Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!


Long Xuan let out a desperate scream, it was extremely tragic, he died!


The eyelids of many pulse masters and elders jumped wildly in the arena, and they were extremely shocked!

Such a method, such a viciousness, and such a combat power are really shocking and terrifying!

Long Xuan is a half-step god-builder, and his strength is comparable to that of the elders and priests present.

Only slightly inferior to the masters of all pulses!

Facing Jiang Tian, ​​he had no power to fight back!

This means that even if these vein masters face Jiang Tian, ​​they will be crushed instantly!

"Jiang Tian!"

The most nervous thing at the moment is Long Cuilan, the main vein of Moju Mountain!

Jiang Tian beheaded Long Xuan, but she didn't move at all.

The one who is really afraid is Long Qian, the elder of the True Dragon Family!

Because of the fall of the dragon disc, Longxuan lost his use value to him, and even let Jiang Tian kill this person!

On the surface, it seems that he really doesn't care about Long Xuan's life or death, but no matter what, Long Xuan followed him here.

To put it bluntly, Long Xuan appeared as his follower!

As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner!

As the elder of the True Dragon Family, and also a great power in the god-making realm, would he really not care if his entourage was blatantly beheaded by the descendants of the branch?

I'm afraid not necessarily!

"My lord, Jiang Tian may be in trouble!"

"What shall we do?"

The elders around you and the spiritual power sound transmission of the priests are careful to remind.

"Of course I understand this!"

Long Cuiluan's expression was solemn, but he was not entangled!

"Jiang Tian, ​​as a bloodline with a foreign surname, single-handedly sent my Moju Mountain lineage to the top of the ranking list, which has won incalculable benefits for this lineage and completely reversed the decline of this lineage. No matter how much you can repay this kindness, you can't exaggerate it!"

"Master Vein Master?"

"Think twice!"

The faces of the elders and the priests changed slightly, and they tried to persuade them one after another.

What Long Cuiluan meant was clearly to stand with Jiang Tian, ​​advance and retreat together!

But who can resist the might of Long Qian's god-making realm?

"Master Maizhu values ​​love and righteousness, which is admirable. Jiang Tian also contributed a lot to our Moju Mountain, but Lord Maizhu should also think about it for the people of the tribe!"

"Long Qian is the elder of the god-making realm of our clan. His cultivation base is super strong and his power is terrifying. Once we make a move, we will not be able to protect you even if we die!"

"It's not easy for Moju Mountain to have this opportunity to stand up. If Long Qian is really angered, I'm afraid it will be a catastrophe!"

"Master Pulse Master, please weigh carefully and think twice before acting!"

The accompanying priests and elders spoke again, urging Long Cuilan not to be impulsive.

Long Cuiluan sneered: "Jiang Tian fought desperately for his main line and created a miracle. If this main line backs down at this time, he will be cast aside by the entire martial arts world!"


"Don't say any more! If Long Qian doesn't make things difficult, if he really wants to make things difficult for Jiang Tian, ​​the master of this bloodline will definitely stand with him and face the pressure head-on!"

"If you don't dare, just draw a clear line with me, I will never force it!"

Long Cuilan's resolute attitude surprised the accompanying elders and priests.

Although Long Cuiluan valued affection and righteousness, he was never impulsive.

Always act with extreme caution!

Why did she act so impulsively this time?

Could it be that he was really moved by the miracle created by Jiang Tian?

The four elders and priests looked at each other in blank dismay, so they had no choice but to stop persuading.

"What is the master of the pulse, we are thinking about the interests of our veins, and we are definitely not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Since the pulse master has decided to advance and retreat with Jiang Tian, ​​we are naturally obliged to support the pulse master's decision!"

"I am willing to live and die together with Lord Vein Master, and face difficulties directly!"

The four of them stood beside Long Cuilan, their expressions determined!

"Very good, if I can escape unscathed today, I, Long Cuilan, will never forget your contributions!"


The four of them smiled wryly to themselves, feeling extremely complicated.

In the face of Long Qian's despotic power that may erupt at any time, can they really retreat unscathed?


The Star Sword Field was put away by Jiang Tian, ​​and the vision in the void quickly subsided.

Long Xuan, who had been clamoring wildly for a while, had completely disappeared.

Jiang Tian grabbed the storage ring left by Longxuan and threw it into the Zixuan Realm without looking at it.

"May I ask the presiding elder, when will Qianlong Wuhui end?"

Jiang Tian looked at Long You and asked.

"One more hour will be over, when the prohibition array in the Julong Mountain Range will be extinguished by itself, and all warriors will be sent back by the force of the prohibition!

Judging from the current situation, no one can surpass your record, so you are well-deserved number one in the martial arts competition!

And the Moju Mountain lineage has already secured the position of the overlord of this martial arts meeting! "

Long You narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Long Qian from the corner of his eye, and said slowly.

"Mojushan, the biggest winner of this tournament!"

"I didn't expect that this branch, which ranks more than 300 years ago and has been declining in recent years, has soared into the sky!"

"And all of this is due to the foreign aid they found——Jiang Tian!"

"Moju Mountain's luck, why is it so good?"

"I'm really envious of others!"

"If I had known this earlier, I would have invited him here no matter how much it cost me!" A vein master with a ranking below 200 said through gritted teeth, feeling aggrieved.

"What's the use of talking about it now, even if the time goes back to before the martial arts meeting, even if Jiang Tian walks in front of your eyes, will you really recruit him at any cost?"

"Hey! Everything is an afterthought!"

Many people couldn't help ridiculing.

Anyone can hit the gun after the fact, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

Jiang Tian single-handedly brought Moju Mountain to the top position, creating an unprecedented miracle in Qianlong Wuhui.

At this point, hundreds of branches are envious!

"As the leader of this martial arts meeting, Jiang Tian will have the opportunity to go to the aristocratic family to practice!"

"When he gets there, he will be able to enjoy the inexhaustible top resources of the family!"

"His current combat power is already so terrifying. After entering the Holy Land, it will definitely skyrocket. In a short time, it is very likely that he will touch the barrier of the God-making Realm!"

"It's really hard to imagine how high Jiang Tian will reach in half a year, a year or even a few years later!"

Many pulse masters and elders talked endlessly, filled with emotions, and their hearts were full of envy, jealousy and hatred!

"Hmph! You may be thinking too much. The Moju Mountain lineage will indeed benefit enormously, but do you think that Jiang Tian will be able to escape unscathed?"

On a giant silver dragon, an old man in silver robe stepped on the head of the dragon and said coldly.

"He tortured and killed Long Xuan in front of Lord Long Qian. Do you think Lord Long Qian will really remain indifferent?"

"Is there any doubt about this? When Long Xuan called for help just now, Master Long Qian didn't even blink his eyelids!"

"Master Long Qian obviously doesn't care about the life and death of a small person like Long Xuan. What he cares about is the evil dragon disc of the Yinlong lineage. Once the dragon disc dies, Long Xuan is a fart!"

Many people have refuted.

But there are also people who have figured out the pros and cons!

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