Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7153 In an instant, all the veins vibrate!

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Facing more than one hundred Jiang Tians who appeared at the same time, they were immediately stunned!

Are these "Jiang Tian" clones, incarnations, puppets, or illusions?

They let go of their spiritual sense to investigate with all their strength, and their faces changed in horror the next moment!

"It's not an illusion, it's all the body!"

"But how is that possible?"


Everyone gasped, shocked!

All of the more than one hundred Jiang Tians are the main body, and none of them seem to be clones or phantoms.

It is completely beyond their cognition!

If you think about it a little bit, you can understand that there can only be one Jiang Tian's body, and it is impossible to have more than a hundred!

But the facts are irrefutable!

This huge astonishment and gap made them feel extremely shocked and deeply disturbed!

"What are you doing in a daze, launch a large formation to strangle him!"


After a brief shock, more than a hundred evildoers urged the Liuhe Extreme Dragon Formation to launch a mad attack!

Crack, crack, crack... Rumble!

Ho ho ho!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the power of the Liuhe Extreme Dragon Array exploded instantly, and the huge array power enveloped Jiang Tian!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian shook his fists together, attacking against the power of the array.

Crack... bang rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian's offensive fell to the disadvantage!

"What a powerful formation!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and he didn't dare to underestimate this large formation.

After all, everyone came prepared, and obviously had great confidence in this formation.

But so what?

If you want to rely on a large formation to crush him, it's a dream!

"Sword Field, get up!"


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he launched the Star Sword Field!

The purple-black sword field suddenly emerged, like a bloodthirsty giant mill rising into the air, facing the might of the formation.

At the same time, countless purple stars emerged in the sword field, turning into a torrent of sword intent and bursting out with shocking power!

Boom... Boom, boom!


A frightening bang followed, and the Star Sword Field collided crazily with the might of the Great Formation, setting off a terrifying turmoil in mid-air!

Buzz... boom!

The void collapsed inch by inch, and gray-white space cracks appeared in the airspace that could not be seen with hands, and even golden and silver thunderbolts were rubbed out.

Although the Star Sword Field is powerful, the power of the Liuhe Extreme Dragon Formation cannot be underestimated!

The result of the collision of two forces is both annihilation!



"How can it be?"

The evildoers scattered in the formation were shocked!

The power of the large formation launched by more than a hundred people was actually carried down by a sword field. Jiang Tian's method is really shocking!

"Don't stand still, continue to suppress him!"

Someone yelled, and everyone launched a large formation to suppress it again.

However, Jiang Tian does not intend to give them a second chance!

"Phantom Eye, open!"

Buzz buzz...boom!

Layers of purple halos suddenly emerged, and then turned into a purple wave that swayed rapidly towards the surroundings!



"What's this?"

The evildoers hidden in the formation were greatly disturbed, but they didn't understand why for a while.

But they didn't know that Jiang Tian's phantom eyes had already seen through the cover of the formation, and had a panoramic view of their positions!


Xingyun's instant killing skill is mighty and majestic!

More than a hundred Jiang Tians shot together, killing more than a hundred dragon monsters!

"There is an array of power to block, everyone, don't be afraid!"

Someone shouted loudly, alerting many companions.

The Liuhe Extreme Dragon Formation possesses powerful spatial suppression power, which is enough to make Jiang Tian's attack come to nothing!

But they still used Jiang Tian's method!

Jiang Tian, ​​who was carrying a Void Dominant Body, completely ignored the barrier of the big formation, and came in front of each opponent in an instant!


"not good!"

"How did he come here..."

chi chi!

Puff puff!



The screams sounded one after another, and dozens of people were beheaded by Jiang Tian in an instant!

The power of the large formation is instantly reduced by half!

Lost the position of control, violently turbulent, can no longer cover the void.

And the remaining half of the dragon monsters forcibly escaped the first attack of the instant killing technique!

They were forced to give up the formation and retreat quickly!

"Where to go?"

Jiang Tian yelled violently and pierced through the formation.

Bring out the Void Hegemony and stop all these dozens of people!

"Void Dominion!"

"Damn it!"

"not good!"

"help me!"

Dozens of dragon monsters completely panicked!

The power of the void hegemony is difficult for them to break.

Even if they could break through forcibly, with Jiang Tian's terrifying instant killing skills, they might have already taken their lives.

At this moment, everyone no longer takes any chances!

Some directly activate the escape talisman!

Some decisively opened the blood vision!

Some even point their fingers between their eyebrows, directly burning the potential of their blood, wanting to fight Jiang Tian to the death!


Jiang Tian roared wildly, followed by a terrifying scene 1

Those who activated the escape talisman, not only failed to escape, but became his priority to kill!

The Star Meteor Instant Killing Skill was used again!

More than a dozen Jiang Tian appeared in front of them, and sword intents slashed out, killing them instantly!

Hum rumble!

The Escape Talisman was activated immediately, sending the dozens of corpses out of the Julong Mountain Range!

All the masters and elders who were watching and waiting outside the Julong Mountains ushered in corpses one after another in an instant!

The appearance of these corpses surprised them!

Because these people died in the same way, they were all beheaded by sword intent!

And it was a one-shot kill, and these people showed no sign of resistance!

This scene terrified everyone!

"Who, who killed so many people at the same time in an instant?"

Within the Julong Mountain Range!

Seeing that Jiang Tian took the lead in beheading those who had activated the escape talisman, the remaining thirty or so people did not dare to use the escape talisman rashly.

Because they discovered that Jiang Tian would give priority to beheading those who activated the escape talisman!

But Jiang Tian also didn't intend to let them go!

"Now, it's your turn!"

As soon as Jiang Tian took a step, the void trembled violently!

"Fight with him!"

"It's death anyway, let's die together!"

Everyone aroused the vision of blood, and took out the treasure at the bottom of the box to attack Jiang Tian frantically.

"Leizhen, get up!"

"Jianyu, go up!"



The violent roar resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian sacrificed the Thousand-zhang Thunder Array and the Star Sword Field at the same time to block everyone's offensive.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, he used the Dragon Transformation Art!

"Dragon Transformation Art, swallow!"

Roar... Boom!

The giant purple dragon soared into the sky, and its huge dragon body hovered in the void, engulfing dozens of bloodline visions!

Open the huge mouth and devour it crazily!


Ka Ka Ka... Boom!

Ho ho ho!

The purple giant swallowed up all the blood visions, then swooped down and returned to Jiang Tian's body!


Dozens of bloodline essences and burning bloodline potential have become Jiang Tian's nourishment!

Half of it belonged to the Zixuan Realm, and the other half merged into his physical blood!

Crack... bang!

The abnormal noise came out!

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