Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7067 Broken with one blow!

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The violent roar resounded through the void, and the Hanging Flying Palace crushed the void, but it still failed to kill Jiang Tian.

At this time, Jiang Tian started teleporting again, and came to more than a dozen half-step god-making powerhouses who had escaped by chance!

He didn't use the instant killing technique, but just teleported here, and shot calmly!

chi chi!

The sword intent flashed, and more than a dozen heads flew up one after another!

More than a dozen corpses fell from the sky, and except for the ancestor of Xuankong, all the half-step god-making realms were killed by him!

"Extreme arrogance!"

Patriarch Xuankong is angry!

Completely angry!

Under his nose, against his attack, he calmly killed nearly a hundred half-step god-making powerhouses.

If this is spread, his reputation will be greatly impacted!


Patriarch Xuankong waved his right hand wildly, urging the Xuankong Feidian to move towards Jiang Tian to suppress him.

This time, the offensive has changed significantly!

Rumble... Hum, buzz, buzz!

Accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, Xuankong Feidian suddenly transformed into nine identical huge phantoms, which instantly appeared above Jiang Tian!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, secretly surprised!

Each of these nine halls is more than a thousand feet high, as if a huge palace group is pressing down on the sky.

The terrifying coercion directly locks on this void, and there is also a powerful air ban that prevents him from teleporting away!

"Space restriction, there are indeed some tricks!"

As an existence who once refined a large-scale magic weapon "Xian Jue", he was not surprised by the power of this flying palace.

But at the same time, when he faced this treasure, he didn't have the same awe and fear as others!


The phantoms of the nine halls flashed together, and they were suppressed frantically with nine huge pressures.

Nine coercions are intertwined with each other, merging into a nearly substantive terrifying pressure!

Even though he was a real dragon, Jiang Tian's body was still trembling at this time, and he felt unprecedented pressure!

If he only had a physical body, he might not be able to break free at this moment!

But in addition to his physical body, he also has a void body, a thunder source fairy body, and a star sword body!

It also has an unimaginable leapfrog combat power!


Jiang Tian yelled violently, and the power of the Void Dominant Body rose in his body!

A terrifying breath rushed out, directly distorting and turbulent the void!

Void hegemony!

The Baizhang void hegemony appeared instantly!

Within this hundred feet, he is the overlord!

He is the master!

He is king!

Hum rumble!

The moment the Baizhang void hegemony flashed, Jiang Tian forcibly broke through the suppression of the phantoms of the nine halls.

The corners of Xuankong Patriarch's eyes shrank slightly, as if he was a little surprised!

But at the same time, there was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth!

Pressing the tactic with the right hand, the huge body of the Hanging Flying Palace suddenly appeared in the center of the phantom of the nine halls!

"Give me town!"

Boom...Crack, crack, crack!

As he swung his right hand, the phantom of the Nine Dao Hall guarded the Hanging Flying Hall and suppressed it at the same time!

Boom... Boom, boom!

The void of thousands of feet collapsed instantly, and the terrifying power directly engulfed Jiang Tian!

In front of this power, the Baizhang Void Dominion looked like an inconspicuous firefly, which was instantly swallowed up!


Patriarch Xuankong was quite satisfied with the power of this blow.

This is the strongest blow of the Hanging Flying Palace, and he almost never uses it.

It was originally prepared as a backhand for a few deadly enemies, but I didn't expect to use it on an unknown junior in the middle of the original god realm.

In his opinion, Jiang Tian would definitely die if he was shot down!

Even if you take ten thousand steps back, if the other party is lucky enough to survive, he will definitely be severely injured!

But the next moment!


Suddenly there was a dull loud noise in the void that should have been completely crushed by the Hanging Flying Palace!

"Is this the power of the Hanging Flying Palace? Learn it!"

This is Jiang Tian's voice!

Sounds full of air, no signs of injury!

"How can it be?"

Patriarch Xuankong's complexion suddenly changed!

The attack just now was called "Nine Palaces in One"!

It is the strongest trump card of Xuankong Feidian, and it is also a powerful trump card that he is proud of!

Using this hole card, he failed to suppress and kill the opponent!

It didn't even hit the opponent hard!

How can it be?


Patriarch Xuankong was eager to find out the truth, and hurriedly urged the Hanging Flying Palace to frantically devour the huge wave of spiritual power below.

Gun Gun's spiritual power quickly dissipated, and the scene presented made his heart sink!

Even more amazing than he imagined!

Jiang Tian was unscathed, and his right hand was still holding the hill that was about an inch high!

But at this moment!

The moment he saw this hill again, he suddenly felt terrified!

"not good!"

The strong uneasiness gave him a warning sign, and he planned to put away the Hanging Flying Palace immediately!

This is a treasure in his heart, a trump card he is proud of.

It must not be destroyed!

Although he didn't know the origin of the hill in the opponent's hand, he didn't even believe that such a seemingly inconspicuous and weird treasure could counter the huge power of the Hanging Flying Palace.

But out of the intuition of that crisis, he still plans to put away this treasure first, and make plans according to the situation!


Jiang Tian didn't give him a chance!


Jiang Tian yelled violently, and threw the hill full of spiritual energy violently!



Cha Cha Cha Cha!

After Yiqiaoshan let go, layers of void exploded, instantly hitting the main body of the Hanging Feidian!

"not good!"

Patriarch Xuankong's complexion changed drastically!

The exclamation was instantly drowned out by the terrifying explosion!

Crack... Rumble!

Yiqiao Mountain slammed into the Hanging Feidian fiercely, and the terrifying force smashed through the Feidian in an instant!

Click, click, click!


The Hanging Flying Palace, made of dozens of immortal treasures and more than one hundred kinds of extremely rare materials, exploded instantly under this blow!

The huge wave of spiritual power that was set off spread wildly in all directions!

"Damn... my magic weapon!"

Patriarch Xuankong roared furiously, his eyes were about to burst!

At this moment, he was furious to the extreme!

The anger in his heart was burning wildly, almost turning into a substantial flame and spewing out!

The Hanging Flying Palace is destroyed!

The treasure he was proud of and regarded as his trump card was destroyed!

"Dare to destroy my magic weapon, and pay for my life!"

Patriarch Xuankong roared and rushed to Jiang Tian, ​​wanting to fight him to the death!

"The treasures have been destroyed by me, what confidence do you have... huh?"

"Hiss, not good!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian's face changed suddenly!

Yiqiaoshan, which he threw just now, was carried by huge inertia and flew away quickly through the air!

At this moment, it has reached tens of thousands of feet away!

"It makes no sense!"

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, had to give up fighting with the opponent, and teleported to pursue!


Yiqiao Mountain is a part of Jiuqiao Mountain, and a Wanyan Jinggang is also integrated in it.

If this important treasure is lost, it will be an irreparable loss for him!

Must be chased back!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian teleported one after another, catching up to Yiqiao Mountain at the fastest speed, and grabbed him tightly with a big hand.

But that huge inertia still brought him forward and flew nearly ten thousand zhang away!

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