What are you fighting for? When he uses 'Buddha's Light Crossing the Sun', the opponent should admit defeat!"

"I just want to kneel down and worship this solemn aura, so I don't have any intention of making a move!"

"Yes, facing this sun-like Buddha's light, I only have reverence and piety in my heart, as if I am facing a god and Buddha, let alone a shot, I don't even dare to have any blasphemous thoughts in my heart!"

"That's right, just imagining fighting against each other makes me feel deeply guilty!"

The sun-like golden Buddha's light shines on the square, and all the warriors have almost the same thoughts in their hearts. They feel that the owner of this Buddha's light is like a living god and Buddha that cannot be offended!

Bang bang bang!

After a while, a large number of warriors knelt down!

These people were relatively low-level, and almost all of them were juniors at the star level. They knelt down on the square and bowed devoutly to the golden Buddha light that covered the sky and the sun.

And after a while, this kneeling reaction spread to the warriors in the starry sky!

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