Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7020 sprinkling resources

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The warriors in Chiyue City were all stunned!

Didn't Jiang Tian say that only by defeating a former God Realm can he have a chance to receive the storage ring? Why did he just sprinkle a large amount of resources?

Each of the resources that fell from the sky was of great value to them.

Many are things that they were once elusive!


These treasures fell down like raindrops, did Jiang Tian accidentally break the Void Ring, or did it on purpose?

Soon, everyone will understand!

This was by no means an accident, nor was it caused by Jiang Tian breaking the void arena.

Instead, he deliberately gave these resources to everyone!

"Master City Lord!"

"Thank you, Lord City Lord, for the reward!"

"we are coming!"


A large number of warriors from Chiyue City surged up like a tide, rushing to the bottom of the void arena to collect the resources that fell like a torrential rain.

"Thirty thousand year thunder spirit fruit!"

"Peerless Blood Profound Crystal!"

"Extreme Thunder Wind God Grass!"

"The blood of the mid-fifteenth level Xuanjiao!"

"Thunder Flame Demon Essence!"


Everyone is storing rare resources one by one, and they are already a little dizzy!

Once upon a time, these resources only existed in their desire and imagination, and they were within their reach.

Now, these things are falling in front of them like raindrops, and they can grab them with their hands!

"Thank you, Lord City Lord!"

"Your City Lord's merit is immeasurable!"

"Jiang City Lord came to my Chiyue City, it is really the chance of my life!"

Everyone exclaimed in ecstasy, fully accepting the dropped resources.

Due to the super gamble of the Supernova Conference, the aura of heaven and earth in the surrounding area has dropped sharply, making the martial arts environment much worse than before.

But with these resources, it is enough to make up for the weakening of aura and bring their cultivation back on track!

"Go, go, go!"

Jiang Tian waved his hands repeatedly, offering rows of cultivation resources on the one hand, and spilling all the unsuitable things to the bottom of the void ring on the other hand.

In the past, Weifeng and Weiyu were by his side, and he never needed to take care of these things.

The two sisters will organize all the available resources for him and send them to him.

The two sisters couldn't use up all the resources he didn't need, so they collected them one by one and put them into storage rings.

But now, the two sisters are no longer around, and he needs to handle these matters personally.

And he didn't have the time to challenge the huge and complicated resources, but at this moment, he was screening with extremely high efficiency.

After the bloodline spiritual power is sent out, all available resources are in his induction.

And all the unsuitable things were directly sprinkled by him.


"My God!"

"My lord, the city lord... is too bold!"

"Gift, this is simply a shocking gift!"

Seeing that there are more and more precious resources, and even turned into a resource rainstorm, everyone was completely shocked!

More and more warriors came from Chiyue City, and even a large number of starry sky realm warriors came!

Among the resources that Jiang Tian eliminated, there were many things that the original god-level warriors did not need.

But for starry sky warriors, it is a rare treasure!

In the past, they needed to spend a lot of spiritual crystals to buy these things, or take risks to hunt animals in exchange for them.

But now, as long as they have sharp eyes and quick hands, they can easily pick it up!



The resource rainstorm lasted for nearly three hours before it ended!

After this wave, Jiang Tian sorted out almost all the spoils he had won for a long time.

Less than 30% of the available resources were left, and all the rest were spilled.

Because of him, Chiyue City suffered a huge disaster.

It was also because of him that the aura of heaven and earth in the surrounding super cities dropped sharply, and the cultivation environment began to deteriorate.

He can't take care of other places, and he doesn't have the mind and energy to take care of them.

But in Chiyue City, he must pay back!

These resources have benefited thousands of warriors.

These people are also the top figures among the three generations of old, middle and young warriors in Chiyue City.

With these resources, their strength will be greatly improved in the near future, enough to make up for the loss of Lingyue City in the next disaster.

After all, Chiyue City is a small stop in his martial arts career, he can't stay here for too long, and he will leave soon.

But before leaving, being able to do this for the warriors of Chiyue City is also a kind of relief, so that there will be no regrets.

"Enough is enough, City Lord Jiang, enough is enough!"

"There are too many resources, and we may not be able to use them up for a long time!"

"My lord, that's enough!"

Although no one thinks there are too many resources, the situation is different now!

Now Jiang Tian plans to use his own treasure house of resources to transfuse thousands of warriors in Chiyue City!

For everyone, this is of course a good thing, and it is a rare opportunity.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​it meant an unimaginable loss!


The last batch of resources fell, and Jiang Tian finally stopped.

"Warriors of Chiyue City, I have to leave here sooner or later, but you still have to practice and survive here, and strength is the biggest reliance on your survival and development. I have no use for these resources, but they are a very good help to you. Accept them and make good use of them!"

"Thank you, Lord City Lord, for your kindness!"

Hula la!

Thousands of warriors of Chiyue City knelt down and saluted Jiang Tian devoutly.

The resources at hand can not only solve their difficulties, but also benefit their relatives and descendants.

Jiang Tian's generosity in this wave is simply boundless merit!

"Don't waste time, refine them with all your strength, increase your combat power, and prepare for the upcoming battle and fierce battle!"

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and immediately began to refine these precious resources.

Rumble... boom!

Below the void arena, among the large mountains and forests, there are warriors with surging breaths.

They tried their best to refine the resources rewarded by Jiang Tian, ​​and their cultivation level improved steadily!

Naturally, Jiang Tian would not be idle.

Although there are many warriors in Chiyue City, their combat power is relatively low. It is impossible to expect these people to resist powerful enemies from all directions.

The only thing he can rely on is himself!


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the cultivation resources left before were placed in front of him again.

Pressing with both hands, it began to refine crazily!

Rumble... boom!

Amidst the dull roar, a huge amount of spiritual power essence poured into his body, slowly pushing up his bloodline spiritual power.

Time passed slowly, and at the end of the day, Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power could reach 60%!

There was no surprise on his face, but a little dignified!

"Refining so many rare resources has only increased by about half!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his face a little ugly.

The resource requirements at the level of the original gods are beyond his imagination!

He has refined nearly half of the resources available at hand.

But the bloodline spiritual power has only increased by about half, barely reaching 60% of the total.

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