Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7159 Formation!

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Soon, a big melee of more than two hundred people broke out in this mountain forest!

These people were divided into more than a dozen factions, fighting each other crazily, and the scene was extremely chaotic!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian, ​​who was hiding in the void, looked at the scene below quietly, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

The fierce fight forced these dragon monsters to come up with the means to suppress the bottom of the box!

Soon, more than a dozen people sacrificed the vision of blood, ready to fight head-on with their opponents!

"Blood vision, open!"


The violent dragon chant resounded through the void!

These bloodline visions turned into violent dragons soaring into the sky, frantically devouring the aura of heaven and earth around them, releasing the powerful dragon power to their heart's content, invincible!

Although such a scene is spectacular, not too many people pay attention to it deliberately.

Because of the chaotic battle of more than two hundred people, a little distraction may cause severe injuries and even lose their lives.

The vast majority of warriors are making wild moves, and are careful to guard against possible sneak attacks at any time!

But at this moment, Jiang Tian waved his hand and used the Dragon Transformation Art!

"Dragon Transformation Art, swallow them!"

Ho ho!

The violent dragon chant suddenly sounded, and a huge purple dragon suddenly appeared in midair.

The huge dragon body circled around in the air, wrapping more than a dozen blood visions in its arms!

Then he opened his huge mouth and swallowed it forcefully!

Bang, click, click, click!

Rumble... Awow!

Painful dragon chants followed, and a dozen blood visions were caught off guard by Zilong and severely injured, then forcibly swallowed into his stomach, and then crushed by the huge dragon power!


The power of the blood surged wildly in Zilong's belly, and even rubbed out terrifying thunder and lightning.

But this has no effect on the purple giant dragon. It forcibly suppresses the devoured blood power with terrifying power, and forcibly integrates it into itself.

Immediately after a roar, it soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds!


Jiang Tian greeted Zilong's return with a big smile.

Tonic in this way is safer than him personally participating in the melee.

Because he doesn't need to deliberately guard against the opponent's surprise attack, he can refine and absorb the blood power brought back by Zilong more calmly.


Bang bang, click!

Jiang Tian's blood was surging wildly, and the cracks in the bottleneck of his physical body increased again.

And under the clouds, more than a dozen dragon clan monsters suddenly fell into fear!

"Where is... my blood vision?"

"My blood vision is gone!"

"Not good! My realm has begun to slip!"

"how so?"

"Who stole my blood vision?"

"Look above, there's a problem behind the clouds!"

Everyone quickly realized that something was wrong, and all looked up at the clouds in the sky!

The clouds were extremely thick, covering their sight, making it difficult to see the truth.

They immediately let go of their divine sense and scanned the past, but were blocked by a special force!

"This is... space power!"

"And it's not a general power of space, it should be some kind of powerful void domain!"

"No, there are people there!"

"Someone wants to reap the benefits, how can he be spared?"

"Rush up and kill him!"

The dragon monsters reacted quickly!

Immediately stop the infighting, and more than two hundred people joined forces to bombard the cloud!

Boom... Boom, boom!

In an instant, streaks of spiritual light shot up into the sky, and the void collapsed layer by layer.

The violent spiritual power turned into a terrifying torrent that tore through the void, pierced through the clouds, and pointed directly at the hidden people in the depths!

The terrifying offensive swept across with a destructive force, directly blasting the void!

But to everyone's surprise, there was no one there!

"How can it be?"

"What's happening here?"

"Where are people?"

Faced with this weird situation, everyone was furious!

Obviously, the opponent should have taken precautions in advance, and quickly avoided them the moment they made a move.

"Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation, get up!"

A shout suddenly sounded in mid-air!



Everyone's faces changed, and their hearts were shocked!

Before he had time to react, he saw a golden array plate and a dozen array devices suddenly appear in this void.

At the same time, more than a dozen identical figures appeared in front of these formations at the same time, and with a wave of their hands, spiritual power poured into them!

The Dragon Soul Annihilating Formation is activated instantly!


The violent roar resounded through the void, and a mighty formation suddenly spread out, enveloping more than two hundred people!

"Damn it!"

"be cheated!"

"This is a trap, a trap!"

Everyone screamed wildly, extremely shocked!

There are many evildoers who rank in the top two hundred branches present, and they are no strangers to the Dragon Soul Miekong Formation.

This kind of large formation is extremely powerful, and once you hide in it, you will be close to death!

"Rush out!"

"Shoot together and blast it away!"


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and everyone began to shoot wildly, bombarding the barriers of the formation!

Ho ho ho!

Jiang Tian activated the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation, directly arousing the ultimate power of the formation.

Nine giant dragons appeared from all parts of the formation at the same time!

After all, he doesn't have time to manipulate this large formation to fight with two hundred or so people all the time.

He did this only to make full use of the power of this set of arrays, so as not to waste this set of spoils.

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

The violent dragon chant resounded through the void, and nine giant dragons roared and swooped down to meet the joint attack of more than two hundred people.

Then a terrible scene appeared!

The torrent formed by the joint efforts of more than two hundred people blasted several giant dragons abruptly, and their dragon bodies exploded!

After all, these are more than two hundred monsters of the dragon clan, each with their full strength, and the overall power that erupts far exceeds the limit of more than two hundred fairy treasures!

But the Dragon Soul Annihilating Formation is not made of mud, especially under Jiang Tian's full power, its power is even more extraordinary!

When most of the giant dragons were blown up by more than 200 people, Jiang Tian smiled coldly, and decisively urged the remaining few dragons to explode!


Ho Ho... Boom, Kacha... Boom!

A terrifying loud noise spread throughout the void, and several giant dragons exploded like a terrifying demon hand stirring the void!

"Damn it!"

"not good!"

"Everyone be careful!"

The monsters of the dragon clan exclaimed in horror, and their faces changed drastically!

These giant dragons were transformed by the extreme power of the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation. They were already extremely powerful, but now they forced themselves to explode, their power was naturally even more terrifying.

Even dozens of people were swept up and suffered heavy losses!

Essence and blood shot out, stumps flew around!

The remaining more than a hundred people gasped, horrified!

But they have no way out, they can only do their best to shoot!

"Shoot with all your strength, blast the formation!"

"On the line of life and death, no one should hold back!"

"Blast it!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Kachacha... Boom!

Terrible loud noises came out one after another, and more than a hundred dragon monsters sacrificed the bloodline vision, and some directly burned the bloodline potential.

Bless each piece of dragon treasures and launch a crazy offensive!

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