Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7006 Catch it!

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Or even if someone has some ideas, they don't want to act rashly due to various considerations.

After all, even the spirit devouring beasts can't break through the barrier, and their method obviously won't be better!

No way, just wait!

The woman in the green shirt pondered for a moment, then waved from the air!

"Spirit-devouring beast, come back!"

"Squeak... squeak!"

The spirit devouring beast didn't turn back immediately, but turned to make a request to her.

"Be careful!"

The woman in the blue shirt hesitated for a moment, then agreed.


The spirit devouring beast began to use stronger means!

It sucked violently into the surrounding void, its body suddenly swelled up, and then it squirted forward fiercely!


The silver wave bombarded the time barrier, but did not break it open.

But this group of silver waves gathers together and does not disperse, like a silver mirror attached to the time barrier!

Immediately afterwards, the spirit-devouring beast opened its sharp mouth, and its body turned into a shuttle shape and spun rapidly towards the center of Yinbo!


"What method is this?"

"Looks like the spirit devouring beast is trying to forcefully break the ban!"

"Now it's interesting!"

Many terrifying powers watched intently, only to see the body of the Devouring Beast spinning rapidly, like a silver diamond that forcibly penetrated into the time barrier under the cover of silver light waves.

But it moved extremely slowly, and it only advanced half an inch in nearly a quarter of an hour!

"Slow, too slow!"

"In the face of the power of time, this progress may be wiped out at any time!"

"I'm afraid it still won't be able to break through this barrier!"

Everyone shook their heads one after another, not optimistic about the spirit devouring beast.

The woman in the green shirt also frowned, but stopped talking.

The spirit devouring beast has worked very hard, but in the face of the powerful time force propped up by Daolian, it seems that it has not had much effect.

"Spirit-devouring beast, you really can't come back!"

The woman in the blue shirt is going to find another way.

But Dao Lian is not under the control of anyone, if he really can't break through, he can only admit it.


The spirit-devouring beast didn't want to give up, and continued to drill inward while speeding up its rotation.

Hiss... Boom!

The body of the spirit-devouring beast brought up waves of silver waves, causing waves of invisible turbulence to blow towards the sleeping girl.

Hula la!

The blue lotus leaves covering the girl's body swayed in the wind, which seemed to make her very comfortable.

She turned her head sideways, opened her mouth and let out a breath, and continued to sleep!


"It's useless, let it come back!"

"Such an attempt has no effect at all!"

"Obviously, we can only wait for her to wake up by herself!"

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, completely no longer optimistic about the spirit devouring beast.

Although it continues to work hard, the effect has not changed in any way.

"Spirit-devouring beast, you can come back!"

The woman in the green shirt was also a little disappointed.

But she didn't blame the spirit-devouring beast, after all, it was Daolian, a mysterious existence that even she could not do anything about, it seemed unrealistic to expect a spirit-devouring beast to break through.

"Squeak... squeak?"

The Devouring Beast was obviously also very disappointed.

In its impression, this seems to be the first time it has been blocked!

It's ready to make one last attempt and doesn't want to give up!


The spirit devouring beast stopped drilling and returned to its normal shape.

Open your mouth and inhale, then squirt forward!

Chi chi... Whoosh whoosh!

Following its spit, the silver hairs on its forehead shot out like flying needles!

Puff puff!



This time the situation has changed!

Accompanied by a few muffled popping sounds, those few banks unexpectedly broke through the barrier of time and rushed into the top of Daolian's huge platform.

Straight to the toddler!



"not good!"

The faces of many terrifying powers all changed!

The silver hair is extremely fast, and the girl doesn't respond, once it gets stuck on her body, what kind of consequences will it cause?

Dao Lian was in full bloom, and everyone was staring at the treasure it opened.

Now, although it is not some rare treasure, but a girl, it is also an existence that everyone is eager to get after!

So at this time, no one wants it to get hurt!

And the spirit hair of the spirit-eating beast has already pricked out, and it's too late to stop it now!

"Spirit Devouring Beast!"

The woman in the green shirt was a little annoyed and shouted loudly!

The body of the devouring beast trembled, and it quickly stopped shooting.

But the silver hair that has already been shot, it can't call it back!

Because of the barrier of time, it couldn't control those silver furs at all.

At this time, it can't help but feel a little regretful, this shot was too reckless!

In the final analysis, it was its unwillingness to admit defeat that caused this mistake!

It has already sensed the anger of the woman in the blue shirt, and just silently thought in its heart, it is best not to hurt the girl with these silver hairs.

But is it possible?

The silver fur is as fast as lightning, it has already killed the girl, and the caretaker is about to plunge into its young white and tender body!

At this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone!

Puff...buzz buzz!

Those silver hairs suddenly stopped in front of the girl, and were stopped by a strange force!



"There is still a barrier!"

The corners of everyone's eyes shrank, and they were all surprised!

This barrier protects the girl closely, and it seems to be a time barrier as well!

The next moment, the sleeping girl suddenly woke up!

She opened her eyes, looked at the Devouring Beast with a cute smile, stretched out a milk hand, and grabbed those few silver hairs!




Everyone's hearts were raised in their throats!

That is the spirit hair of the spirit devouring beast, and its power is astonishing!

She used that lazy baby hand to grab directly, isn't she afraid of getting hurt?

And everyone's worries are obviously superfluous!

The girl casually grabbed the silver fur that was blocked by the barrier, and then held it in front of her for a closer look, and even sniffed it with her small nose!

Then, she laughed!

Looking at the Devouring Beast with an innocent and lovely smile!

The milky voice beckoned to it and said, "It's you, come, come quickly!"


The Devouring Beast was stunned!

The woman in the green shirt was stunned!

Everyone was stunned!

Does this girl recognize the spirit devouring beast?

At the beginning of Dao Lian, this girl showed up for the first time, and unexpectedly recognized such a strange beast?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why for a moment.

But if you think about it carefully, this situation is not too bizarre.

After all, there will be some special feelings between some heaven and earth spirits.

The girl was born when Dao Lian first opened, and she may have some unknown abilities, so it is not so hard to understand that she can recognize the spirit devouring beast.

"Spirit-devouring beast, come back to me!"

The woman in the green shirt feels uneasy!

Quickly summon the spirit devouring beast to return!

However, the spirit devouring beast couldn't move!

I saw the girl in the center of the lotus platform stretch out a milk hand and gently grab it from the air!


A strange force enveloped the spirit-devouring beast, grabbing it directly into the barrier!


"My God!"

"Directly ignore the power of the barrier!"

"So strong!"

Many terrifying powers are all shocked!

After all, with just one grasp, she can ignore the power of the barrier and catch the spirit-devouring beast in the air. What kind of power is this?

What kind of cultivation is this girl who just woke up?

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