Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Reference 7112 Wake up the puppet and siege frantically

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Since then, the fighters in Miluo City have completely succumbed to the opponent's despotic power, and no one dared to challenge him again!

"Is it very strong?"

Jiang Tian sneered!

"That's all!"

Amidst the cold shout, a wave of void wavered around Jiang Tian's body!

Bang, click!


The cage formed by the five ferocious giant fingers collapsed in an instant!

It turned into hundreds of mad flows of spiritual power and scattered in all directions!

"Void Overlord!"

While Xuanli was surprised, his eyes became hot!

But then shook his head!


"Although the void hegemony is strong, it is not enough to break through my restrictive formation. You must have stronger means!"

Xuanli's eyes became more and more fanatical, looking at Jiang Tian as if looking at a strange treasure.

With such means and qualifications, a monster is definitely his most ideal puppet material!

If he can refine the opponent into a puppet, his background will be greatly improved!

In addition, every time he refines a puppet, the other party's blood and various opportunities will belong to him.

This is exactly the reason why he is keen on this way!

"The perfect puppet delivered to your door, this old man's opportunity has arrived!"

Xuanli laughed ferociously, and grabbed out his right hand again.

But this time, the method is quite different!

The moment his five fingers grabbed it, his palm twisted and rotated exaggeratedly.

The five giant fingers that had already been grasped instantly turned into an airtight cage!

"Give me town!"

Xuanli roared sharply, his eyes were extremely ferocious, as if the overall situation had been settled.

While suppressing Jiang Tian with his right hand, he suddenly waved a formula with his left hand!


A strange fluctuation spread in the chamber of commerce mansion!

Wherever it passes, puppets wake up!

They scrambled towards Yi Jinchuan and the others!



"not good!"

"Damn it! We are still being soft-hearted. If we knew this, we should kill them first!"

"What's the use of saying this now, let's do it!"

"Mere puppets, I don't believe they can really be stronger than us?"

Dozens of half-step god-making powers shot out one after another to resist the attacks of these puppets.

But after only one meeting, their expressions all changed!


"How can it be?"

"Why are these puppets so strong?"

"Oh My God!"

Everyone was shocked to discover that each of these puppets had a half-step god-making power!

Compared with them, these puppets are not living people, they don't feel pain at all, and they are more fearless than death.

Facing their berserk attack, they frantically culled, with no intention of retreating at all.

"Damn it!"

"Shoot with all your strength and destroy them!"

Yi Jinchuan and dozens of half-step god-making powers directly sacrificed their treasures, making wild moves and sparing no effort!

If you are a living person, you will naturally know how to avoid danger, and you will not fight desperately unless necessary.

But these puppets were not living people in the first place, so they naturally didn't have those scruples, and launched a fierce culling one by one, which caused them great headaches!

Click... Boom!



In an instant, more than a dozen puppets broke through the spiritual defense line against the mad attack of the crowd, severely injuring several people!

What made them even more horrified was that there were more and more of these puppets, at least hundreds of them!

"Damn it! Call someone!"

Whoosh... bang!

A series of messenger talismans were sent out quickly, and they began to call people!

The hundreds of people who broke into the Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce with them before retreated one after another in the past half a month.

Now there are only dozens of them left, and they can't stop the attack of hundreds of puppets of the same level.

So they can only call for help!

But what annoyed them was that after sending out the message talismans, there were not many people who came to help them!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"They are all a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"It's over, it's over!"

Everyone was terrified, and they didn't have the confidence to continue fighting.

A large number of half-step god-making puppets have surrounded them, all on the ground and in mid-air, making them impossible to escape!

"It looks like I'm going to die here today!"

"Jiang Tian is still too confident, and we also mistrusted his strength!"

Everyone roared sharply, regretting endlessly.

If they had known this, they should have left a few days ago.

Placing hope on Jiang Tian, ​​a foreign evildoer, turned out to be a pure misjudgment!

Just when everyone fell into despair, something unexpected happened!

Crack... Rumble!

Jiang Tian used the Void Dominion again, breaking Xuanli's five-finger cage effortlessly!

"This is your ability?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and disappeared in the same place in an instant!


The corners of Xuanli's eyes shrank sharply, and without even thinking about it, they flashed quickly!


The purple sword intent tore through the void, and Jiang Tian appeared at the same time.

Instant killing technique!

But it's a pity that Xuanli dodged ahead of time and avoided this fatal blow!

"The strength is really great, but unless you are a great power in the god-making realm, you will die today!"

With a cold reprimand, Jiang Tian directly urged Jianyu to crush it down.

"Extremely arrogant! You don't know anything about the old man's background!"


With a wave of Xuanli's big hand, streaks of golden light shot up into the sky!

In an instant, a golden stick formation condensed and formed outside him!

A majestic and terrifying breath erupted!


Jiang Tian couldn't help being a little surprised!

Stick arrays are extremely rare, and stick arrays like this kind of half-step god-making state powers are even rarer!

This method is very different from the five-finger cage that Xuanli used just now.

Obviously belong to different ways!

But two different means with such a big difference appeared on one person at the same time, which made him feel surprised.

"I see!"

Jiang Tian's thoughts raced, and he suddenly thought of a certain possibility.

These very different means probably originated from the puppets he subdued.

In addition to obliterating the sanity of those people, Xuanli must have seized their various opportunities and inheritances, even including their blood!

In this way, even if Xuanli used any bizarre means, it would still be possible!


The surprise in his heart did not affect Jiang Tian's shot.

He swung his right hand fiercely, and the purple-black "Sword Domain" was crushed down!

Bang, click... Boom!

The collision of the sword field and the stick array set off a terrifying wave of spiritual power.

Next, a scene that surprised him took place!

Huge golden sticks rose from the stick array!

They look like phantoms, but as if they have substance, they forcibly hold up the sword field in the air, making it impossible to fall for a long time!

"So strong?"

Jiang Tian was deeply surprised.

It can be seen that this stick array is mainly for defense and suppression.

And being able to support the Sword Domain is somewhat unexpected!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the purple-black "Sword Field" circled crazily and crushed down like a bloodthirsty giant mill.

Bang, click... Boom!

Although the golden stick array is extremely defensive, it is also difficult to sustain in front of the terrifying sword field.

"Hmph! Sky Breaker, blast it away!"

Xuanli roared and waved his big hand towards the sky.

A huge black hammer suddenly appeared and struck hard at the center of the Sword Domain!

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