Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7034 Dragon Transformation Art

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"It doesn't look... not even seriously injured?"


The powers of all parties were shocked, and the spirits of the warriors in Chiyue City were greatly lifted, and everyone was in shock!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian is in the Baizhang Void Dominion, no matter how wanton the huge waves of spiritual power around him are, he is always calm and calm!

"The artistic conception of the black cloud should be some kind of abnormal change produced by the power of the original god in the process of transformation to the half-step god-making state!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, staring at the opposite Pavilion Master Heiyun.

"So what?"

The master of Heiyun Pavilion's face was ashen, and he was extremely furious!

At this moment, he had to accept a reality: even if he had the right timing to attack, he still couldn't kill or seriously injure the opponent!

He fully realized that this was not a junior that he could manipulate at will, and it was not even a target that he could easily defeat.

But a real opponent who can confront him head-on and pose a huge threat!

"The old man admits that he underestimated you, but no matter how strong you are, you are no better than the early stage of the original god state, and no matter how bad the old man is, he is still half a step into the god-making state!"


The aura of Pavilion Master Heiyun began to change drastically, and for the first time in thousands of years, the blood vision was aroused!



"Half-step god-making realm blood vision, my God!"


There was an uproar among the powers of all parties, and the warriors of Chiyue City were terrified!

Anomaly of blood!

The master of Heiyun Pavilion actually activated the blood vision!

He is a half-step god-making power!

In the battle with Jiang Tian, ​​a junior in the early stage of the original God Realm, he opened the blood vision before the opponent!


It's so shocking!

The powers of all parties were shocked and prepared to witness the next horror scene!

The warriors in Chiyue City fell into deep despair!

The mood that had just been relieved fell into the abyss again!

It's over!

It's over after all!

When the half-step god-making power activates the blood vision, its combat power will reach its limit, and it is definitely beyond the reach of an original god-level evildoer!

"The city lord retreat!"

"Let's go!"

"We don't want Chiyue City anymore, as long as the city lord is still there, we have hope!"

"Let's go!"

The warriors of Chiyue City shouted sternly, signaling Jiang Tian to run away!

What kind of void arena, what kind of three-day agreement... I'm afraid it's a joke in front of this kind of terrifying power!

Although Jiang Tian was confident and determined, he couldn't hold back these foreign enemies who were too tyrannical.

Thinking about it, how could he alone be able to stop the mighty powers of all parties coming like a tide?

Warriors of Scarlet Moon City!

You should wake up!

If he had given up this unrealistic fantasy earlier, it might not have dragged Jiang Tian into such a dilemma.

Now Jiang Tian, ​​even if he really wanted to escape, it might not be that simple!

In front of the master of Heiyun Pavilion, who is half-step in the realm of creating gods, is his space escape technique really easy to use?

The warriors in Chiyue City fell into great fear, feeling that Jiang Tian was already in a dilemma, life and death were involuntary!

"Half-step god-making realm blood vision?"

Jiang Tian's eyes shined brightly, and an unprecedented fighting spirit surged all over his body!

"Hua, Long, Jue!"

Jiang Tian did not activate the blood vision, but activated the dragon clan inheritance secret technique "Dragon Transformation Art"!

Roar... Boom!

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, streaks of glaring purple light soared into the sky from his body, turning into a majestic giant dragon!

This giant dragon glared furiously, exuding terrifying coercion, and a violent and domineering aura, making it daunting!


"Dragon blood!"

"He is indeed a descendant of the Dragon Clan!"

"Is this a blood anomaly?"

"It doesn't seem to be, it should be some kind of his bloodline secret technique!"

"Heiyun Pavilion master has sacrificed the blood vision, and he only uses the blood secret technique, isn't it too arrogant?"

"Did he really think that he could counteract the opponent's blood vision with this method?"

"Arrogance is too much!"

"Do you really think that there are so many powerful people among us, no one can hold him down?"

Shocked by the powers of all parties, they couldn't help but sneer, mixed with jealousy and jealousy towards Jiang Tian.

The stronger Jiang Tian behaved, the less chance they had to make a move.

And the more this happened, the more they hoped that someone would stand up and suppress Jiang Tian.

Even if those treasures don't fall into their hands in the end, one of them will get them!

"Black cloud vision, suppress this arrogant person for me!"

The master of the Heiyun Pavilion swung his right hand fiercely, and a vision of blood veins descended from the sky like a billowing black cloud!


The terrifying scene was like a black cloud pressing down on the top, a huge black cloud filled the void, drowning the purple dragon in an instant!

And launched a crushing attack on Jiang Tian at an astonishing speed!

"Hahahaha, what did I say?"

"Jiang Tian is finished!"

The powers of all parties cheered wildly, as if they saw the scene of Jiang Tian being crushed and defeated!

Dare to resist the blood vision of the half-step god-making state, this is his fate!

hold head high!

Ho ho ho!

There was a furious dragon's howl in the dark clouds!

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious giant claw tore through the sky covered by black clouds!

Crack la la... Crack, bang!

The sky exploded, revealing the hideous dragon body of the giant dragon, but it was soon submerged by black clouds again!

After a moment of apprehension, the powers of all parties shouted wildly again, and their momentum soared!

"Hahaha, it's useless, have you seen that, that giant dragon can't escape the black cloud's confinement at all!"

"The power of the half-step god-making realm is too terrifying after all. After stimulating the blood vision, I am afraid that it will be able to approach the level of the god-making realm infinitely!"

"How can such a terrifying power be achieved by mere juniors in the original god realm?"

Amidst the wild cries of all parties, an astonishing scene appeared again!



The sound of the dragon's chant resounded through the void, and the huge dragon's body swept across the sky, smashing away the dark clouds!

The dragon's body appeared, purple light surged wildly, the void was shaken by the dragon's body, and a large black cloud swayed away.

The next moment it rushed into the sky!

The dragon's head was down, and it sucked vigorously towards the billowing black cloud!

hold head high!


The dark clouds turned into a terrifying column of air, which poured into the dragon's belly from bottom to top like a long whale sucking water!

"My God!"


The powers of all parties were instantly terrified!

The warriors of Chiyue City were also inexplicably shocked!

The giant purple dragon condensed by Jiang Tian is forcibly devouring the blood vision of Pavilion Master Heiyun?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The audience was in an uproar, as if a pot had exploded!

"Damn... no!"

The master of the Heiyun pavilion screamed in shock, feeling terrified!

As the black cloud was sucked into the belly of the giant dragon, his aura also fluctuated sharply, showing signs of decline.

"No! Return my blood vision!"

The owner of Heiyun Pavilion couldn't take care of attacking Jiang Tian, ​​so he rushed towards the purple dragon frantically!


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the giant dragon swung its claws and grabbed it out from the air.

Crack... Rumble!

The Heiyun Pavilion master paused for a moment, and the next moment he rushed out with even crazier momentum.

The loss of the blood vision means that his foundation will be damaged.

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