Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6990 Devour, spike!

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These dozen evildoers seem to have left the God Constructing Realm, but in fact they have not given up.

After the Supernova Conference was completely over, they used the secret tracking technique to catch up and launched a lightning raid!

They were very happy with the result!

The six-pointed star array integrates tracking and suppression, and Jiang Tian was seriously injured as soon as Fang appeared!

There was a cold light in Jiang Tian's eyes!

If it weren't for the super physique of a real dragon, he might have been seriously injured at this time!

The physical body and the void dual overlord body gave him a super defense, allowing him to forcibly withstand the violent bombardment of the hexagram circle!

"You can still hold on, it seems that you still underestimated you, Jiang Tian!"

"It's a pity that it's useless, you have been severely injured by the six-pointed star array, and your combat power has been greatly reduced!"

"There is one detail that you need to understand. In addition to tracking and suppressing the six-pointed star array, it also has an interesting magical function, and that is the power of the contract!"

"Huh?" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, and his murderous intent suddenly rose!

The power of the contract!

It's the power of the contract again!

"After being hit by the six-pointed star circle, there will be super powerful contract power blasting into the body at the same time. Although you survived by chance, you cannot escape the suppression of the contract power. You can feel your bloodline spiritual power and Shenhai will. Is there anything unusual?"

The six-pointed star circle dispersed, and a dozen or so western evildoers appeared, looking at Jiang Tian as if they were looking at a dead person.

"Bloodline spiritual power, divine sea will!"

Jiang Tian silently sensed his own condition.


There is a strange and powerful force entrenched in his sea of ​​qi and sea of ​​spirit respectively, as if blocking his cultivation, making him powerless to resist!

But is he really desperate?

of course not!

"Nie Lei, go up!"

Crack... Rumble!

A huge black shadow spread out from the Divine Sea, setting off a terrible storm!

Wherever this black shadow went, it forcibly devoured the power of the contract brought by the six-pointed star.

Nie Lei feasted on it, and his aura rose rapidly, reaching a certain astonishing level!

In the sea of ​​air!

The Leiyuan Immortal Physique was also aroused, forming a huge vortex that crazily devoured the power of the six-pointed star.


In an instant, the will of the six-pointed star was swallowed up, and was crushed into flying ash by the Leiyuan fairy body!

"The so-called power of the contract is nothing more than that!"

Jiang Tian sneered, his breath began to rise!



"How can it be?"

"That is the power of the contract of the six-pointed star circle, no one can resist it!"

The monsters in the West were shocked and couldn't believe their eyes!

As strong as the bombardment of the six-pointed star circle, under the suppression of the huge power of the contract, Jiang Tian's breath can still recover?

"Hey, that's not right!"

"The power of the contract has disappeared, and the suppression of the six-pointed star array has failed!"

"Damn! How could this be?"

A dozen people panicked immediately!

They have seen Jiang Tian's methods before.

But they had more confidence in the six-pointed star array, and with the help of this array, they could easily besiege and kill Jiang Tian.

But now, everything is completely unexpected!

"The situation is wrong!"

"Restart the magic circle and suppress him!"

"Six-pointed star array, get up!"


More than a dozen evildoers joined forces, and the six-pointed star circle broke out again!

Amidst the violent roar, the six-pointed star pillar crashed down again.

Jiang Tian, ​​who had been prepared for a long time, yelled loudly, and a hundred feet of Void Dominance rose up outside him!


The six-pointed star pillar fell lightly. Although the power of the formation was consumed by the hegemony, the power of the contract did not disappear.

It ignored the power of the void hegemony and directly blasted into Jiang Tian's body, causing his aura to fluctuate again.

But this time, no obvious injuries were caused to him!

"Hahahaha, the space domain is useless, even if you can consume the power of the six-pointed star pillar, you can't resist the power of the contract!"

"I don't believe that you can resist the suppression of the power of the contract forever!"

More than a dozen evildoers screamed wildly, and frequently urged the hexagram circle to suppress it!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

A series of six-pointed star pillars blasted down, and most of the power was consumed by the Void Hegemony, but the force of the contract still blasted into Jiang Tian's body without hindrance.

At this time, Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy, and extremely excited!

"Well done!"

The power of the contract gathered in his sea of ​​gods and sea of ​​qi respectively, but before they could rage wildly, they were swallowed up by Nie Lei and Lei Yuan's immortal body!

In the sea of ​​gods, the force of the contract is continuously nourished, making the aura of evil thunder stronger and stronger!

In the sea of ​​qi, the Leiyuan Immortal Physique frantically devoured the power of the contract, crushing them to pieces!

Rumble... boom rumble!

Jiang Tian swallowed the spiritual fruit at the same time, and the aura of the elixir rose rapidly, reaching the peak!

The injury that was blasted by the six-pointed star just now has fully recovered!


"The situation is wrong, everyone be careful!"

"The six-pointed star circle is useless to him, let's attack him together!"



There were more than a dozen violent shouts, but only six of them really rushed out.

The other dozen or so people chanted loudly, but at the moment they turned to Jiang Tian among their companions, they fled and looted desperately!

They want to escape!


Jiang Tian is a terrifying evildoer with instant killing skills. With the hexagram circle ineffective, there is no chance of winning the siege by a dozen of them.

It is even possible to be killed instantly and lose your life!

And the next scene is completely in line with their judgment!


Jiang Tian gave a cold shout, and launched an instant killing technique!

Chi Chi Chi... Pu Pu Pu!

"Damn it!"

"not good!"

"help me……"


With the sound of screams, six evildoers from the West were instantly killed by him!


"Run away!"

Boom... Boom!

More than a dozen Western evildoers were terrified and ran away at a frantic speed.

But in the end, only three of them used life-saving means to tear apart the void and escape forcefully.

The remaining nine were all imprisoned by Jiang Tian with space means, and they were beheaded to death!


The spatial spiritual power slowly rewinded, bringing back more than a dozen storage rings.

Jiang Tian didn't go after the three evildoers who forcibly escaped, because the other party escaped too fast, and it would be quite troublesome for him to track them even with the space escape technique.


Jiang Tian decided not to stay any longer, and returned to Chiyue City first.

Hum rumble!

The purple light suddenly appeared!

The large array of Huakong took Jiang Tian away from afar!


Red Moon City!

Bang, click... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and there was a frenzied scene in Chiyue City, all kinds of auras exploded wildly, and tragic scenes appeared everywhere!

"Jie Jie, this is Jiang Tian's gift to you!"

"Enjoy it!"

Crack... Rumble!

More than a dozen black-robed warriors shot through the air, destroyed a large number of buildings, and killed countless warriors and civilians!

The elders of the City Lord's Mansion once resisted, but soon suffered heavy casualties and were unable to resist!

"You guys are talking nonsense!"

"City Lord Jiang has never been so violent since he took office, and he has not even made any excessive demands. Who are you, and why are you pretending to destroy Chiyue City in his name?"

Several elders of the city lord's mansion dragged their seriously injured bodies and questioned them from afar.

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