Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7060 Yuehua wakes up

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The Xuanshan Swallowing Turtle lay prone on the ground, and Jiang Tian slid directly onto its huge mountain-like back, letting it carry it forward and sprint forward.

A full hour later, the Swallowing Mountain Xuangui arrived at the border of the Zixuan Realm!

"Sure enough, it's a newly opened border!"

There are layers of spiritual fog permeating here, which is indeed a manifestation of the existence of spiritual veins!

But what surprised Jiang Tian was that the aura of this spirit vein only accumulated within a radius of ten thousand zhang, and did not spread outward at all.

This can also explain that when he first came to the Zixuan Realm, he didn't notice the reason for the abnormal aura!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian didn't feel any special power imprisoning these auras.

Ordinarily, the aura of this spirit vein is so strong, it should spread by itself!

But why is it always accumulated within this ten-thousand-foot radius, and does not expand outward?


very strange!

Jiang Tian suppressed the hesitation in his heart, and stepped into the thick aura around ten thousand zhang!

As soon as Fang entered, he was shocked!

"Excellent super spiritual veins! Half-step divine veins?"


Jiang Tian's mind was shocked!

He has just refined a superb super spiritual vein, and has an extremely deep understanding of the quality of spiritual power of this spiritual vein.

The quality of the spirit vein in front of him is even better than the one he refined!

"World Spirit, what's going on?"

Jiang Tian couldn't help asking.

"Master, this is a spiritual vein that the Zixuan Realm unblocked itself during the development process!"

"Is there still such a high-grade spirit vein hidden in the Zixuan Realm?" Jiang Tian asked.

"The original space of Zixuan Realm is extremely vast, which is equivalent to a small world. After the damage, a large area of ​​space is sealed. During the repair process, these things will gradually show up. It is not surprising that this happens!"

Jie Ling paused for a while, and added: "During the development of the Zixuan Realm, it is normal for more strange existences to appear!"


Jiang Tian fell into deep thought!

Although there have been some weird chances in the Zixuan Realm, none of those things have reached the level of the spiritual vein in front of him.

After a brief moment of contemplation, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.

That's right, he killed hundreds of opponents outside before he was able to enjoy the nourishment of that half-step divine vein, thus completing the advancement.

And Tunshan Xuangui casually reaped the opportunity to beat him in the Zixuan Realm, and he couldn't help laughing at himself when he thought about it.

"Moo! Master, the power of this spiritual vein has not been exhausted, and there is still a lot of spiritual power available."


Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

After facilitating the advancement of the Mountain Swallowing Xuangui, the power of this spirit vein is still very strong!

It is better than the spiritual vein in Aurora Valley, but it is a pity that he can't use it for the time being.

Because he had just completed the advanced stage and devoured a huge amount of five-color spiritual liquid and five-color spiritual cloud, he was currently in a stagnation period of spiritual power improvement.

The total amount of spiritual power in his blood has reached 70%!

But the psychic liquid and lingyun he devoured into his body can also make him reach more than 80%!

It's just that this last layer of spiritual power cannot be fulfilled for the time being, and it will take some time.

But just after he entered the advanced stage, his bloodline spiritual power reached 70%, which is actually quite terrifying!

The current him can explode the void with just one point!

With a light wave of your hand, you can roll up a violent wave of spiritual power!

Without using sword intent, you can tear the void and set off a violent space tsunami!

"Swallowing Mountain Mysterious Turtle, this spiritual vein still has huge potential to be tapped, you can devour it as much as you want, don't waste it!"

"Moo! Thank you, Master, for your gift!"

"Nothing, this is your chance!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled, not caring.

Tunshan Xuangui is his spiritual pet, the stronger the strength, the better.

Moreover, after coming to the Upper Realm, the Mountain Swallowing Tortoise suffered a lot, and a mere spiritual vein was not enough to make up for what it had suffered.

"Master's words are serious!"

Swallowing Mountain Xuangui didn't dare to neglect.

It understood that everything here belonged to Jiang Tian, ​​including this spiritual vein, the spiritual liquid it bred, and the spiritual mist it released.

Everything is Jiang Tian's resource.

Because of the first opening of the spiritual vein, the psychic liquid spewed out to catch him off guard, so he greedily enjoyed the opportunity of the spiritual vein under half-push and half-satisfaction.

And it was that one and only time that made it cross the bottleneck of the fourteenth level in one fell swoop, and came to the fifteenth level!

Next, it naturally didn't dare to make any mistakes, and had to guard this spiritual vein for Jiang Tian.

It's just that I didn't expect that Jiang Tian happened to come to the Zixuan Realm, and his cultivation level had increased many times compared to the last time!

"Congratulations, master, for advancing!"

Tunshan Xuangui hurriedly congratulated Jiang Tian.

"No problem!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

Looking at the turtle's back under his feet, he suddenly frowned!

"Hey, why is the aura of Nine Orifices Qishan so weak?"

The mountain-swallowing black tortoise has become a fifteenth-level monster. It is said that the strange mountain with nine orifices fused on its back should have a stronger aura!

Why is it weaker than before?

This is very strange!

"Master misunderstood, the aura of Nine Orifices Qishan has not weakened, but temporarily restrained, in fact its aura is stronger than before!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian was curious.

"Master beware!"

The Xuanshan Swallowing Turtle let out a low growl, and nine majestic auras surged out from the nine peaks on the turtle's back.

The nine auras have different natures, and they circulate crazily among the nine mountain peaks. The auras are extremely amazing!


As expected of a strange mountain with nine orifices, even if this aura is only slightly aroused, it will give people a majestic and terrifying feeling!

"Master, after the fusion of Nine Orifices and the Old Turtle, it has been continuously nourished by the old turtle's blood essence and demon power. During this step-up process, it has received an unprecedented infusion of spiritual power, but the old turtle doesn't understand why its aura is restrained instead of released outward!"

Jiang Tian meditated deeply: "This situation is not difficult to understand. Nine Orifices Qishan has been nourished by your blood essence for a long time, and its breath has gradually assimilated with you. Although it is a foreign thing, it has already integrated with you. Its breath will naturally sink and work together with your demon power!"

"So that's the case, thank you Master for your advice!"

Tunshan Xuangui nodded repeatedly, solving the doubts in his heart.

It has to be said that the integration of the Nine Orifices and the Wonderful Mountain is also one of the important reasons for its advancement!

If there is no feedback from the Nine Orifices Qishan, even if there is a chance for this spiritual vein, it will not be able to break through smoothly.


Jiang Tian nodded and was about to leave.

There was a sudden movement of the five fingers of the left hand!

"Fairy Moonlight!"

Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly!

The long-sleeping Yuehua Fairy seemed to wake up suddenly!

And he is now in the Purple Profound Realm!

You know, although Fairy Yuehua has known him for a long time, and even became an ally long ago, she has never entered the Zixuan Realm!

In the beginning, Fairy Yuehua occupied the Chixue Sword Essence and sealed it.

Later, Fairy Yuehua took the initiative to ask Ying to control and refine Wanyan Jinggang for him, facilitating its transformation, and temporarily became the weapon spirit of Wanyan Jinggang.

And the five mountain-like Wan Yan Jinggang and Yuehua Fairy were sealed in the fingertips of the five fingers of his left hand by "Swallowing the Void Art".

Therefore, Fairy Yuehua does not know the existence of the Purple Mysterious Realm!

And once Yuehua recovers here, the secrets of the Zixuan Realm may also be exposed!

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