Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7002 Advance to the original god realm!

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"Continue refining!"

Jiang Tian urged furiously and continued to refine the remaining medicinal power.

At this time, he just understood the true meaning of the original deified Tiandan!

"No wonder this is a elixir specially prepared for the original god realm warriors!"

The essence of the original deified celestial pill is to improve the blood talent and martial arts qualifications of the original god realm warriors, and greatly increase the martial arts potential of this level of warriors.

In fact, when warriors reach this level, it is extremely difficult to change and improve their talents and qualifications.

Because of this realm, almost all of their martial arts potential has been fulfilled.

Relying on one's own strength alone, it is as difficult as going up to the sky!

Otherwise, there is no need to be guided by the god-making realm to advance!

Looking at the entire Dao Domain, I don't know how many original god-level warriors are stuck in the late stage and peak level, unable to advance for life!

And it is not that simple to get the guidance of God-making Realm!

The late-stage and peak power of the original God Realm, who seems to be powerful, is just a stronger ant in front of the super power of the God-Building Realm.

Facing an existence of that level, he could only crawl on the ground!

Among other things, just a will to create a god can make them crazily fight.

A single talisman can trigger a bloody battle among the warriors in the original god realm, and even cause a catastrophe in martial arts!

One can imagine the difficulty of advancing to the god-making realm!

But now, after Jiang Tian stepped into the realm of the original gods, he truly realized the wonderful meaning of the original deified celestial pill!

At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little depressed!

If he knew this earlier, he should first find a way to step into the original god state, and then refine this elixir.

If you do that, you can maximize the medicinal power of this elixir.

Unlike what he is doing now, at least half or more of the medicinal power is wasted in the process of breaking through and advancing.

For him, it is really a big regret!

But this elixir finally helped him break through the bottleneck, and there was nothing to regret.

After all, the blood of the supreme savage dragon flows through his body, and his martial arts talent, aptitude and potential are already extremely high!

"Rush, rush for me!"


Jiang Tian guided the power of the medicine to fully integrate into his blood and body, silently improving his aptitude.

And at the same time!

In a starry sky that is not so far away from the Dao Domain!

The Fairy Festival is about to usher in the most exciting moment!


"It moved!"

"Daolian is about to open!"


Under the background of the vast starry sky, countless terrifying powers stared at the cyan light spot opposite!

It hadn't changed for a long time, and now it suddenly began to fluctuate, bursting out with a dazzling cyan aura!

"Is Daolian finally about to open?"

On a certain shining throne of stars, the woman in green shirt Zhi Yi who was sitting reclined sat upright, staring and watching!

I saw Daolian slowly releasing the cyan light, which was slowly blooming at an extremely slow speed.

It's just that this process is still not too fast!

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Hehe, this is Daolian, do you think it will open easily?"

"It can only be said that when the time is completely ripe, it will fully bloom!"

"Wait, although there are already signs, but I don't know how long we have to wait!"

Countless terrifying powers are waiting for Dao Lian to bloom in this deep sky!

at the same time!

Daoyu Chiyue City, above the southern foot of the mountain!

Jiang Tian sat cross-legged in the center of the void arena. After his cultivation reached a certain limit, his aura gradually began to stabilize.

At the same time, the medicinal power of the original deified celestial pill also began to drop from its peak state.

"The original deified celestial pill, so strong!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, feeling the power of all the pills refined.

Although he has just advanced, but at this time he seems to be a senior original god-level powerhouse!

This feeling is not an illusion, everything comes from the benefits brought by the original deified Tiandan!

It was this powerful elixir that brought him unprecedented nourishment and transformation, allowing him to have a sense of the will of the original gods that many strong people in the original gods could not have in their entire lives!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian was so excited, his eyes were shining brightly!

Early stage of the original god realm!

He is now a strong man in the early stage of the original god realm, and his combat power has soared!

If he participated in the Supernova Conference with his current cultivation base, all opponents would stand in a row and be instantly suppressed by him!

It can be said that a martial artist of that level is no longer qualified to be his opponent!

"Original God Realm, it's done!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his heart was full of blood!

At the half-step of the original god realm, he can leapfrog to kill many late stage masters of the original god realm.

Now that he has officially stepped into the original god realm, he already has enough strength to easily fight against the late stage of the original god realm, and even calmly crush him!

What kind of combat power will it be at the peak of the original god realm?

Jiang Tian thought of a question!

Although he didn't meet too many late-stage opponents in the original god realm, it can be said that with his current cultivation base, there are almost no late-stage strong opponents.

And he has never encountered a power at the peak level of the original God Realm!

At the level of the original gods, every step forward is extremely difficult.

For an existence of that level, its combat power is by no means comparable to that of ordinary late-stage powerhouses. It must be an extremely terrifying existence!

If he encounters the peak of the original God Realm, can he compete with the opponent now?

This question has some suspense!

Jiang Tian is not blindly confident, but he is not afraid either!

I even look forward to a hearty battle with a power of this level!

"Extending Heaven Dao Plasma!"

The original deified Tiandan has been refined, Jiang Tian flipped his right hand, and immediately turned his attention to Yantian Daojiang!

This thing contains the great will, and it is an opportunity that can't be met!

As for the other treasure, the attracting talisman that contains the artistic conception of creating a god, he really doesn't need it now!

It can only be used when the cultivation base reaches the late stage or even the peak of the original god state!

Jiang Tian looked at Yantian Daojiang, feeling its breath silently.


Compared with before the advanced level, the temptation of Yan Tian Dao Porcelain to him is even stronger!

At this moment, he couldn't wait to devour and refine this bottle of dao nectar.

But at this moment, his whole body was suddenly enveloped by a cyan light that came from nowhere!

"Well, what is this?"

Jiang Tian's complexion suddenly changed!

This cyan light seemed to appear from nothingness, and it came without warning, which caught him off guard!

He wanted to get rid of it, but the next moment he stopped!

Because this cyan light is warm and soft, without the slightest hostility!


what happened?

Jiang Tian was shocked for a moment!

Although the cyan light was not hostile, it still made him feel uneasy!

Because of this power, it gave him a feeling that he couldn't avoid it, that he couldn't resist it!

The last time he felt this way was when he encountered the terrifying "Hand of Nothingness" at the beginning of his crossover.

The scene of the terrifying giant finger protruding from the void and lightly exploding his body from the air made his memory fresh and unforgettable for the rest of his life!

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