Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7185 the prestige of true pupil

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Ordinarily, the black-robed youth should be passive if the pupil technique was broken, but from what he meant, the other party wasn't panicked at all?

"You can't even break my pupil technique, do you really think you can escape my control?"

"What? Impossible!"

Bai Hunhun's face was shocked, and his mind was shocked!

She has clearly crushed the void with her powerful blood talent and suppressed the visions of giant pupils.

Why did the other party say that?

"Look around you, do you really think you broke my pupil technique?"

Long Die sneered again and again.

Before the words fell, the void suddenly burst into flames, as if they had come to a volcanic area!

There are pillars of flame piercing the void everywhere, and magma is flowing on the ground, exuding a terrifying heat wave!

"Hiss! This..."

Bai Hunhun's face changed drastically!

As shrewd as she is, she naturally understands the meaning of this scene.

From the giant pupil just now to the fire domain now, they are all illusions!

But this illusion, as if it was fake, has a sense of reality that ordinary illusions do not have.

"No! This is not a simple illusion!"

Bai Hunhun was soon covered in sweat under the attack of the heat wave, and his blood began to pulsate.

The reason why the true pupil lineage is so powerful is that any kind of illusion evolved by the pupil technique of its true pupil has the effect of making people unable to distinguish between reality and reality.

To put it bluntly, the volcano evolved from the true pupil technique is equivalent to a real volcano!

Because it has all the power and characteristics of a real volcano!

The sword magic weapon evolved from the true pupil technique also has the same power as the real magic weapon.

The various scenes evolved by the True Pupil technique make it impossible to tell the real from the fake!

This is the deep meaning of the word "true pupil"!

"It's over!"

Facing the scene in front of him, Bai Hunhun almost despaired!

This is the first time she has experienced the power of Zhentong, but this first time, I am afraid it will also become her swan song!

"Give me a raise!"


Bang, squeak... squeak!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and one after another volcanoes began to erupt. Huge pillars of fire and terrifying heat waves smashed through the condensed ice field in an instant.

Let this void change from the previous ice-cold state, and turn it into a terrifying and fierce field filled with flames!

Ang... Ho Ho Ho!

The hoarfrost dragon roared furiously, clearly showing deep anxiety, even fear.

Although the power of its bloodline is extremely powerful, enough to freeze the void, it is also difficult to resist in front of Zhentong's terrifying pupil technique.

In an instant, the ice crystals all over the sky were completely vaporized and dissipated into nothingness!

Boom... Boom!

The roiling heat wave swept in crazily, heading straight for Bai Hun Hun!

"Bai Hunhun, die!"

"You are dreaming!"

Bai Hunhun scolded harshly, his eyes lit up!

At this critical moment, she knew that she could no longer hold back.

With a lift of his right hand, a piece of snow-white ice crystal dragon scale was cast out!


The dragon scale flew out of his hand, exploded suddenly, and turned into countless huge ice shields to envelop her.


With a wave of his left hand, the giant hoarfrost dragon roared and rushed out.

White dragon breaths spewed out from the giant mouth, extinguishing pillars of fire wherever they went, and freezing large volcanoes!


Long Die watched with folded arms outside the illusion created by the pupil technique, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

On his side, he only showed the power of the true pupil a little, and Bai Hunhun was in a hurry.

But it is obvious that this extremely evildoer of the lineage of the Baishuang giant dragon has not completely lost his position.

Still trying to fight back with the help of the blood power of the frost dragon!

"Hey! It's a pity that all this is in vain!"

"Stop struggling, go to death with peace of mind!"

Longdie snorted coldly, and raised her hand to wipe between her eyebrows!

Buzz buzz!

Layers of black and gray ripples rippling!

In an instant, the fire field that made Bai Hunhun afraid disappeared!

Instead, there are flying swords all over the sky!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

These flying swords have different shapes and colors, but their auras are all extremely violent.

Each one has the power not weaker than the top immortal treasure, and it is like locusts flying all over the sky to slash towards the hoarfrost dragon!

"not good!"

Bai Hunhun's expression changed, and he exclaimed that it's not good!

Just about to urge the giant frost dragon to dodge, those flying swords disappeared into the void in an instant.

The next moment, he slashed on the body of the Hoarfrost dragon at an incredible speed!

Bang bang bang...crack...boom!

Ho Ho Ho Ho... Oo Hoo!

The hoarfrost dragon had no time to react, so it was cut and bruised all over its body!

He roared for a while, and his rage was abnormal!

Ho ho ho!

It breathed out dragon's breath frantically, sweeping down a large number of flying swords!

Those who were swept by the dragon's breath instantly turned into lumps of ice and fell directly into the air.

The giant tail twitched wildly, and instantly exploded!

But this kind of offensive did not relax Bai Hunhun, but made her more nervous!

"The power of Zhentong is so powerful!"

Bai Hunhun muttered to himself, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

She devoured the blood essence of the three veins of Tianqiong, Kuangsha and Ziyan, thinking that she could compare with Zhentong's bloodline.

It was only now that I realized that the pupil art of the true pupil branch is really too powerful, surpassing hundreds of branches!

Although the person standing opposite her was a foreign aid from Yinlong's lineage, just merging with this true pupil made her fall into a complete passivity.

If she didn't have this true pupil, she would be sure to crush her opponent easily.

But it is precisely because of the existence of this true pupil that she is passive everywhere, almost helpless!

"I am Bai Hunhun, do I really want to be buried here?"

Bai Hunhun looked up to the sky and cried out in grief, feeling extremely hopeless in his heart.

But the next moment, a violent aura erupted from her body!

"No! My Baishuang lineage is not only a branch of the true dragon family, but also a descendant of ancient true dragons. I must not be easily crushed by mere pupil techniques!"

"The art of reverse blood, start!"

Rumble... Awow!


With one point between his eyebrows, Bai Hunhun used some kind of strange blood art!

The giant hoarfrost dragon hovering in the void suddenly let out an extremely painful roar, and streaks of golden dragon blood oozed out from under the scales all over its body, causing its aura to rise sharply.

"Well, what method is this?"

The corners of Long Die's eyes contracted, he was taken aback!

The other party was obviously performing some kind of bloodline secret technique, but as for what kind of secret technique it was, he couldn't tell for a while.

In the blink of an eye, the originally snow-white and crystal-clear Hoarfrost Dragon turned into a terrifying golden dragon!

This golden dragon opened its huge mouth and spewed out a terrifying golden breath, sweeping down countless flying swords.

But it didn't fly forward, but flew backwards with a roar, and rushed straight to Bai Hunhun!


Bai Hunhun stepped forward facing the approach of the golden dragon, and his whole body turned into an illusory dragon shadow, merging with it!

The golden light in the void skyrocketed, and in a blink of an eye, a woman wearing a gold and white dragon robe appeared!

Judging by its appearance, it is 90% similar to Bai Hun Hun!

But its aura is quite different!

There is a pair of crystal dragon horns on the top of this girl's head, and a pair of eyes, but they are dazzling golden pupils, exuding a strange golden glow!

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