Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Reference 7050 Swallowing the vortex, the blood is turbulent

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These essences spewed wildly, forming vortexes of spiritual power in mid-air!

Although these vortexes are not as huge as the aura of heaven and earth summoned during the advanced stage, they are not inferior in terms of purity!

After all, these are rare resources that have been conceived over a long period of time and have absorbed a large amount of the essence of heaven and earth.

Objectively speaking, their level, quality and effect are still quite powerful.

It's just that in front of Jiang Tian, ​​a god-defying evildoer, he became relatively mediocre.


Jiang Tian waved his arms together, and two long dragon-like purple lights spurted out wildly.

Bloodline devour talent!

He used the blood talent endowed by the blood of the brutal blood dragon, and began to compress these dozens of vortices of spiritual power.

Bang, click... Boom!

In an instant, dozens of spiritual power vortexes converged to form a huge spiritual power vortex!

The scale is quite impressive, and the scene is also extremely spectacular!


The moment they were fused, Jiang Tian did not hesitate to use his blood talent and swallowed them all!


Jiang Tian's aura began to float rapidly, and a huge amount of spiritual power essence poured into his body, arousing waves of spiritual power in his body!


The dull roar resounded through the void, and the bloodline spiritual power, which had already reached 100%, soon piled up and began to swell!

"Can you break through?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes lit up!

Normally speaking, when the bloodline spiritual power has accumulated to this level, it is easy to break through without even needing to deliberately guide it.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​it's obviously not that simple!

Because he just broke through not long ago, he stayed in this realm for a short time, and he didn't have too deep realm comprehension and cultivation base precipitation.

There is a strong gap in cultivation between the three levels of the original god realm, even for the elders who have been immersed in this realm for a long time, it is difficult to break through.

For Jiang Tian, ​​who has just advanced for about ten days, it is unrealistic to break through it!

But the bloodline spiritual power has indeed reached this point, can't it be deliberately guided to break through the bottleneck?

"Try it!"

Jiang Tian didn't have a strong idea of ​​advancing.

But at this point, seeing the huge amount of spiritual power pouring into his body, he had to face the reality!

"bring it on!"

While devouring the essence of spiritual power poured into his body, Jiang Tian guided the blood spiritual power to attack the bottleneck of his cultivation.

Crack... bang... bang!

Soon, he encountered difficulties!

The cultivation bottleneck in front of him can't even be called a cultivation bottleneck, it's like an abyss shrouded in mist!

In the past, no matter how difficult it was, he could at least get a glimpse of the strength of the bottleneck and the thickness of the diaphragm.

But this time, the threshold of the middle stage of the original god realm seemed to be hidden in the mist, far, far away from him, unfathomable!

"The power of the bottleneck is so thick?"

Jiang Tian frowned tightly!

He somewhat underestimated the power of the bottleneck. At this moment, he couldn't see through the bottleneck at all, and he couldn't even make an estimate.

"I can't control that much anymore, no matter what, rush to me!"


Jiang Tian is no longer obsessed with the success or failure of the realm.

Because he didn't intend to break through the bottleneck in this retreat.

And being able to increase the bloodline spiritual power to the current level has exceeded his expectations.

Next, he devoured the spiritual power vortex with all his strength, guiding the bloodline spiritual power to continue to attack the bottleneck!

Bang bang... bang bang... bang!

Jiang Tian's blood spiritual power is like a person groping forward in the dark, stepping forward under tremendous pressure and boundless darkness.

Where the boundaries are, he doesn't know!

He doesn't know how difficult it is and how far the journey is!

What he has is the perseverance and determination to move forward!

Rumble... boom rumble!

The bloodline spiritual power is advancing step by step, and has already penetrated into the mist, wanting to touch the bottleneck of cultivation.

But as time went by, he still couldn't touch the real bottleneck wall!

At the same time, the effectiveness of cultivation resources also fluctuated again!

"Still sliding!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened!

The scale of the spiritual power vortexes seems magnificent, but as they are continuously swallowed into the body, their efficacy is declining.

This process has been going on, albeit slowly.


Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, deeply disappointed.

These cultivation resources declined at a faster rate than he expected.

With this kind of magnificence, it is impossible to use these things to advance.

But he was not discouraged!

Still devouring the remaining vortexes of spiritual power, until they are all swallowed into the body!


At this moment, a spiritual storm suddenly blew up in his sea of ​​qi!

The spiritual vortex that appeared outside his body before seemed to have been moved into his body!

The appearance of this storm caused ripples in his blood and spiritual power!

Layer upon layer of ripples continued to superimpose, and then turned into a surge of spiritual power!

The turmoil of spiritual power violently turbulent in Jiang Tian's body, making his blood aura stronger than ever!

Rumble... boom!

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, secretly surprised!

Although this situation cannot be said to have never happened, it is still extremely rare!

The total amount of spiritual power in his bloodline is extremely impressive, and it has always been extremely thick, almost difficult to be shaken.

Only when encountering a terrifying enemy can there be a passive impact.

But this kind of violent turbulence originating from the body is still extremely rare!

Rumble... boom rumble!

The turbulence of bloodline spiritual power became more and more intense, and Jiang Tian was even more surprised!

"If this force continues to evolve, what will happen?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes flashed!

no doubt!

If it is an ordinary martial artist, someone whose physical body is not strong enough, if this happens, he will be hurt by the backlash immediately!

As a real dragon overlord, Jiang Tian naturally has no fear of this kind of spiritual turmoil.

He immediately closed his eyes, silently comprehending the true meaning of the turbulent blood.

Gradually, he seemed to fall into a deep sleep!

But under the calmness on the surface, there are huge waves churning in his body, arousing waves of violent blood power!

"I see!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, and suddenly had a certain feeling.

There are at least two reasons why these bloodline spiritual powers fluctuate so much!

First, due to the decline in the effectiveness of the external spiritual power essence, the level is not strong enough to allow him to break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop;

Second, although the effect is not strong enough to touch the bottleneck wall, the vortex of spiritual power that he swallowed into his body is after all huge in scale.

Therefore, after such a huge amount of spiritual power entered his body, even if he couldn't break through the bottleneck, he still wouldn't stop restless.

Then it caused a violent turmoil!

Boom... Boom, boom!

The violent roar resounded through the sea of ​​​​qi, and waves of blood and spiritual power poured into the meridians of the whole body!

This kind of internal shock is to some extent stronger than the external shock, and it is more difficult to prevent!

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