Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"Contract to recognize the master?" Fairy Yuehua's face darkened, her eyes became extremely cold!

The master contract is equivalent to her reverse scale!

It's the place she can't touch the most!

When Jiang Tian said that, it could be said that it hit her pain point!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you know my intentions very well, don't make fun of this matter, otherwise, I may turn my face at any time!"

"Hehe, I know senior won't agree, so naturally I won't force him to stay."


Fairy Yuehua was obviously dissatisfied with this answer, but if the master recognition contract was used as an exchange condition, she would naturally not be able to agree.

"Senior, please!"

Jiang Tian waved his left hand, ready to seal Yuehua Fairy into the tip of his left finger again.

"Wait a moment!"

Fairy Yuehua suddenly looked at the mysterious turtle swallowing the mountain!

"Jiuqiao Mountain! You actually found this kind of thing?"

"Are you surprised?" Jiang Tian was a little surprised.

Fairy Yuehua also knows Jiuqiao Qishan, it seems that the origin of this strange mountain is not small!

"let me see!"

With a flash of white light, Fairy Yuehua disappeared into the strange mountain of Jiuqiao.

But soon returned to Jiang Tian's side!

She shook her head slowly, with a look of disappointment in her eyes.

"It is true that Jiuqiao Mountain is true, but it is just nine empty shells, not the real Jiuqiao Mountain!"

"About the details of Jiuqiao Mountain, please ask the senior to clarify!"

"Jiuqiao Mountain existed in my sister's time, and there was more than one!"

"More than one?"

Yuehua's words surprised Jiang Tian!

"Yes! Don't think that this is such a heaven-defying thing. In fact, it is just a magic weapon of a few powerful people in my sister's era. As far as I know, at least five powerful people once owned Jiuqiao Mountain!"

"Five! So many?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

In this way, Jiuqiao Mountain is indeed not unique, and it is a little bit different from his previous imagination.

But you must know that Yuehua Fairy possesses all kinds of superpowers as a tool spirit, and her former master, the "sister" she said must be even more terrifying.

The rare magic weapon that appeared in that era is obviously not unusual!

"Even if it's just an empty shell of nine statues, the might of the Nine-Aperture Strange Mountain is quite tyrannical. If it is restored to its peak state, how powerful it will be?"

"Jiuqiao Mountain in its heyday, even if no one pushes it, you may not be able to get close to it within a hundred thousand feet. Its owner only needs to push it lightly, and it can kill a warrior of your level from a million feet away!"

"So strong?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

If it really has the power that Yuehua said, then the power of this magic weapon in its heyday is definitely far above the half-step god-making state!

Because all the half-step god-making realm powerhouses he had beheaded added together, it was impossible to keep him ten thousand feet away.

It is even more impossible to kill him in the air!

In front of a magic weapon of that level, he is really just an ant!

"What level of magic weapon was Jiuqiao Mountain in its heyday?"

Jiang Tian suppressed the shock in his heart and asked solemnly.

Fairy Yuehua frowned and said, "At least it's an imperial weapon!"

"Emperor weapon?" Jiang Tian was at a loss.

"Why, you don't even know about the Emperor Weapon?"

"I made senior laugh!" Jiang Tian was not without embarrassment.

"It's nothing. There are indeed not many strong people like my sister in this era. It is understandable that you have limited experience."

Yuehua gently waved her hands, as if recalling that period.

"Generally speaking, magic weapons are at the top when they reach the level of fairy treasures, and then there are magic weapons, imperial weapons, divine weapons, and Taoist weapons!"

"So, the rank of the imperial weapon is two levels higher than that of the immortal treasure?" Jiang Tian was shocked!

"Yes! It seems to be only two levels higher, but in fact the difference in power is extremely huge. With your current cultivation base, I'm afraid it's unimaginable!"

"Thank you senior for clarifying the confusion!" Jiang Tian cupped his hands in thanks.

It has to be said that Fairy Yuehua, as an ancient powerhouse, even if it is just a weapon spirit, her understanding and cognition of martial arts is far beyond his imagination.

"The higher the level, the more difficult it is to refine the magic weapon, and even for a powerful person like my sister, it is hard to come by. Therefore, the higher the level, the rarer the number of magic weapons. In my sister's era, there were often shocking powers fighting for a rare treasure!"


Jiang Tian nodded heavily.

This kind of thing is extremely common in the martial arts world, and it is not so unexpected.

"But..." Fairy Yuehua looked at the Xuanshan Swallowing Turtle below, and suddenly frowned tightly.

"What's wrong, senior?" Jiang Tian was surprised.

"Even if it's just an empty shell, its power and value are still very high, so why don't you just give it to this black turtle as a shell?"

I see!

Jiang Tian waved his hands and smiled: "This is not intentional, but a coincidence and forced by the situation when we captured Jiuqiao Qishan in the first place."

"Let me tell you this, even if it's just an empty shell, its power is still extremely powerful."

"But how to activate them?"

Jiang Tian still has no idea.

If he could easily control the Nine Apertures Mountain, he might have refined them long ago.

Handing them over to Xuan Gui is to some extent tantamount to throwing them away.

"I have a workaround, you can try it!"

"Please teach me, senior!" Jiang Tian's eyes brightened!

Fairy Yuehua casually pointed to the five Wanyan Essence Gangs!

"These five Wanyan Jinggang are also extremely heavy. Although they are not worth mentioning in front of Jiuqiao Mountain, but considering your current meager strength, they are considered appropriate."

"Senior, do you mean to integrate these five Wanyan Jinggangs into the Nine Orifices and Strange Mountains, and use them as magic weapons to activate them?"

"Well, your comprehension is quite good, but every time the Nine Apertures Qishan stimulates one, it consumes a huge amount of spiritual power, and the power of the nine orifices together is probably unparalleled. With your cultivation level, it may be too difficult to activate the five apertures at once, so you can try it step by step."

"Understood, thank you senior!"

"Okay, since you, the master, don't welcome me, I don't want to stay here anymore, send me back!"

Fairy Yuehua said angrily, and gave Jiang Tian a blank look after she finished speaking, as if there was a trace of resentment in her eyes.

"Cough, senior, please!"


With a wave of Jiang Tian's left hand, Fairy Yuehua was sealed into the tip of his left finger again.

Immediately afterwards, he cast his sights on Wan Yan Jinggang!

These strange objects came from a certain large-scale refining circle back then, and they could not survive without the circle, but they were able to be taken down with the help of Fairy Yuehua.

But now, Fairy Yuehua has completed the refinement with her special method, and these five extremely heavy Wanyan Jinggang can be directly controlled by him.

"It is naturally impossible to stimulate the nine orifices, but is it really difficult to activate the five orifices?"

Jiang Tian was a little suspicious.

Immediately motioned for the mysterious turtle swallowing the mountain to unload the strange mountain of nine orifices!

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