Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6913--Andrew Horror Knife

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"Dao Palace!"

"The reward list is also released by Dao Palace!"

"The background of Dao Palace is too scary, but what are those hidden forces?" someone asked.

"Hidden forces are naturally forces that will not be easily revealed in front of the world. Do you think the Taoist Palace is very strong, but let me tell you, none of those hidden forces are worse than the Taoist Palace, and they even have a deeper foundation!"

"My God, the hidden forces are so terrifying!"

"How many such hidden forces are there in Dao Domain?"

"I don't know, no one knows about this issue, I can only say... a lot!"

"A lot?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, with horror in their eyes.

A lot means a lot!

The scale and quantity of this hidden force seems to be quite large!

"But you don't have to worry, it's hard for us to get in touch with even the strong ones in the Dao Palace, and the hidden forces are even farther away from us!" The old man waved his hand and said.

"Okay, but I still feel that the city lord can't just stop there!"

"Yes, if you let him go like this, and even let him participate in the Supernova Conference with the quota of Chiyue City, the Lord City Master will probably be so depressed that he vomits blood, right?"

"No matter how high his realm is and how big his structure is, I don't think it's possible for him to do that!"

Everyone looked towards the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, waiting for the next reaction from the City Lord.

At this moment, a big red hand suddenly emerged from the front of the main hall of the city lord's mansion, like a palm of a god, with five fingers spread wide to grab Jiang Tian!



A terrifying loud noise spread throughout the void, and the coercion emanating from this big red hand greatly exceeded the previous coercion!


Jiang Tian's expression also became serious.

Chi Xuntian's strength is much higher than that of He Xuan, and he is probably a late-stage master of the original god realm.

This palm print just came from the sky, before it actually landed, it made him feel like he was about to suffocate!

The huge coercion approached step by step with the palm, and it rose sharply with a terrifying momentum!

Ka Ka Ka!

bang bang!

The real dragon overlord body was the first to feel this terrifying power, and disturbing noises came out of its body!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's heart sank, his face was extremely ugly!

Just the power of one palm made him realize the gap between the two!

It was just guessing and inference before, but now, he can be sure that this Chi Xuntian Chicheng Lord must be a late-stage power in the original God Realm!

Neither He Xuan nor Long Xuan could give him such pressure at all!

Chi Xuntian's strength, he still can't compete head-on!

Once this palm print is grasped, the consequences will be disastrous!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian urges the Void Overlord body fiercely, ready to dodge first.

But at this moment, the palm print shook all five fingers across a thousand feet of void!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The void above the entire Xinglei ruins was directly blasted by the coercion of the five fingers!

Crack, crack, crack... Rumble!

The terrifying loud noise sent the void, and Jiang Tian's body shook violently, and he was knocked hundreds of feet down by the terrifying coercion.

Just when he was about to touch the ground, he let out a loud shout and used the teleportation technique to sweep across thousands of feet!


The coercion from the five finger shadows hit the ground, knocking down the ruins of Xingling directly!

Before Jiang Tian had time to rejoice, the big red hand suddenly swept across, and the edge of the huge palm was like a thick blunt knife, breaking through the void and rushing towards Jiang Tian!

Crack, crack, crack... Rumble!

The void exploded layer by layer, and thick, ferocious space cracks emerged sharply.

The longest one is nearly ten thousand feet long!

It raged and plundered, directly drawing a huge ditch like a moat in the ruined square, and then swept into the crowd in the distance, killing a large number of strong people!

Spatial cracks like this, with the big red hand slamming across, constantly emerged, and their power was terrifying!

Jiang Tian's face was extremely serious!

He knew that in the face of such an attack, the "Star Sword Field" couldn't stop it at all.

Although the void hegemony is stronger, it is not enough to compete with the mad power of the late stage of the original god realm!


He can only dodge again!

But he won't run away!

Because in front of a power like Chi Xuntian, running away is useless!

And he didn't want to escape either!

Such a powerful enemy is a huge threat after all, and must be eliminated decisively!

In an instant, Jiang Tian was ready, and if necessary, he would not hesitate to use his powerful hole cards to kill the opponent!

But now, it's not the time yet!


With a roar, Jiang Tian has already launched the Void Domination!

Baizhang Void Hegemony protected him in the middle, facing the impact of the giant red palm!

The next moment, the giant red palm cut across like a blunt knife.


Accompanied by a terrifying bang, the void hegemony instantly collapsed!

Jiang Tian's complexion changed suddenly, and his whole body was swept thousands of feet into the air, his breath fluctuated sharply, and his realm even fluctuated!

Buzz buzz...boom!



"That's a sign that the bottleneck of cultivation has been broken!"

"Oh my god, he's advancing, just before the battle?"


The warriors watching the battle from a distance were shocked and deeply shocked!

"No!" An old man soon realized something was wrong.

"He is not advancing, but the secret technique that conceals the realm has been broken, and what is revealed at this moment is his true cultivation!"

"Starry sky realm...late stage?"

"Oh my god, he's really only a late-stage Starry Sky Realm!"


The crowd was shocked again!

They guessed and guessed, and it seemed that only a very few people had guessed Jiang Tian's realm.

But the speculation at the time was immediately overturned by others.

It wasn't until now that they realized that Jiang Tian was really only at the late stage of the Starry Sky Realm!

"Such a shallow state, but can have such a terrifying combat power, this kid's potential is simply inestimable!"

"If there were no personal enmities, wouldn't it be a good thing for him to represent Chiyue City to participate in the Supernova Conference?"

"It's useless, he has a blood feud with the city lord, and it is destined to end!"

"Obviously, he can't leave Chiyue City alive, and he can't even leave this square alive!"

Everyone fell into silence, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing!

In front of the terrifying Chi Xuntian, Jiang Tian couldn't even resist this giant palm of spiritual power, so why talk about self-protection?

This supreme evildoer from Central Territory will perish in Chiyue City after all!

Before this, no one thought that a selection for the star competition, which was watched by millions of people, would turn into the current situation.

Ka Ka Ka!

Hum... rumbling!

Jiang Tian's body trembled continuously, and there were disturbing noises in his body!

His eyes were full of shock, but there was no fear at all!

On the contrary, there was even a hint of excitement in his eyes!

He wiped off the blood stained at the corner of his mouth, and his fighting spirit increased instead of diminishing!

"This is the power of the middle stage of the original god realm!"

This palm cut across, blasting the Void Hegemony, making him feel the power beyond the limit!

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