Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7064 Suspended Flying Palace

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How far a treasure can be taken out by the power of a treasure, it can be seen how strong the power contained in this treasure is?

In addition to being shocked, Jiang Tian's eyes were full of light!

The power of Jiuqiao Mountain did not disappoint him!

Just one orifice is so powerful before the sacrificial training is completed. If all nine orifices are sacrificed, how strong will it be?

At this moment, Jiang Tian was a little impatient!

He decided to quickly refine this mountain orifice in order to control this powerful magic weapon as soon as possible!

"The incinerator is really hot, raise it for me!"


Whoosh whoosh!

The real fire soared wildly, enveloping the mountain orifice again.

A series of weapon refining formulas were quickly played out, speeding up the refining process of Jiuqiao Mountain.

But the refining process that followed was somewhat beyond his imagination.

Although this Wanyan Jinggang has initially integrated into the mountain aperture, the subsequent integration is still extremely slow.

After a few full days, this refinement has just come to an end.

at this time!

The mountain orifice fused with Wan Yan's essence was obviously much easier to move.

But it still can't be too far away, once it exceeds a span of one hundred thousand feet, it will be extremely sluggish when it is activated!

In actual combat, once this happens, it will be a huge trouble for him!

Because the opponent is likely to take the opportunity to snatch it, the actual combat situation is complicated and unpredictable, even if he has the teleportation technique, he may not dare to guarantee everything.

"Come again!"

Jiang Tian urged the real fire of the incinerator again, and urged the Leiyuan Immortal Physique to release a powerful thunder force for refining.

But in the next few days, the fusion of Wan Yan Jinggang and Shanqiao seemed to be at a standstill!

"It doesn't change anymore?"

Jiang Tian was very depressed, but also undoubtedly surprised.

Ordinarily, under his several days of continuous sacrifice, the two must make some progress.

But this is obviously not the case now!

After several days of sacrificial refining, Wan Yan Jinggang and this mountain aperture did not further merge.

It can be said that this period of sacrificial training has basically ended, and it would be a waste of effort to spend any more time.

Even though Jiang Tian has a strong skill in refining weapons, he has no good way to deal with this situation.

Because both Jiuqiao Mountain and Wanyan Jinggang are extremely special existences, and he doesn't have a deep understanding of the foundation and nature of the two.

Needless to say the former, according to Yuehua's evaluation, it is an existence at the level of an imperial weapon.

Although it is not complete, it may be difficult for him to control it calmly for a while.

As for the latter, he himself was equally difficult to subdue, and it was only with the help of Yuehua's power that he kept it stable, so that it would not collapse instantly after leaving Yuehua's control!

"Forget it, it's time to leave!"

Jiang Tian stayed in Zixuan Realm for about ten days!

If these time were used to hurry, he might have exceeded the range of hundreds of super cities.

Although he has been staying in the Zixuan Realm for the past few days, he has not left Aurora Valley yet!

"Go...Huh? Wait a minute!"

Just as Jiang Tian took a step, he stopped again.

"Swallowing Mountain Mysterious Turtle, how does this mountain orifice affect you?"

"Moo! Master don't have to worry, although these orifices are infused with the old turtle's essence and blood, and the aura is gradually converging, but removing it has no effect on the old turtle, just take it away, master!"

"That's good!"

Jiang Tian let out a sulking breath and finally felt relieved.


The next moment, he grabbed the shrunk Jiuqiao Mountain and left the Zixuan Realm!


It would be an exaggeration to say that it is Jiuqiao Mountain!

Because this is just one of the nine empty shells of Jiuqiao Mountain!

At best it can be regarded as Yiqiaoshan!

And now, it's no longer a trick!

After being filled with Wanyan Jinggang, it has become a real mountain!


"That person came out!"

"Stop it for the old man!"


As soon as Jiang Tian appeared, he was instantly enveloped by hundreds of spiritual lights!

at this time!

There are more than a thousand warriors with strong aura gathered outside Aurora Valley, and everyone is staring at him.

The worst cultivation level of these thousands of people is also at the late stage of the original god realm, and most of them are at the peak of the original god realm!

And among these people, there are nearly a hundred half-step god-builders!

And among these nearly a hundred half-step god-making realms, there is a grey-robed old man with a terrifying aura!

He stood high above the clouds, behind him was a huge hanging palace!

"Flying Palace!"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, secretly surprised!

He has been in Dao Domain for some time, and he has met many powerful people along the way.

But almost all of those people only escaped in flying boats, and this was the first time I saw a person driving a huge flying palace like this!

Such a scene is enough to show that this old man's strength and background are extremely extraordinary!

"This person has been surrounded by us, how to deal with it, please show me the ancestor Xuankong!"


Several half-step god-making powers asked towards the Hanging Flying Palace.

The gray-robed old man is also the master of Xuankong Feidian, the ancestor of Xuankong!

His indifferent eyes swept over Jiang Tian, ​​and then fell on the inch-high hill held in his right hand!


The corners of Xuankong Patriarch's eyes narrowed slightly, his face showing surprise!

The person below is obviously only in the middle stage of the original god realm, but he faintly makes him feel a little bit afraid, obviously he is a difficult evildoer.

And the "hill" that this person is holding in his hand is obviously a magic weapon with amazing power!

Hum rumble!

The huge divine sense of Patriarch Xuankong directly swept over the crowd and swept towards the entire Aurora Valley.

The corners of his eyes suddenly shrank!

"The old man understands, he used up the power of the entire spiritual vein to refine this special treasure!"

"I see!"

"What is the origin of this treasure?"

Hearing the words of Patriarch Xuankong, more than a thousand warriors looked at Jiang Tian one after another.

His eyes focused on the hill he was holding in his right hand!


"This hill..."

"The smell is so weird!"

"I can't feel any difference from it!"

There are nearly a hundred half-step god-making realm powers present!

For these people, they are used to all kinds of big scenes.

Any magic weapon, no matter how strong the leaked aura is, can be regarded as traceable.

At least they can make some guesses based on the breath they emit!

But this one is quite different!

On this hill, everyone can't feel the slightest breath belonging to it!

That's weird!

"This is by no means an ordinary treasure!"

"Yes, it is absolutely extraordinary, I am afraid it has a lot of background!"

"This situation does not mean that it is mediocre, on the contrary, it means that it is unfathomable!"

"Everyone be careful!"

"Hey! With Patriarch Xuankong in charge, what are we afraid of?"

"Besides, with so many of us joining forces, how can we be afraid of him alone?"

Everyone sneered, with contempt and disdain on their faces.

That's right!

The people in front of them really had a strange aura, but they felt a strong sense of threat in the mid-stage of the original God Realm!

It shows that it has a leapfrog combat power beyond imagination.

This kind of combat power may be very useful in one-on-one or when facing a siege by a few people.

But in front of so many powerful and powerful people, can they still turn the world upside down?

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