Biquge, the fastest update of Dragon Emperor!

"As we all know, fighters who cultivate spatial spiritual power are often at the upper hand in actual combat, but if they encounter the Xuankong palm of Senior Xuankong, I am afraid they will suffer a big loss!"

"Amazing, really amazing!"

"Warriors who cultivate spatial spiritual power will be beaten so hard that they can't lift their heads when they meet Senior Xuan Kong!"

Exclamations erupted in the square, everyone was amazed by Xuankong's method!

"Everyone calm down, this palm can still change!"


"Is there any change?"

Xuankong's words once again ignited the curiosity of the warriors.

Everyone stared at the palm print, full of anticipation!

I saw Xuankong's five fingers snapped violently, and he grabbed it from the air!

Five ferocious giant fingers suddenly emerged, rolling down with the billowing clouds!

Crack... bang bang bang bang!


The void was directly exploded by him, and the billowing clouds shot out from between his fingers crazily!

Space cracks exploded all around, extremely hideous!



The audience was in an uproar, and the warriors were deeply shocked!


"too strong!"

"I didn't expect that the ordinary Xuankong Palm would be able to realize so many tricks!"

"Xuankong's chance is really enviable!"

At the VIP seat, someone couldn't help standing up!

Looking at that ferociously clenched giant fist, his eyes were full of fear!

It's not the Xuankong Palm itself that I'm afraid of, but the opportunity that Xuankong Patriarch got!

With this kind of opportunity, Xuankong's comprehension is probably not limited to Xuankong palm!

Maybe there are more, more comprehensive changes!

And that kind of change will significantly improve his overall strength, and if he takes one step, he may surpass his peers!

"Damn it!"

"How did he meet such an opportunity?"

"What kind of opportunity did he encounter?"

The faces of the distinguished guests were a little ugly.

The stronger the cultivation base, the less likely it is to encounter opportunities.

Because they are people who stand at the top, they already have what they should have in terms of cultivation and opportunity, and they have experienced what they should experience.

It is almost difficult to have anything that can make them significantly improved in a short period of time!

It is even more difficult to transform!

Otherwise, it is impossible for countless half-step god-making realm powerhouses to be stuck in front of the gate of the god-making realm and not be able to advance an inch!

"His strength is already very strong, and now he has this kind of opportunity, I'm afraid that on the way to advance, I'm going to wait a step sooner!"

"It's unreasonable! Why didn't I encounter such an opportunity?"

"Everyone, let's not talk about chance, let's think about how we will preach next?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's faces became ugly again!


As the first person to give a lecture, Patriarch Xuankong has already done his best and attracted his attention.

Will it still have this effect when they come out?

I have to say, it is difficult!

The performance of Patriarch Xuankong directly increased the difficulty of preaching for them.

Without something real, their sermons will be less powerful and less exciting.

It will have a negative impact on their face and reputation!

"Too much, too much!"

"Xuan Kong's move is invisibly challenging us!"

"There is no other way, the method we thought of before is no longer suitable, we can only come up with stronger methods!"

"It's just that, it will expose some hole cards!"

"No way, the nine of us, are we really going to be suppressed by him alone?"

"Of course not!"

Everyone was very annoyed, and the faces of several people in the middle and lower reaches turned blue!

Their methods were already a little weaker, and if they were compared by Xuan Kong like this, it would be hard to be human!


"He started up so high, we can't do it if we don't work hard!"

Everyone decided to grit their teeth and fight resolutely, they must not lose face by Xuankong!

"Okay, this is the end of Xuan's sermon, and I will invite other fellow Taoists to preach for everyone!"

Patriarch Xuankong gently waved his hand to disperse the ferocious fist mark.


In the void, raging clouds raged, thunder and lightning criss-crossed, and space cracks stretched, releasing terrifying space coercion!

Waves of space ripples bloomed quickly, stirring up the aura of heaven and earth above Giant Spirit City to tumbling violently!

All kinds of scenes are even more spectacular than what he just shot!



There was an uproar in the square, and the entire Giant Spirit City also exclaimed!

"Oh My God!"

"what is that?"

"Giant Spirit Ceremony, this is the powerful preaching at the Giant Spirit Ceremony!"

"It's amazing, it's so spectacular!"

A large number of exclamations merged into waves of sound and rushed to the sky, shaking the clouds rumbling!

More and more warriors came from all directions to observe the powerful preaching.

The square was already crowded with people, and these later warriors could only sit on the buildings around the square and watch from a distance.

Some people want to stand in the air, but they can't stand firm in the face of the strong coercion of Xuankong Patriarch.

Some people offered flying boats and stood on it to watch.

And as more and more people arrived, some very business-minded people even used their flying boats to start a business of renting out vacant seats!

"Fellow Daoists, it's a rare opportunity for Da Neng to preach, but the coercion of Da Neng is not easy to bear!"

"The square below is already full of people, we can't get through, and the surrounding buildings are also full of people, you can't make it at all, why don't you come and watch on my flying boat!"

"The fee is absolutely fair and reasonable, ten top-quality spirit crystals per person, no deception!"

A middle-aged man wearing a square hat and a brocade robe shouted loudly, soliciting business.

This person's attire looks like the shopkeeper of a commercial firm.

Facing his solicitation, most of the warriors who came from all around scoffed!

"Ten top-grade spirit crystals are just enough to settle down. Are you outrageous?"

"Hey! Do you have a flying boat, don't we?"

"Do we need to spend spirit crystals on your flying boat?"

"We will do it ourselves!"

Facing everyone's ridicule, the man in the square hat didn't care, and even showed a weird smile at the corner of his mouth.

next moment!

Flying boats were sacrificed by warriors!

But then a surprising scene appeared!


The violent fluctuations in the void caused by the ancestor of Xuankong instantly shook these flying boats out!


"Oh My God!"

"how so?"

"This coercion contains spatial spiritual power, and ordinary flying boats can't resist it at all!"

"It makes no sense!"

"His grandma, how can we observe this?"

Everyone was deeply depressed and complained one after another.

But when they turned around, they found that the large airship piloted by the man in the square hat had not been forced back!



"His flying boat can resist space ripples!"

"So that's the case, no wonder he dares to do this kind of business here!"

"Business opportunities are everywhere, but opportunities are only reserved for those who are prepared!"

Everyone gritted their teeth and sighed, and had to accept it.

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