Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6910 He Xuan shot!

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The frenzy of spiritual power is too violent, and it is difficult for the divine sense to detect everything below. Only by driving these frenzy can the final result be seen.


The frenzied flow of spiritual power dissipated, but the situation below caused his pupils to shrink sharply!


Murderous intent surged on He Xuan's face, and he looked at the scene below in disbelief!

Above the ruins of the collapsed star ring, Jiang Tian stood in the air, surrounded by a mass of frenzied spatial spiritual power!

He Xuan frowned, deeply surprised!

From the looks of it, Jiang Tian seemed to be trapped.

But he knew that this child had a powerful space escape technique, and ordinary space spiritual power should not be able to trap him.

Then why is he being imprisoned above the ruins by the spiritual power of space now, instead of retreating quickly to guard against his next heavy blow?


He Xuan's heart sank, and he felt more and more wrong.

Jiang Tian seems to be trapped, but he is not!

And it seems that there is no sign of serious injury at all!

"This is impossible!"

He Xuan's face became ugly.

If it was Jiang Tian who fought against him last time, he would have been beaten so badly that he vomited blood and his breath plummeted.

But now Jiang Tian still looks calm and composed, without any signs of embarrassment.

Although the opponent stood there motionless, it was obviously not a sign of being imprisoned.

"Space spiritual power, space turbulence, space overlord, could it be that he..."

He Xuan muttered to himself, suddenly thought of a certain possibility!

Jiang Tian seems to be taking advantage of this opportunity to comprehend some kind of space power!

"Damn it!"

Thinking of this, He Xuan became extremely furious!

The murderous aura all over his body soared wildly, and he swung his right hand and slapped Jiang Tiankuang away!

Crackling... Boom, squeak!

With a slap of the palm, the void was directly exploded, and the terrifying power poured down, trying to kill Jiang Tian forcibly.

Above the ruins of the star ring!

Jiang Tian shook his arms, and the power of the void surrounding him suddenly began to vibrate violently.

Hum rumble!

Waves of void power surged rapidly and slowly spread towards the periphery, but did not spread too far.

Always shrouded within a radius of one hundred feet.

He Xuan's attack came down, and after touching the hundred-foot airspace, he was forcibly blocked by the rippling void force, making it difficult to advance an inch!

And outside the Baizhang airspace, the terrifying palm force descended without any delay, hitting the ground of the Xinglei ruins to the ground!

Crack, crack... Boom, boom!

The surrounding ground sank again and again, as if it was bottomless!

Only up and down the Baizhang Void where Jiang Tian is located, there is no difference!

This airspace seemed to be under Jiang Tian's control only, no matter how powerful He Xuan's power was, there was still nothing he could do.

The ground below the Baizhang airspace was also preserved and was not sunk.

It looks like an isolated island standing in the center of the abyss!

Hum rumble!

At this moment, Jiang Tian is urging the Void Hegemony to feel the power of the Void with all his strength.

These void forces were not caused by him, but by He Xuan's mad attack.

Compared with the power obtained by tearing the void with his sword intent, it is more violent and turbulent, and it is also a rare opportunity.

Hum rumble!

The Void Hegemony body is showing its power, constantly swallowing the power of the surrounding void, maintaining the power of the Void Hegemony.


Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, looking at He Xuan slightly excitedly.

With the help of He Xuan's shot, he captured a large amount of void power, which also increased the power of the void hegemony.

At this moment, as long as he maintains the void hegemony, He Xuan's offensive can't help him.

Compared with the embarrassment and danger of being seriously injured in the last fight, he now has the full strength to contend against He Xuan!


Jiang Tian's eyes shone coldly!

The Void Hegemony retracted instantly, his figure disappeared, and then appeared in front of He Xuan.


He Xuan was not surprised, he was already prepared and suddenly blasted out with both fists shaking.

It can be said that he is not worried about Jiang Tian's surprise attack.

On the contrary, the fear is that Jiang Tian will flee without a fight!

Sitting on the powerful space escape technique, Jiang Tian tried his best to escape, but he was really not easy to chase.

But now, Jiang Tian chooses to collide with him head-on, which is actually in his favor!

At the same time that He Xuan's fists blasted out, Jiang Tian had already launched the void domain!

But the range is only three feet!

Crack... bang bang, bang!

A terrifying loud noise exploded in the air, and the entire square was shaken wildly, as if the sky was about to collapse completely!

The warriors and common people who had been in deep panic for a long time were horrified, and were terrified again!

But at the same time!

Hum rumble!

The three-zhang void hegemony had already unfolded, and Jiang Tian and He Xuan were in it at the same time.

When He Xuan's seemingly terrifying fist was more than a foot away from Jiang Tian, ​​he was forcibly suppressed by the power of the Void Dominion, unable to advance an inch!

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

"Impossible, no way!"

He Xuan screamed wildly, his heart filled with horror!

He has already discovered that this is some kind of space domain, but even if it is a space domain, it shouldn't be difficult to break through it with his power.

Why can Jiang Tian fully suppress his power with this mere three-foot-sized space domain?

At a distance of about ten feet, Jiang Tian was right in front of him, and he could kill him with just raising his hand.

Why is his power so out of reach?

"Die, die for me!"

He Xuan shouted wildly, ready to take steps to kill Jiang Tian.

Then it was discovered that he couldn't move!


He Xuan sucked in a cold breath, and a trace of panic flashed in his heart!

How can it be?

The mere space domain actually suppressed him?

Should not!

This should not be at all!

"You don't have to struggle anymore, you are no longer my opponent!"

Jiang Tian sneered, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"You are dreaming!"

As a great power in the middle stage of the original god realm, He Xuan has absolute confidence in his own strength.

It was just an accident when Jiang Tian killed Chi Heng that day.

If the time comes again, Jiang Tian will never succeed anyway, and will be killed by him on the spot!



He Xuan frenziedly stimulated his bloodline spiritual power, trying to counteract the suppression of the Void Hegemony.

It has to be said that his strength is indeed very strong!

After the bloodline spiritual power erupted, the imprisoned body also began to tremble and shake slightly, as if it could struggle to escape in the next moment!


Jiang Tian waved gently.

The power of the void hegemony skyrocketed, and the huge coercion held He Xuan down tightly again!


He Xuan's heart sank suddenly, and his expression turned extremely ugly!

The current Jiang Tian only needs one space field to make him unable to break free?

Although he didn't want to admit it, the facts in front of him were quite cruel.

Always remind him that Jiang Tian is not what he used to be!

"Blood vision, open!"


He Xuan's body was suppressed, but his blood and spiritual power could still be mobilized.

Resolutely inspired the blood vision!


The next moment, a strange round of Xuanyue rose up, ignoring the confinement of the void hegemony, and directly straddled the sky above the two of them!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

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