Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7038 Want to leave, it's too late!

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"bring it on!"

At this time, Jiang Tian has no need to keep anything!

The warriors in the late stage of the original god realm have all retreated, and the only ones who dare to fight at this moment are the more than a hundred peaks of the original god realm and the three half-step god-builders!

"Let's do it!"

Wushan's three elders arrive first.

Go over Yaotianzong's suzerain and others, and take the first shot!

The three of them are in the half-step god-making realm, and all of them have combat power not weaker than that of Heiyun Pavilion Master.

Together, the three of them can easily crush Pavilion Master Heiyun.

With such background, taking down Jiang Tian hardly needs anyone's help!

Hiss... Boom!

The three of them dispersed into left, center, and right, and launched a double-team attack on Jiang Tian!

"Boy, die!"

The gray-robed old man in the middle waved his hands violently, and two strange clouds of fog swept out, and the void instantly turned gray, making it difficult to see through!

But for Jiang Tian, ​​this is not a problem!

"Phantom Eye, open!"


Layers of purple waves swayed in front of the eyes, the gray mist seemed to be invisible, and the figures of the three quickly appeared.


Instant killing technique!


With one step, Jiang Tian rushed out quickly.

In an instant, dozens of Jiang Tian appeared in front of the three of them at the same time!

Everyone is facing the siege of several Jiang Tian!

"Instant killing skill? Kill me!"

The old man in the middle roared and shot.

The two people on the left and right also slapped each other crazily, and a cloud of fog and ash exploded, sweeping the void!

Jiang Tian's figure was submerged in an instant, but at the same time, these figures were disappearing rapidly!


The old man in the center's face darkened, ready to change his tactics!

But at this moment, a sword intent suddenly attacked behind him!



The old man in gray robe waved his right hand, billowing gray mist poured out, engulfing the purple sword intent in an instant.

At the same time, the old man in gray robe disappeared instantly, and then a strange figure appeared behind Jiang Tian!


The gray-robed old man also has teleportation skills, and the speed is also extremely fast!

The old man teleported behind Jiang Tian, ​​his right hand blasted forward like lightning!

Crack... Rumble!

The void shattered, and Jiang Tian seemed to be hit by him, but in fact he missed it!

"not good!"

The grey-robed old man's expression changed, and he moved sideways instantly without even thinking about it!

In the contest of peak power, life and death are often only on the line!

It only takes one misjudgment or hesitation, and life may be lost!

So, after finding out that his shot was empty, he teleported away without hesitation!

But before he could stand still, a terrifying scene appeared!


A streak of black lightning quickly struck in the direction he was grazing.

The grey-robed old man's face suddenly changed and he was about to dodge, but the black lightning exploded into a black lightning net and covered him as if he had been prepared for a long time!


The black lightning is exactly evil thunder!

The gray-robed old man sank into the sea of ​​gods, causing him to roll over with his head in his arms.


A ray of purple light flashed by, the head of the gray-robed old man flew up, and the corpse fell.

The elders headed by the three elders of Wushan fell instantly!


"kill him!"

The other two roared furiously, and rushed towards Jiang Tian without any explanation!

The several figures surrounding them launched a mad attack just now, but they forcibly resolved it.

At this moment, seeing that their elder brother was beheaded, they were already prepared to fight to the death, even if they died together with the other party, they still wanted to avenge their elder brother!

The three elders and three people in Wushan have the same mind, and they must practice together to break through.

Now that the core of the three has fallen, the remaining two have no hope of advancing. They just want to kill Jiang Tian for revenge!

"Jiang Tian!"



The two rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​one left and one right, and bombarded wildly with their fists and palms!

The void collapsed in an instant, and Jiang Tian seemed to be doomed!


When they came within a hundred feet, their bodies froze and they fell into a terrifying realm!

"Void hegemony, give me the town!"

"not good!"


Although the two of them were determined to die, they also knew that it was not appropriate to be tough at this time.

The power of the void hegemony is extremely powerful, fighting against the opponent in this kind of domain can only lead to death.

But the next moment, they fell into despair!


Jiang Tian shouted violently, and the Void Hegemony began to shrink sharply, dragging the two of them towards him abruptly!

And within this hegemony, Jiang Tian's power firmly suppressed them, making it impossible for them to use their combat power!

"Damn it!"


Crack, crack... Boom, boom!

Jiang Tian clasped his hands empty and turned left and right.

The two were instantly crushed and killed by the layering of space, and fell on the spot!

He grabbed the storage rings of the two and threw them into the Zixuan Realm.

With the fall of the three, the gray mist began to dissipate!

At this time, more than a hundred former god-level peak powerhouses are preparing to make a move.

But seeing the scene after the gray fog receded, everyone fell into horror!


"The three elders of Wushan are dead!"

"How can it be?"


Everyone's face changed drastically, and they were completely shocked!

The three elders of Wushan were their greatest confidence, and they were even worried that these three would act too quickly, take all of Jiang Tian's treasures and opportunities, and run away directly.

It's good now!

In just three or five breaths, all the three elders of Wushan fell to their deaths!

"Damn it!"

"Sect Master Yaotian, you are going to kill us!"

"Go, go!"

The great powers of all parties began to make birds and beasts scattered!

The three elders in Wushan were all wiped out by Jiang Tian in an instant, so what's the use of them?

not to go?

Waiting to die?

Boom... Boom!

More than a hundred people began to flee frantically!

But how could Jiang Tian let them go?

"I want to go, it's too late!"

Purple Light Profound Eyes!


Jiang Tian decisively opened his purple light mysterious eyes, and waves of purple giant waves spread wildly.

The billowing phantom instantly filled the void, causing everyone to fall into chaos!

"Illusion, this is an illusion!"

"Don't panic, rush out!"

"Where are you going? Where are you going!"

Although everyone realized that it was an illusion, they couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

Because this illusion was too real, and they didn't know how to escape for a while.


Instant killing technique!

Buzz buzz!

Jiang Tian shouted violently, and launched the star meteor killing skill!

In an instant, more than a hundred Jiang Tian flashed at the same time, appearing in front of everyone, behind them, left, right, up, down, etc.!

Puff... Chi chi... Kacha... Boom!



Accompanied by screams, heads flew up one after another, and corpses fell into the air one after another.

More than a hundred former peak powers of the original god realm fell and died at an astonishing speed!



The warriors of Chiyue City below couldn't see Jiang Tian's attack, but they could see heads raining down.

There were also corpses that fell down. The moment these corpses touched the void arena, they were turned into dust by the power of space and ceased to exist!


Everyone started shouting wildly!

"The city lord is mighty!"

"My lord is amazing!"

"Red Moon City, Red Moon City!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​Lord Jiang!"

The crowd cheered wildly and began to celebrate the victory!

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