Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7000 Void arena, limited to three days!

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"Until that step, not only the city lord himself will be in crisis, but Chiyue City will also be completely destroyed!"

"Your City Lord, think twice!"

All the elders bowed down and tried their best to stop Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tian is beyond doubt.

"I've made up my mind, there's no need to discuss it!"

"Release the news immediately. I will set up a display in the Nanlu Mountain of Nanwai. Using the three treasures and all my own opportunities as bargaining chips, I will invite all powerful people to come to the martial arts competition. The winner's treasure will be chosen!"


There was an uproar in the hall, and everyone was shocked!

This decision shocked them and proved Jiang Tian's confidence and determination.

But they are not optimistic about Jiang Tian, ​​because this news will definitely detonate the surrounding super cities.

At that time, there will be countless martial arts experts flocking to start a frenzied snatch!

Although Jiang Tian got the exemption from the Supernova Conference, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to block the tide of all kinds of powers.

In short, the troubles in Chiyue City may be even greater this time!

It's just that Jiang Tian is the lord of a city, and they are the elders under him, and they are the elders who have just been elected, so they dare not forcibly stop them.

"That's all, that's all!"

"Maybe this is the doomed doom of Chiyue City, we are doomed!"

"The city lord has risked his life and wealth, what else can we say?"

"Fight, fight him!"

"It's a big deal to die together!"

"Master City Master, we are willing to fight to the death with you to the end!"


All the elders raised their arms and shouted like a rainbow!

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said: "I would like to add that the treasures of chance on my body will be refined every day. The longer the time delays, the stronger my strength will be, and the less benefits they will get. Those who want to seize these treasures must come as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer the time delays, the less they will get any benefits!"


Although everyone had doubts, they did not dare to have any objections.

After all, Jiang Tian had already made up his mind, and they just had to execute it!

Next, the elders carried out Jiang Tian's order.

Once the news was released, it immediately detonated the whole city!


"The City Lord is going to set up a show in Nanlu Mountain!"

"He wants to invite all kinds of powerful people to come to the game, and the winner can choose his treasures and opportunities!"

"Your Majesty the City Lord is so courageous and generous!"

"Go and see!"

"What are you panicking? According to the agreement of the City Lord's Mansion, this appointment will start after three days. The City Lord will not accept the challenge within three days!"

"Then we have to rush over there to take a good position, otherwise do you think we will still have a place to stay after three days?"

"Yes, then let's go!"


In Chiyue City, countless figures rose from the air, rushing to Nanlu Mountain first to seize the favorable terrain for watching the battle.

After Jiang Tian briefly explained the affairs in the city, he immediately used the space escape technique and came to the sky above Nanlu Mountain.

Nanlu Mountain is a huge mountain 100,000 miles south of Chiyue City!

This distance is not too far for a martial artist, and it can be reached in an instant for him!

However, he didn't directly level Nanlu Mountain like normal setting up a challenge.

Instead, he stepped on his right foot and set up a void arena above Nanlu Mountain with the power of Void Void Dominant Body!

Void arena!

It is a ring formed by forcibly confining a piece of void with the help of powerful space power!

Compared with ordinary arenas, this kind of arena is less expensive and will not increase the burden on the scarred and riddled Chiyue City.

It doesn't need to cost him too many resources!

To put it simply, it can be done with one kick!


Jiang Tian set down the void arena, and then sat cross-legged in the center of the arena to retreat silently!

"Come on, let me experience your effect!"

The original deified celestial pill!

Jiang Tian took out this elixir and swallowed it without hesitation!


The berserk medicinal power dissipated in an instant, and a special medicinal power that only the strong at the original god level could withstand exploded instantly!

A terrifying torrent crazily impacted his body and blood, setting off waves of medicinal power in his body!

This kind of power is enough to destroy the physical body of any warrior in the Starry Sky Realm, even if it is a real powerhouse at the original God Realm level, it is difficult to bear it easily.

Anyone who is familiar with the original deified celestial pill knows one of its taboos, that is, it cannot be refined while the body is injured, otherwise it will be a dead end!

Because even a strong man at the level of the original God Realm, it is difficult to resist its torrent of medicinal power!

If a martial artist at the level of the starry sky realm blindly swallows this elixir, it is very likely that his body will be destroyed by the power of the medicine immediately, and his body will explode to death!

But for Jiang Tian, ​​this is not a problem!

He possesses two overlord physiques of Void and True Dragon, and his combat power far exceeds that of ordinary people. It is not too difficult to bear the power of the original deified Tiandan.


Ho ho ho!

The terrifying medicinal power surged crazily in his body, setting off huge waves of blood and spiritual power like a howling sea!

At this moment, his physical body and blood were subjected to an unprecedented violent impact, his eyes shrank sharply, and he gasped!

"Hiss! The original deified celestial pill is really extraordinary!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes sparkling!

It was the first time he felt such a majestic medicinal power.

Compared with the extreme pressure endured at the edge of the Zixuan Realm in the past, it is even stronger!

Of course, that was the former Zixuan Realm, and the current Zixuan Realm has expanded a lot, and the ultimate pressure must have also greatly increased.

As for who is stronger and who is weaker, I am afraid it is still a suspense!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian triggered the power of the medicine to travel and wash away in the body.

Wherever he went, the majestic medicinal power washed his blood, flesh and bones in a crushing manner.

This is a special medicinal power that is different from his power in the Starry Sky Realm, and it contains a powerful power that even the strong in the original God Realm can hardly bear.

Buzz buzz!

A special movement suddenly occurred in Jiang Tian's body!

"The power of the starry sky!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, and his pupils brightened!

Under the impact of the frenzy of medicinal power, his star power reacted on its own, catering to these medicinal powers, promoting its refining and absorption!


Jiang Tian thought carefully, and soon thought of a possibility!

And it seems that there is only one possibility!

That is the power of the original god realm that he had devoured more than one original god realm powerhouse, and fused this power into his starry sky power!

"Combined with the power of the original god, the power of the starry sky, no wonder it can compete with the medicinal power of the original deified heavenly pill!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, excited.

It has to be said that his act of devouring the power of the original god by stepping up the steps unexpectedly laid this foundation unintentionally.

It can only be said that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared!

Otherwise, at this moment, he might have faced the crazy backlash of the medicine, and even been severely injured by the terrifying torrent of medicine!

Buzz buzz!

The breath in Jiang Tian's body was turbulent, and the power of the starry sky continued to exert its power, suppressing the backlash of the medicine and increasing the speed of refining and absorption.

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