Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6948 He is tonic!

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I saw him flipping his right hand, and took out a strange red scissors-shaped magic weapon that was several rains long!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

This magic weapon reminded him of the giant monster's hand bone!

Especially the powerful method "Strangle the Sky Finger" launched by the giant monster's hand bone!

Obviously, this is a hole card of the opponent, and it is likely to be a fairy treasure level existence!

Such a treasure, in the hands of a warrior of the level of the scarlet-robed evildoer, must be able to exert terrifying power.

Don't be careless!

Jiang Tian glanced at Baizhang Void, this is exactly the void hegemonic domain created by the Void Hegemony Body!

At this time, the cracks in space blasted by the red-robed evildoer have spread all over the Baizhang airspace.

Under their violent bombardment, strands of void force continuously penetrated into the Baizhang airspace.

And finally poured into his body!

He enjoys this kind of nourishment very much, because for the Void Hegemony, the benefits of this Void Power are great.

Ordinary spatial spiritual power can no longer improve his Void Super Body.

Only the power of the void can make the void hegemony continue to grow stronger.

Although he himself can obtain the power of the void by cutting the void with his sword intent, it has to be said that it is a bit costly, and it is far less powerful than the power of the void brought by the opponent's desperate bombardment.

He was a little intoxicated by this kind of nourishment and didn't want to stop immediately.

But looking at the opponent's appearance, it is obvious that he will not be given enough time to absorb the power of the void.

"Forget it!"

Jiang Tian had to stop the tonic of Void Dominant Body ahead of time.

With a wave of his hand, the airspace of a hundred feet suddenly spread to a range of thousands of feet!


The red-robed evildoer who was about to activate the magic weapon was stunned for a moment!

The sudden change in the Baizhang airspace, Jiang Tian couldn't bear it?

He was overjoyed immediately, and the momentum of his attack was also slowed down.

But the next moment, he saw an amazing picture!

The void domain that expanded to thousands of feet began to shrink sharply, wrapping back the void power released by the void cracks, and pouring it madly into Jiang Tian's body!

"What is he doing?"

The red-robed evildoer's eyelids twitched wildly, horrified!

Space hegemony, the power of the void!


He is tonic!

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

The red-robed evildoer was completely stunned!

Jiang Tian is actually using the power of space cracks to nourish his space dominance body!

Have to say, this is amazing!

After a moment of shock, the red-robed evildoer finally woke up!


The opponent is making up for it with the help of the countless space cracks that he shot frantically!

In other words, all the offensives that he thought he was strong just now were used by Jiang Tian to supplement them!

Jiang Tian is using him!

"Jiang Tian, ​​how dare you plot against me?"

The red-robed evildoer is angry!

Completely angry!

This evildoer from the northern city was so shrewd that he even played tricks on him to his face.

How can I bear it?

Crack...crack, rumble, rumble!

The red-robed evildoer opened and closed his right hand, and the magic weapon of red scissors showed its power rapidly.

Two red rainbows pierced through the air in front of him, launching a horrifying attack!

The void in front of him was cut open in an instant, and the two red giant rainbows merged at a terrifying speed, aiming directly at Jiang Tian himself!

"Isn't the evildoer in the south relying on his cultivation base to be strong, why is he so impatient to use the fairy treasure?"


Jiang Tian appeared a thousand feet away behind the evildoer in red.

Looking past the other party, he looked at the place where he had just stood.

With the stranding of the two giant red rainbows, that void has completely collapsed, and the terrifying space storm tore apart everything there!

Jiang Tian's eyes were extremely cold!

That is to say, if he was replaced by another northern evildoer, he would be seriously injured, and he might even fall directly!

A hint of hostility flashed in the eyes of the red-robed evildoer!

In the beginning, he never thought that he would need to use this treasure.

But there is no way, the scene of Jiang Tian supplementing with the help of space cracks has shocked him deeply.

He even felt that he was being tricked, that's why he couldn't wait to stimulate Chongbao!

As for whether Jiang Tian will be seriously injured and fall, it is not in his consideration. What he wants is victory, other than that is not important!

"The Supernova Conference did not prohibit the use of fairy treasures, you can use them if you have them!"

The red-robed evildoer looked at Jiang Tian, ​​not caring about the other party's questioning.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I admit that I underestimated your strength, and even everyone underestimated you. When you meet a difficult opponent like you, it is not an exaggeration to use the fairy treasure!"

"Come again!"


The monster in the red robe exerted force with his right hand, and when the red scissors opened and closed, two giant red rainbows smashed the void again!

The terrifying space storm raged endlessly, Jiang Tian moved thousands of feet across, and pointed his right hand towards the red-robed evildoer in the air!

"Xianbao, is it strong?"

"Strangle the fingers!"

Crack... Rumble!

Following the merging of Jiang Tianshi's middle fingers, two purple finger shadows suddenly appeared on the left and right sides of the red-robed evildoer, and twisted together at a terrifying speed!

"not good!"

The face of the red-robed evildoer changed drastically, but he did not fall into a panic.

Holding the magic weapon of red scissors with both hands, he yanked it out!

Crack... Rumble!

The magic weapon of red scissors opened at an exaggerated angle, and the two red giant rainbows suddenly propped up, resisting the mad attack of the two purple finger shadows!

Crack... Rumble!

The purple finger shadow slammed down, and collided with the rapidly propped up red giant rainbow, making a terrifying noise!


This scene directly detonated the tens of millions of warriors who watched the battle outside the Gods of Creation!

Everyone's emotions exploded instantly, and the atmosphere reached its climax since the opening!

"This magic weapon is so powerful!"

"The scarlet red is like scissors, and the long rainbow is splitting into the sky. If I guessed correctly, this should be the fairy treasure Chihong scissors that was famous ten thousand years ago!"

"Red Rainbow Scissors!"

"So it's this immortal treasure!"


There was another uproar in the venue, everyone looked at the scarlet rainbow scissors in the hands of the red-robed evildoer, with shock in their eyes.

The name of Chihongjian is no stranger to them, because it is one of the treasures of the immortal rank that was once famous in dozens of super cities around it ten thousand years ago.

In that era, I don't know how many powerful people died under this heavy treasure.

Although this treasure disappeared after Wan Na, in fact, there have been no interruptions about its whereabouts and various rumors for thousands of years.

"It turned out to be this heavy treasure. I didn't expect to see it here today!"

"The Red Rainbow Scissors is a heavy weapon for attacking and attacking. It is extremely powerful, extremely fast, and has a wide range of effects. With this magic weapon in hand, the red-robed evildoer must be invincible!"

"Facing the powerful enemy with the red rainbow scissors, does Jiang Tian still have any hope of winning?"

"Difficult, too difficult!"

There was wild shouts in the field, and everyone was shocked.

The spectators who were not very optimistic about Jiang Tian at first were even less optimistic about him now.

There is no way, the prestige of Chihongjian has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for thousands of years.

In Dao Domain, especially in the minds of the dozens of surrounding warriors who are familiar with its legends, this is an extremely terrifying attacking treasure, almost unstoppable by the power of the same level!

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