Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7054 Peerless Super Spirit Vein

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If the aura of heaven and earth is normal, the value of these super spiritual veins must be very strong.

However, in the context of the sharp decline in the spiritual energy of the world, the levels of these super spiritual veins will inevitably be strongly impacted, resulting in spiritual turmoil and a decline in their levels.

In this case, the value of these spiritual veins is greatly reduced.

In addition, these spiritual veins are all controlled by the major forces in the city, and it is impossible for the other party to open this kind of thing to an outsider like him.

Without much hesitation, Jiang Tian decisively gave up Xunguang City!


Hum rumble!

As soon as the purple light faded, Jiang Tian opened the large array of transforming space and escaped away.

After he left, a series of terrifying divine thoughts swept towards Xunguang City.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen peak powerhouses with strong auras stepped up into the air and came to the place where Jiang Tian disappeared!

"Who is it that comes and goes so quickly?"

"What a powerful space escape technique!"

"It's so fast that I can't wait to track it down. I'm afraid the strength of the incoming person is not inferior to my waiting!"

"No matter who he is, it seems that he has no malicious intentions towards our Xunguang City!"

"Just go!"

After a short discussion, everyone quickly rushed down and returned separately.


In the next few days, Jiang Tian continued to travel south.

As he continued to move forward, he found that the aura conditions in the southern world had improved!

But this is a relatively slow process. Obviously, the aura of heaven and earth in the entire Dao Domain has been greatly affected, but to varying degrees.

This made him feel even more terrifying!

How strong is that strange scholar's strength, able to make the spiritual energy of the world in almost the entire Dao Domain drop significantly in less than a month?

With his current state, it is unimaginable for the time being!

Even if he tried his best, he could at most temporarily shake the aura of heaven and earth in a super city, and it was impossible to last for too long.

But that mysterious strange scholar can make the aura of heaven and earth in the entire Dao Domain decline, this method is far beyond the scope of his imagination!

"Sure enough, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Jiang Tian looked extremely dignified.

Although his strength has reached an unprecedented height, compared with that strange scholar, he is like a firefly or the sun and the moon!

The gap is so big that it is simply incalculable!

"Be stronger, I want to continue to become stronger!"

Jiang Tian deeply realized that he was still too weak!

Compared with the strange scholar, he is ridiculously weak!

He wants to cultivate crazily and continue to become stronger!

"Come on, let me see the situation of this city!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian came to a brand new super city!

This city is called Jiyun City, and the surrounding mountains are undulating, and the scenery is spectacular!

The aura of heaven and earth here made his eyes shine!

Compared with the Xunguang City area, it is more than one grade higher!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian was pleasantly surprised!

Such aura conditions are enough to support his breakthrough.

And under this spiritual condition, there must be many super spiritual veins around!


Thousands of feet away, a silver flying boat was speeding through the air from northwest to southeast, and was rapidly approaching here.

Jiang Tian teleported out immediately, and came to the silver flying boat to listen quietly.

"...Have you heard that a superb super spiritual vein was discovered in the Aurora Valley!"

"Peerless super spirit vein?"

"Yes! The best among the super spiritual veins, the top spiritual veins among the half-step divine veins!"

"Hiss! The value of this level of spiritual veins is at least several times higher than that of ordinary super spiritual veins!"

"That's right, so the moment the news spread, all forces began to go to the Aurora Valley, all wanting to seize this superb super spiritual vein!"

"Let's hurry up and have a look!"



Before the conversation was over, the silver flying boat accelerated rapidly and flew towards the southeast!

"Aurora Valley, a superb super spirit vein!"

Seeing Yinzhou fleeing far away, Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, and his face showed joy!

Isn't that what he wants, such a spiritual vein?

Back then in Chiyue City, only one of the five top-quality spiritual veins had just given birth to a trace of divine energy, but it would take many years to transform into a real divine vein.

And now, there is a ready-made half-step divine vein appearing in front of him, and it is still unowned. Of course, he can't miss this opportunity!


Jiang Tian didn't know where Aurora Valley was, but he could easily get there as long as he caught up with the silver boat.


Jiang Tian stepped forward and started teleporting!

After teleporting several times, he easily caught up with Yinzhou.

There are two people on the flying boat!

All of them are at the peak of the original god realm!

Once upon a time, he could only avoid such an existence.

But now, a martial artist of this level is no problem for him!


He launched the teleportation technique and landed behind the flying boat without a sound.

The breath was perfectly concealed, and there were no two people in the front cabin who were excited.

In this way, he took this silver boat and traveled all the way, and arrived in front of the Aurora Valley after nearly half a day!

"Look, what an amazing aura of heaven and earth!"

"That's spiritual energy turning into clouds, and it's also a rare five-color Huayun. It's indeed a superb super spiritual vein!"

"It seems that the rumors are indeed true. This spiritual vein has indeed reached the level of a half-step divine vein. This time we really came to the right place!"

The two slowly stopped the silver boat and stood on the deck overlooking the front.

In the sky above the huge valley, there are countless spiritual clouds formed by spiritual energy floating.

And among these spiritual clouds, there are even more colorful and special clouds!

This is colorful Huayun!

Only spiritual veins that have reached the half-step divine vein level can be conceived!

Looking around, there are no less than hundreds of warriors gathered in the huge valley!

All of these people's auras are extremely strong, and almost all of them are at the peak of the original god realm!

And on top of the dazzling colorful clouds, there are half-step god-making powers sitting cross-legged!

There are at least seven or eight characters of this level!

In addition to these people, there are also many powerful and powerful people rushing from all directions!

"The Aurora Valley is a land of no masters. Those who have the strongest spiritual veins can get it. Those who are below the peak of the original God Realm will retreat quickly. We will take this spiritual vein in a few half-steps to the God Realm!"

On a huge multicolored flower cloud, a certain half-step God Constructing Realm power spoke in a deep voice, not angry but arrogant!

On the other several colorful clouds, several half-step god-making powers nodded one after another.

"What Ge Daoyou said is very true, this superb spiritual vein should be shared by us!"

"If these juniors in the original god realm are disobedient, let's teach them a lesson!"

"Everyone, it's not easy to practice, I hope you don't make mistakes!"


Several half-step god-making masters released a mighty coercion, and began to frighten and drive away hundreds of original god-level warriors in the valley.

"Damn it!"

"It makes no sense!"

"A few of them want to occupy this superb spiritual vein, don't you think it's too much?"

"We have hundreds of people, and our strength is not bad. Are we still afraid of them?"

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