Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7176 Self-destruction

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Under the attack of the blue thunder fire, their scattered dragon bodies were forcibly incinerated, and the power of their blood was quickly consumed, and the price they had to bear should not be underestimated!

"Eat it!"

The giant dragon in the sky suddenly let out a violent dragon roar!

The companion rushed out without hesitation, opened his huge mouth and swallowed fiercely towards the void where the blue thunder and fire were raging!

Roar... Boom!

The wild sand and blue thunder and fire turned into a blue-yellow torrent, which rolled back and poured into the belly of the dragon!

Boom, boom, boom... boom!

Violent roars continued to emanate from the dragon's belly, as if a huge drum that shook the sky was hidden inside.

Accompanied by a loud noise, the aura of the giant dragon in the sky climbed steadily, and soon it was level with its companions!

"Damn it!"

Ho ho ho!

The wild sand all over the sky retreated crazily, retreated thousands of feet away and regrouped, and the dragon bodies of three giant sand dragons appeared!

In two of them, scale defects can be seen all over the body, exposing bright red flesh!

Although the devouring just now failed to kill them, it also cost them a lot.

At this moment, the breath of the two injured dragons was low, and their condition was not as good as before!

"Damn it!"

"With the power of my two veins, the Tianqiong's vein even took advantage of it, so damn it!"

The giant sand dragon gritted its teeth and roared sharply.

"Although your Kuangsha lineage has lost, but the three giant dragons are all there, is my Ziyan lineage losing more?"

The Purple Flame Thunder Dragon became even more manic.

They lost a companion, which was much more tragic than that of Kuangsha's lineage!

"Don't talk about it, let's go all out and kill these two sky dragons in one fell swoop, don't give them any chance to resist!"


Ho ho!

hold head high!

The two Purple Flame Dragons and the three Kuangsha Dragons dared not push them any further.

Even if such a situation happens again, the whole situation is likely to be completely reversed.

At that time, they were the ones in desperate situation!

Boom... Boom!

Three mad sand dragons rushed out, split left and right, and their huge bodies exploded into mad sand again!

But this time, there are traces of golden aura mixed in it!

The power of blood!

In order to kill the powerful sky dragons with one blow, they activated the power of their bloodlines!

Hiss... Boom!

The power of the bloodline exploded wildly, and the wild sand in the sky turned into golden sandstorms, showing an unprecedented momentum!

Seeing that the Kuangsha Giant Dragon exerted all its strength, the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon no longer hesitated, and immediately showed its ability to suppress the bottom of the box!

"Purple flames fill the sky, all souls are silent, suppress!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the billowing purple flames suddenly spread, wrapping the blood and will of two purple flame thunder dragons towards the opposite side.

There were traces of thunder and lightning mixed in Ziyan, and carrying the blood pressure of Ziyan's lineage, it enveloped one of the sky dragons without any explanation.

"So you want to destroy us?"


The moment of decisive battle is approaching, and the two giant dragons of the sky are also bursting out with the strongest means!

The huge dragon's body shook wildly, and pieces of dragon scales fell off instantly, turning into void storms and bursting apart!

Bang bang bang bang... click!

At the same time as the void storm exploded, groups of cyan lightning appeared along with it!

The storm and Qinglei both erupted with frightening madness and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

Seeing the momentum, they are going to turn back and suppress both the purple flame and the golden mad sand in the sky!

Bang Ka... Ho Ho Ho!



A terrifying bang erupted suddenly, three terrifying forces competed to show their power, and the void was annihilated layer by layer!

This scene can be described as extremely frightening, and some evildoers who heard the sound saw this scene, their faces changed greatly in fright, and they turned their heads and left!

Most of these people come from the branches of the top 30 or even the top 20, and each of them is also self-reliant.

But they still remained sober, knowing that such scenes were not something they could meddle in.

If you hesitate for a moment, you may be involved and be smashed to pieces!

After watching for a while, he escaped from this void as quickly as possible.

And in this terrifying airspace, the battle between the three parties has reached a fever pitch!

The golden sand danced wildly in the sky, piercing countless cracks in the void!

A large piece of purple flames blasted out crazily with terrifying thunder and lightning.

Under the joint suppression of the two powerful enemies, the void storm and the blue thunder and lightning set off by the giant dragon in the sky were still at a disadvantage.

But they still maintain a strong combat power and deal with it with all their strength.

Boom... Boom, boom!

The cyan thunderstorm erupted again, shooting wildly towards the surroundings.

Every drop of thunderstorm exploded crazily, turning into clusters of void storms entwined with thunder power.

The moment the golden Kuangsha came into contact with it, it was annihilated.

The Wild Sand Dragon roared crazily, and it had already paid a huge price for just a short moment of fighting.

But they can't stop, because once they stop, there is only one dead end!

Not only the Sky Dragon will destroy them, even the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon will not let them go!

Because in a critical moment, the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon will not hesitate to use them as a tonic.

"Damn it! These two giant dragons in the sky have been supplemented repeatedly, and their strength has surpassed ours. It can't go on like this!"

"I'll take the first step, the two clan brothers slaughtered them to avenge me!"

Roar... Boom!

Accompanied by a frenzied roar, one of the three Kuangsha giant dragons ruthlessly rushed towards the opposite sky dragon!

Directly blew up the huge dragon body of Golden Kuangsha!



The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the two giant dragons in the sky were caught off guard and severely injured, and they roared furiously!

Hoho... woohoo!

"Damn it!"

"Clan brother, let's go, I'll hold them back!"

In a critical moment, the slightly larger celestial dragon stood in front of him, ready to drag down the powerful enemy on the opposite side and let his companions escape.

However, the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon took the lead to seal off the escape route!

"No one can leave!"

"The purple flame dragon body you swallowed, it's time to return it!"

Ho ho ho!

The Purple Flame Thunder Dragon frantically showed its might, urging Tian Leilan to approach step by step.


The terrifying purple flame ignited again, and its momentum was overwhelming!

On the opposite side, the two mad sand dragons are already in a hurry!

His companion paid the price of self-explosion and severely injured the two giant dragons in the sky.

Before he could take advantage of it, the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon rushed ahead instead.

If the two giant dragons in the sky were devoured by them, then he would definitely be in bad luck.

"Hurry up and swallow them!"


The golden mad sand rolled towards the two giant dragons in the sky, trying to kill and devour them first!

The situation is already tense to the extreme!

At this moment, the alliance between Kuangsha and Ziyan has no great significance, and it may disintegrate at any time with the passage of time!

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to the three parties!

"Very good, I accept this great gift!"

The cold Jiaoyue suddenly sounded, shocking the minds of the three parties!


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