Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6925--Andrew half-step original God Realm

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Because the levels of these five spiritual veins are the same, the only difference is that the one just now gave birth to a trace of spiritual energy.

But with the first appearance of Qiyun, it will take tens of thousands of years to truly evolve into a divine meridian!

All in all, the order in which the spiritual veins are closed will not fundamentally affect the problems he encounters.

"Don't worry about that!"

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Jiang Tian devoured and refined the spiritual liquid with all his strength.

Rumble... Rumble!

The violent psychic liquid poured into his body, making his bloodlines and spiritual power continuously increase.

But when stepping into that realm gap, the changes brought about by the growth of spiritual power gradually disappeared!


Jiang Tian frowned, but he wasn't very surprised.

This is an inevitable phenomenon caused by the impact of bloodline spiritual power on the realm gap.

Although his bloodline spiritual power has been fully filled, reaching 100%, his realm has also reached the peak of the late stage of the Starry Sky Realm.

But it doesn't mean that he can jump to the half-step original god realm in one fell swoop!

Jiang Tian, ​​who understood this, did not panic in the slightest, step by step refining the huge amount of psychic liquid poured into his body.


The spiritual power of his bloodline rose again and again, even though it seemed to have no effect, it was actually steadily rising.

It's just that this kind of ascent is consumed and suppressed by the power of the realm gap, so that no obvious progress can be seen in a short period of time.

Half a day later, he had completely refined the psychic fluids of the front and back psychic veins.

At this time, the realm gap still hasn't been crossed, it still lies ahead, blocking his steps towards the half-step original god realm!


Jiang Tian didn't stop, and came to the third best holy vein!

The situation here is the same as the second way, and he devoured it again in it.


A huge amount of psychic liquid entered the body, pushing Jiang Tian's aura to rise continuously.

At this time, the realm gap finally changed a little!

This gap seems to be narrowing!

In fact, it wasn't the narrowing of the gap, but a normal change brought about by Jiang Tian's slow advancement of the realm after refining a huge amount of spiritual liquid in a short period of time!


Jiang Tian's eyes shone with excitement!

He had already seen half a step to the other side of the original God Realm, and he was waving to him not far away.

As long as you work harder, you will be able to pass through successfully and become a real evildoer in the half-step original god realm!


A huge amount of spiritual liquid was poured into the body, and Jiang Tian's refining speed became faster and faster.

The realm gap continues to narrow, and the distance to the other side is getting closer and closer!

After another half a day, all the spiritual liquid swallowed into the body was refined and emptied.

The realm gap has been further widened by a big step, half a step away from the original god realm, and only the last big step is left!

"The three spiritual veins still failed to allow me to step into the original god realm. Is this too exaggerated?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, feeling a little weird.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved!


Because Chi Xuntian, who was beheaded by him, had just entered the late stage of the original god realm.

And before that, the other party stayed in the middle stage of the original god realm for at least a thousand years!

It is a good example that it is so difficult to break through guarding the five best sacred veins!

Although Chi Xuntian's combat power was stronger than Jiang Tian's, it didn't widen the gap.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Jiang Tian to devour three spiritual veins at this moment and has not yet entered half a step into the original god realm!

"The fourth best holy vein, swallow!"

Jiang Tian came to the center of the fourth best holy vein and devoured it crazily!


A huge amount of psychic liquid was poured into the body at a terrifying speed, and Jiang Tian's aura rose steadily, getting stronger and stronger!

Finally, after half a day, his cultivation aura successfully crossed the boundary gap and reached the level of the half-step original god realm!

"Half step to the original god realm, it's done!"

Feeling the change of power, Jiang Tian's eyes flickered!

Half step to the original god state, a state that he had longed for.

Now, here he is!

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of all the situations in the "Critical Dao Domain" before.

At that time, the journey of "Critical Dao Realm" had not yet ended, and Si Yu'er had already stepped into the half-step of the original god realm.

After that, Qin Chuan and Yuan Chen, the two monsters of the central region, also stepped into the half-step original god realm!

As evildoers of the same generation who came out of the Central Territory, these three were the first three to step into the original god realm!

Although it is difficult to compare with him in terms of combat power, he is still ahead in terms of realm.

And now, after a period of time, he has finally reached the half-step original god level!

Thinking about it at this time, it is inevitable that I am a little excited and sentimental.

"Si Yuer, Qin Chuan, Yuan Chen, I don't know where you are now, are you all okay?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, and the figures of those three evildoers of the same generation appeared in his mind.

But his brows wrinkled accordingly!

If there is no special opportunity, even if the three of them have half a step of the original god realm, it may be difficult for them to stand firm after entering the dao domain.

Not to mention anything else, just judging from his various encounters after entering the Dao Domain, it is indeed difficult for the strength of the three to gain a foothold here.

Of course, it is not ruled out that they encounter rare opportunities!

After all, their aptitudes are very monstrous, and it is very possible that they will be favored and cultivated by some powerful forces.

"I hope you are all okay, take care!"

Jiang Tian looked forward to the day when he would meet them again.

At that time, what state should Si Yuer and the others be in?

After suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Jiang Tian felt the basically stable state, and came to the fifth best holy vein again!

There are five best holy veins in Chiyue City City Lord's Mansion, and the first four have been sucked dry by him.

Now there is only the fifth way left, do you want to continue?


Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Tian decisively swept into the center of the spirit vein and began to devour it.

But he stopped quickly!

Because he found that the essence of this spirit vein has little effect on him!

"The effectiveness has declined!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, quite disappointed.

That's right, he has devoured four top-grade holy veins one after another, and he has also crossed the cultivation gap and reached the level of the half-step original god realm.

With the current level of cultivation, if you go to enjoy the best sacred veins, the effect will naturally decline.

It's just that I didn't expect that the decline was so obvious!

He knew that his retreat in Chiyue City could be over!


Jiang Tian decisively swept out of Linghu Lake and walked out of the forbidden area.

After leaving the forbidden area, the elder in red robe was still guarding outside.

"My subordinates welcome the Lord City Master to leave the customs!"


Jiang Tian responded blankly.

He didn't reveal his realm, and was still suppressed in the late stage of the Starry Sky Realm.

Of course, his cultivation aura is indeed much stronger than before. After all, he has retreated in the spiritual veins. If there is no change, it is obviously unreasonable.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Tian saw the old man's hesitation, so he asked.


"Just say so, don't be so submissive!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and said, while walking forward without stopping.

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