Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6898--Andrew Hidden Realm

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Crack... Rumble!

A purple extremely golden thunder blasted out, and the void collapsed directly, setting off a violent thunderstorm!

"very good!"

The improvement of Lei Li was also within his expectations, and one attempt was enough.

As for other methods, there is no need to deliberately try them.

Just use it directly in the follow-up actual combat!

All in all, his overall strength has skyrocketed this time around!

If it is said that before the advancement, he has the confidence to deal with existences of the level of Long Xuan and He Lao, and even force a fight.

So now, he has enough self-confidence to confront the opponent head-on, and even has a chance to win the battle!

At this moment, he wished he could find Long Xuan and He Lao immediately, and fight them again!

But it is obviously impossible to fight immediately, because the other person is in Shakya City, and the other party does not know where it is yet.

And after the next two days, he will go to Chiyue City to participate in the next round of star competition selection!

"As a super city in the surrounding area, what level will the top evildoer in Chiyue City be?"

Looking forward to the next round of Star Competition, Jiang Tian calmly analyzed various possibilities.

There is no doubt that, as a super city near and far, Chiyue City's martial arts level must be very high!

And it will definitely be higher than such large cities as Bailian City and Sakyamuni City!

From this point of view, the young generation's top evildoer in Chiyue City is likely to be stronger than him before he advanced!

Recalling his two battles in Bailian and Sakyamuni, although he had obvious advantages, he didn't widen the gap too much.

Objectively speaking, although these two battles were won, the advantages are not very huge.

The two phases prove that the strength of the top evildoers of the younger generation in Chiyue City can basically be guessed by more than seven or eight points.

And out of prudent considerations, he has to overestimate the opponent's level as much as possible!

After all, the evildoers born in places like super cities definitely have their own advantages!

Regardless of talent, aptitude, combat power or hole cards, they will never be worse than their peers in large cities.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian suddenly had an idea!

Suppress the realm!

His breakthrough is not suitable for publicity for the time being.

After all, what he is facing is not only the selection of the stars of the Supernova Conference, but also the threat of the hidden dragon organization hidden in the dark!

That kind of threat is the one that is truly deadly, and what he really needs to beware of!

Jiang Tian suppressed the thoughts in his heart, looked up and scanned the entire Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation.

The three thousand Buddha statues that opened their eyes before have all closed their eyes, their breath has returned to silence, and there is no longer any reaction!

In addition to these 3,000 Buddha statues, there are more than 7,000 Buddha statues.

What do those Buddha statues represent?

Jiang Tian used the technique of teleportation and swept across the formation, trying to wake up these Buddha statues.

But these Buddha statues didn't respond at all, even holding Sumeru Boundary Beads was useless!

After several attempts, I had no choice but to give up.

Maybe with his current strength, he still can't make the seven thousand Buddha statues react.

Perhaps this Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation has some other special ways.

But this has nothing to do with him for now!

After a moment of silence, Jiang Tian finished the retreat and left the Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation with the Sumeru Boundary Bead.

Before leaving, he used his blood will to forcibly seal the breath of his cultivation.

It seems that his realm is still in the middle stage of Starry Sky Realm!

Soon, Jiang Tian returned to the Foyin Hall.

"Little friend came out so soon?"

Seeing Jiang Tian leaving customs and returning, Sakyamuni was quite surprised.

"Lord Sakyamuni, how long has the time passed?"

Jiang Tian stayed in the Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, and went deep into the Sumeru Realm Bead to comprehend the three thousand worlds. He didn't know how long the time outside had passed.

At this time, I have to ask Sakyamuni Wuliang, lest I delay the time for the next round of Star Competitor selection.

Sakyamuni looked at Jiang Tian and said solemnly: "Two days!"

"Two days?"

Jiang Tian's eyes twitched!

He actually stayed in the Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation for two days!

In other words, the time to go to Chiyue City has come!

Sakyamuni waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, little friend, the selection rules of Chiyue City are roughly the same as here, and it won't end immediately, rushing over now will not delay things!"

"Well, it's really not a big problem for me, I just need the Lord Sakyamuni to point me in the right direction."

Jiang Tian is in charge of space escape, so naturally he doesn't worry much about the time to travel.

Sakyamuni smiled and said: "My little friend is too worried. Although my little friend is equipped with space escape skills, when it comes to going to Chiyue City, it is naturally more convenient to use the teleportation array."

"Teleportation Array!"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

"Yes, there is a dedicated teleportation array in the City Lord's Mansion, which can send you to Chiyue City at any time!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

It has to be said that Sakyamuni's preparations are still very thorough.

This really saves a lot of time.

And this time he visited the City Lord's Mansion, he did take advantage of the other party.

Among other things, just by devouring and refining the remaining will of the three thousand great worlds, he allowed himself to directly break through a realm, and his strength skyrocketed!

In contrast, the teleportation array is dispensable.

"This time I came to occupy the quota of your city, and benefited a lot from the Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation. I also invite the Lord Sakyamuni to be worshiped by the younger generation!"

Jiang Tian corrected his figure and saluted the other party solemnly.

But Shakya Wuliang twitched from the corner of his eyes, and quickly released a deep spiritual power to stop it.

"Jiang Xiaoyou doesn't have to be like this. When it comes to the quota, I actually don't regret it at all. After all, you are stronger. It is our luck to represent our Sakyamuni city!"

"Senior's words are serious!"

"No, what the old man said is the truth!"

Sakyamuni shook his head slowly, with a solemn expression.

Just imagine, if it wasn't for Jiang Tian's arrival, the place in Sakyamuni would have been occupied by Fo Luoxiu.

And Fo Luoxiu couldn't even beat Jiang Tian before entering the battle, how could he stand out in Chiyue City?

"By the way, what did you gain from being in the formation?"

"The harvest is indeed not small!" Jiang Tian returned the Sumeru Realm Bead with both hands.

Said: "In the Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, I felt the meaning of the three thousand Buddhas, and then I observed the phantoms of the three thousand worlds in the Sumeru Realm Bead. It can be said that I have a lot of insights!"

"Three thousand Buddha intentions?"

Sakyamuni was taken aback!


Seeing the other party's reaction, Jiang Tian was stunned!

Sakyamuni took a deep breath and stared deeply at Jiang Tian, ​​the shock in his eyes would last for a long time!

"Jiang Xiaoyou, I didn't expect you to be so lucky!"

The chance is deep?

Of course, Jiang Tian would not doubt this statement, after all, his realm improvement is genuine.

It's just... isn't the three thousand Buddha's wills an exaggeration?

Sakyamuni said: "You may not know what the three thousand Buddha intentions represent. It represents the powerful will of the Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddha Formation. It means that you have been recognized by the formation, and at the same time you have received the favor of the three thousand Buddhas. Jiang Xiaoyou, this is a great opportunity!"

"So it is!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

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