Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"You brought this little thing?"

"Yes!" The green-clothed woman hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The girl smiled: "Thank you!"

"Thank me?" The green-clothed woman was taken aback!

"Thanks for giving it to me, hee hee!"

"..." The green-clothed woman never expected that her treasure would be snatched away by this girl.

And without any explanation, it became hers!

The woman in the blue shirt wanted to deny it and refused, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say the word of rejection.


The girl's background is obviously not simple, and now that everyone can't do anything about her, it is naturally unwise to turn against the girl at this time.

"Well, hehe, as long as you like it, my sister will give it to you!"

"Really? That's so spicy!"

The girl giggled, showing two deciduous teeth, and hugged the spirit-devouring beast happily and kissed it.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The poor spirit devouring beast was so frightened that it almost lost its soul!

It also thought the girl was going to eat it alive!



"Zhizhi, let me go!"

"Hee hee, you will be mine from now on, call me master!"

The girl said childishly.

The spirit-devouring beast was terrified and couldn't help but look at the woman in green shirt other than Daolian.

The woman in the green shirt had a complex expression on her face, but she quickly nodded to it with a smile, signaling it not to resist.

The spirit-devouring beast's heart sank, knowing that it was over!

It has been given as a gift to this terrifying girl!

"Hey, as the new owner, I want to give you a little gift!"

The girl raised her hand and grabbed at the barrier in front of her. She didn't know what she grabbed, and then threw it on the spirit-devouring beast.



The spirit of the devouring beast is greatly boosted!

Suddenly, I found that there was an unspeakable power in my body!

Time power!

The girl actually grabbed the power of the time barrier and put it into its body!

"Squeak, squeak!"

The spirit-devouring beast was shocked, and looked at the girl in shock!

"Go and try it out!"

The girl said, and let go of the spirit-devouring beast at the same time.


The spirit-devouring beast turned into a streak of silver light and charged out quickly, passing through the barrier in an instant, and returned to the woman in green shirt!

"You..." The woman in the green shirt frowned, and wanted to put it away, but reason told her no!

"You go back first!"


The spirit-devouring beast was taken aback for a moment, and then understood!

It understands!

Even the woman in green is afraid of that mysterious girl!

What else can it do?

I have no choice but to follow suit!


The spirit-devouring beast turned into silver light and pierced through the void and returned to the barrier again.

This time, it is still fearful and ready to face difficulties.

But unexpectedly, the barrier in front of him was pierced instantly like nothing!



"It turned out to be like this!"

Everyone was stunned!

The eyes of the woman in the green shirt brightened!

Needless to say, all this stems from the "gift" that the girl gave to the Devouring Beast!

"The spirit-devouring beast has a lot of opportunities!"

The woman in the green shirt muttered to herself, with a hint of joy in her eyes.

"How is it, hee hee?"

The girl raised her hand to grab the spirit devouring beast, and asked with a smile.

"Squeak...thank you!"

"Who am I?" The girl frowned.

"Thank you...Master!"

The spirit-devouring beast said embarrassingly, the mouse bumps are all up!

"Hey hey, that's right!"

The girl hugged the spirit-devouring beast and kissed it passionately.

Obviously very happy with this little beast!

At this time, many terrifying powers outside Dao Lian looked at her with fear and guard.

Grabbing the power of time at random and giving it to the devouring beast, giving it the power to penetrate the time barrier, they thought they couldn't do it.

This girl's ability is extremely powerful!

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time!"

After playing with the spirit-devouring beast for a while, the girl gently waved a small milk hand.


The time barrier around Daolian quickly dissipated, and there was no barrier between inside and outside!

The terrifying powers who originally wanted to rob people fell into hesitation!

The opportunity is right in front of them, but they dare not grab it!

"what to do?"

"What do you say?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to step forward for a while!

Girls' methods are unfathomable, and the first person to rush up is likely to die without a place to bury him.

Who is stupid?

But after all, some people lost their temper. After all, there is no way to be so stalemate!

"Little girl, I still have several spirit beasts like this, come with me, and I will give them all to you!"

"Don't listen to him, I have a more interesting spirit beast than this one, as long as you come back with me, that spirit beast will be yours!"

"I have a lot of delicious heaven and earth fruits, and a lot of fun things, come with me, I will give you all!"

Everyone came up with all kinds of ways to seduce the girl, and wanted to deceive her away!

The girl looked at these people innocently, as if hesitating.

"Don't listen to them!" the woman in the green shirt said hastily.

"Such spirit beasts are rare in the world. They would have brought them here long ago. They lied to you!"

"My sister is right, hee hee, I'll follow my sister!"

The girl walked towards the woman in the blue shirt holding the spirit devouring beast.

As she stepped out, Dao Lian behind her gradually turned into a phantom, and finally turned into a blue light and disappeared without a trace!

"Daolian is gone!"

"She's going with her!"

"They must be stopped!"

"It's time to act, we can't wait any longer!"

Boom... Boom!

The terrifying powers who have endured for a long time finally lost their temper!

The woman in the green shirt is very strong, once the two join forces, the situation will be irreversible.

They must prevent the two from meeting!


Someone released a red mask to cover the girl!

The girl just ignored it and walked past it calmly!

"Even Daolian's barrier can't trap her, will this method work?"

Someone shook his head, and at the same time offered a magic weapon in the shape of a golden birdcage!


This treasure soared against the wind, and instantly turned into a giant of thousands of feet, with the bottom opening wide and facing the girl under the cover.

The girl didn't dodge, and let the birdcage fall, enclosing herself in it.

But she also did not stop, but moved forward calmly.

As she walked step by step, the magic weapon of the golden birdcage began to rot!



"What method is this?"

"Time power, this is time power!"

"Damn it!"

Everyone was shocked!

The golden birdcage is a terrifying magic weapon, enough to imprison the strong present, but it rots and perishes like rotten iron in front of the girl!

The power of time is terrible!

Chi... Kachacha... Boom!

Suddenly someone drew a huge bow and shot a meteor-like giant arrow!

The giant arrow hit the girl directly, and the aura it carried seemed to be able to destroy the void!


The woman in the green shirt made a decisive move!

With a wave of his right hand across the air, a glaring blue light instantly entangled the giant arrow and strangled it instantly!


"Your Excellency dares to spoil my good deeds, you must give me an explanation!"

Holding a huge arrow, the half-man, half-horse terrifying power roared from the air, turned around, and shot an arrow at the woman in the green shirt!

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