Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7046 Mysterious old man

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As the elder responsible for updating the reward list, he didn't have much reaction except for a little regret.

After all, this is considered normal!

Because Jiang Tian's strength has reached a dreadful level, it is normal for all parties to no longer offer additional rewards.

Because the stronger Jiang Tian is, the more fearful all parties will be.

If such a transcendent evildoer cannot be killed quickly, it is not appropriate to continue to entangle.

Otherwise, for the bounty offerer, it will lead to a huge disaster!

But in fact, things are not as simple as they appear!

Jiang Tian's rapid ascension has already aroused dissatisfaction from all parties, and also attracted challenges from many evildoers and strong men.

With the news of the final ranking of 599th, it is believed that more and more powerful people will challenge Jiang Tian!

It's just the follow-up fight, which has nothing to do with the reward list!

In Chiyue City!

"My lord, this..."

Many warriors and the elders of the city lord's mansion looked at Jiang Tian, ​​hesitating to speak.

"It's just a ranking on the reward list, don't worry about it."

Jiang Tian waved his hand lightly, stepped down the air and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

Convene all the elders in the main hall of the city lord's mansion.

"Next, I will retreat for a period of time, and all the affairs of Chiyue City can be handled by you."

"Master City Lord, please rest assured to retreat, the affairs of Chiyue City are entrusted to us!"

"I wish the city lord will make great progress in this retreat!"

After a brief explanation, Jiang Tian immediately entered the forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion and began to retreat.

The successive battles in the past few days allowed him to win a lot of spoils and accumulate rich cultivation resources.

This retreat is to refine these things and improve their strength as soon as possible.

With the fall of batches of great powers from all parties, the crisis in Chiyue City was temporarily lifted.

But the threats and pressure he himself faced were getting bigger and bigger!

Half step to God Realm!

Now he has the ability to suppress and kill half-step god-making powerhouses.

Personal combat power has reached an unprecedented height!

But he has a strong premonition that it won't take long for him to meet the real God-making power!

Facing an existence of that level, he might be powerless to fight back!

Therefore, he can't delay for a moment, he must cultivate crazily and improve with all his strength, and strive to break through the next bottleneck as soon as possible!


In the forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion, the aura of heaven and earth is even worse than when he retreated last time!

The previous group of elders of the City Lord's Mansion tried their best to restore the spiritual power of these spiritual veins when he went to the Supernova Conference.

However, due to the excessive loss before, and the sudden attack of foreign enemies in Chiyue City later, the situation worsened.

Now, these spiritual veins are basically useless!

But for Jiang Tian, ​​even if these spirit veins are still there, the nourishing effect on him is quite limited.

After all, he is now in the early stage of the original god state, and his requirements for cultivation resources and conditions are getting higher and higher!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, thousands of storage rings appeared one after another.

They all come from the peak powerhouses of the original God Realm, and they are the trophies he has won in the past few days.

Without the help of Weifeng and Weiyu, it would take a lot of time to tidy up these resources.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​what he lacked the most was time!

Because he may face the harassment of powerful enemies every moment!

Therefore, he has no time to carefully take care of and select these things.


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the blood spiritual power was transformed into thousands of invisible hands and poured into these storage rings.

Clap, clap, clap... boom!

More than a thousand storage rings were all opened, and strands of spatial spiritual power surged out.

In the next moment, large tracts of cultivation resources were turned into dozens of hills and piled up in front of him.

Looking at these things, Jiang Tian looked extremely calm.

Before he advanced, the storage ring at the peak of the original god realm was a great gain for him.

But now, these resources can only be said to be more available, which is not a big surprise.



Jiang Tian raised his hands together, and the blood and spiritual power gushed out wildly!

He didn't have time to select these countless pieces of cultivation resources one by one, he could only distinguish and deal with them in the simplest and most efficient way.


With the infusion of spiritual power from the rolling blood, exotic plants from the world, rare spiritual fruits, medicinal pills, and top-quality spiritual crystals were reflected in his divine sea.

Jiang Tian's huge spiritual thoughts split into thousands like thousands of streams flowing out of the sea, instantly locking countless pieces of cultivation resources.

The next moment, he gave a cold drink!



Accompanied by a deep roar, countless pieces of cultivation resources instantly rose from the ground, floating in the huge space in the forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

Hovering and plundering like a galaxy!

This scene looks very spectacular, but unfortunately no one is destined to witness it.

Only Jiang Tian watched the scene in front of him blankly!

Rumble... boom!

The roar became more and more powerful, and countless pieces of cultivation resources began to accumulate in different categories under the rapid circling.

In the end, hundreds of hills were formed according to different attributes such as exotic herbs, spiritual fruits, elixirs, spiritual crystals, magic weapons, magic tools, jade slips, classics, and miscellaneous items!

Looking at these hundreds of hills, Jiang Tian did not hesitate.

With a wave of his right hand, more than 80 storage rings flew out.

Come to the top of these hills, each spit out space spiritual power, and store piles of resources that are temporarily unused!

Most of these things are special spars and ore crystals, which are mainly refining materials, formation materials, and some indistinguishable sundries that Jiang Tian has never seen before.

Although they are miscellaneous items, the things that can be carefully collected by the peak of the original god realm are obviously not ordinary goods.

After putting these things into more than 80 storage rings, he took them into the Zixuan Realm!

And the remaining 30 piles of exotic herbs, spiritual fruits, elixirs, spiritual crystals, and all kinds of natural and earthly treasures that can be filled with spiritual power have become the targets of his preparation for this retreat!

"bring it on!"


Jiang Tian pressed forward in the void with both hands, and the rolling blood and spiritual power enveloped these hills, and he was about to start refining!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!


"Well, who?"

Jiang Tian's face sank suddenly, and he looked coldly at the opposite void!

This was originally a forbidden area of ​​the city lord's mansion, but it was an important place for retreat exclusive to the people of the city.

No one comes in without permission!

What shocked him was that at this moment, a figure appeared from the void without warning!

"Fellow Daoist, don't be nervous, this old man has no malicious intentions!"

"Who are you?"

Looking at the old man in star robe opposite, Jiang Tian frowned.

"Did Fellow Daoist recognize this robe?" The star-robed old man asked with a smile that was reserved.

"Tao Palace powerhouse!" Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, and he immediately raised his vigilance.

"Not bad!" The star-robed old man nodded slowly, and from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the training resources in front of Jiang Tian, ​​with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"I have to say that there is really a big gap between the cultivation method of fellow Taoist and the imagination of this old man!"

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