Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7015 Qingqiu Zuyi

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"bring it on!"

The void hegemony rises up and lies above him.

Bang bang... click... boom!

One after another, the phantoms with green palms blasted down one after another, and a forceful and terrifying force slapped on the void hegemony one after another, causing it to tremble violently and become turbulent and unstable!

But these palm shadows have never been able to blast away the void hegemony, and cannot really threaten Jiang Tian.

The old monster Qingqiu didn't care, his eyes flashed ferociously, and he raised his right hand again and slapped down fiercely!


A violent roar erupted suddenly, and the body of the cyan giant palm accelerated and fell, pointing directly at the void hegemony!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian urged the Void Hegemony to go straight to meet him!



Horrific roars resounded through the void, and waves of spiritual power spread around with the giant waves of the void, and the scene was terrifying!

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!

Under the crazy bombardment of this giant palm, the Void Hegemony began to tremble violently, and strange cracks appeared on the surface.

But under the support of its fused time and spiritual power, it is constantly repairing.

Moreover, the mad power of the cyan giant palm was also obviously hindered during the infiltration process, unable to exert its full power!

"What a space hegemony, what a space hegemonic body!"

A cold light flashed in Qingqiu's eyes, he gritted his teeth, and the sound shook the void!

The cyan giant palm continued to exert force, and a terrifying cyan vortex rose from the palm, circling rapidly like a green dragon, crazily eroding the power of the void domain!

Kachacha... Boom!

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, he finally forcibly opened a gap in the Void Hegemony!


Amidst the violent roar, the palm force of the giant cyan palm poured down the gap crazily, turning into ferocious green dragon-like frenzy, tearing and gnawing at the Void Dominion crazily!


Jiang Tian was not very surprised by this.

Although the void hegemony is powerful, it is not invincible after all!

Especially in the face of this kind of power at the peak of the original God Realm, he has no certainty about how powerful the Void Hegemony Territory can reach.

That's why he used this method to forcibly resist the opponent's mad attack in order to verify his predictions and conjectures.

Now it seems that there is not much difference from his guess, but the combat power of this Qingqiu old monster is stronger than he expected!

"As expected of the peak of the original god realm!"

The peak of the original God Realm, one step forward is half a step to the God Constructing Realm!

These two realms are not strictly divided, but in fact, there is still a clear difference in combat power between the two!

No matter how strong the original god realm peak is, it is still only the original god realm in essence!

The half-step god-making realm is different. A strong man at that level has initially broken through the shackles of the original god-level realm, and faintly touched a hint of the intention of the god-making realm!

But if you want to break through this barrier with your own strength, it is still as difficult as reaching the sky!

Therefore, even if it is half-step to the god-making realm, it still needs a connecting talisman containing the "god-making artistic conception" to step into the god-making realm.

Otherwise, you will have to spend a huge price to find a true master of the god-making realm, and personally introduce him into the realm of the god-making realm!

Compared with the two, of course the quotes are more realistic.

After all, it is not so easy to deal with the great power of the god-making realm!

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you still want to struggle and refuse to give in?"

Seeing that Jiang Tian still didn't intend to stop, the old monster Qingqiu couldn't help scolding angrily.

A void hegemony almost blocked his giant palm blow, and Jiang Tian's combat power was obviously not at its limit.

If both sides intend to fight to the death, his combat power will not have much advantage.

Compared to others, his main purpose was the attracting talisman, so he didn't intend to spend too much unnecessary effort.

"As long as you hand over the attractor, the old man will stop immediately!"


Jiang Tian responded coldly and didn't care.

While speaking, another void hegemony condensed and formed, blocking the remaining power of the giant blue palm.

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" Qingqiu gritted his teeth, his eyes were cold.

But he remained calm and not manic.

"Jiang Tian, ​​hand over the talisman, and the old man can give you a favor to help you get rid of these powerful enemies!"


"Old monster Qingqiu, what do you want to do?"

"Warning you not to mess around!"

The complexions of all the powerful people changed suddenly, and they all angrily reprimanded.

The old monster Qingqiu is powerful, if he turns around and attacks them, he will be killed or injured!

No one wants to fight against such a terrifying powerhouse at the peak of the original god realm, so Qingqiu's words still have a huge deterrent to them.

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't trust him!"

"Old monster Qingqiu has always been dishonest, why don't you hand over those treasures to us, and we will retreat immediately!"

Everyone knew that they could not change the will of the old monster Qingqiu, so they put forward conditions to Jiang Tian again.

"Go around and grab those treasures. As I said, the person who wins me is free to choose Chongbao. If you can't win, you don't have to talk about it!"

"Extreme arrogance!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​who do you think you are?"

"Do you really think we can't do anything about you?"

"In this case, then let the old monster Qingqiu deal with you first!"


Everyone knew that the situation was dangerous, so they didn't insist on it, and stepped back to make room.

The old monster Qingqiu looked ferocious, and he slapped again.

Boom boom boom boom... click... boom!

The cyan giant palm was the same as before, the moment the main body was formed, palm-shaped phantoms blasted down one after another, causing the Void Hegemony to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the giant palm came down lightly with a terrifying pressure, causing the void hegemony to almost collapse!

But this time, he was disappointed!

The moment the giant palm fell, the Void Hegemony didn't collapse, but a violent force of the void rose up to meet his heavy blow!

Boom... Boom, boom!

The cyan giant palm collided with the power of the void, as if it was instantly trapped in a layer of sponge, and the original violent power did not spread out immediately.

Instead, there was an instant of hysteresis!

Although the time is extremely short, just an instant, but this kind of delay has greatly consumed its power!

"Damn it!"

The old monster Qingqiu gritted his teeth and shouted loudly!

Jiang Tian's tricks are frequent, and no one has been able to fully break through the space hegemony alone from the beginning to the present.

Wouldn't it be even more difficult to deal with if other methods were used?

"Qingqiu Zuyi, town!"

The old monster Qingqiu didn't hesitate any more, he pinched his right hand to point towards the sky.


A violent roar resounded, and the entire void was suddenly filled with billowing blue light!

A huge hill appeared in the sky, and a terrifying will followed!

And the will of the blue hill turned into monsters like giant dragons, falling towards Jiang Tiansao!

"Qingqiu Zuyi?"

Jiang Tian frowned and stared, not knowing why.

There are nine strange figures in total, and they look like giant blue dragons, but they don't quite look like them.

Soon, nine phantoms descended, and waves of strange phantoms rippled out, directly covering the void!

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