Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7196 Star Market? !

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"Huh! How dangerous!"

After the coercion disappeared, Long Cuiluan's delicate body shook violently, and she almost collapsed!

"Thank you Dragon Vein Lord!"

"Jiang Xiaoyou is serious, you are my great benefactor of Moju Mountain, I will protect you even if I die!"

At this moment, Long You looked over here.

"Dragon Vein Lord, let's talk about it later, I have something to say to him!"

"Master Longyou, please!"

Long You said solemnly: "Jiang Tian, ​​Long Qian is definitely not a good person. If you fall into his hands, you will surely die. Why don't you follow the old man to the holy land of the family to practice after the martial arts competition. When you get there, as long as you stay vigilant, Long Qian will not dare to do anything wrong!"

"The Holy Land of the True Dragon Family?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

To be honest, although he was a little curious about the family saint, he didn't have much interest.

It is true that practicing there will bring great benefits and enjoy the super resources of the True Dragon Family.

But he must also be bound by the rules of the family. In a sense, it is equivalent to being supported by the family and cannot help himself.

He has experienced this situation countless times, and he is very unhappy.

"Elder Longyou, this junior has a few questions, I would like to ask you to answer them!"

"Say it!"

"Does Long Qian have a lot of power in the True Dragon Family?"

"Not under the old man, and the old man must remind you that the elder who is in charge of the holy land of the family has a deep personal relationship with him!" Long You said.

Jiang Tian frowned and shook his head secretly.

Obviously, the internal situation of the True Dragon Family is also complicated, and the water is very deep!

"The junior has another question. I wonder if there are people from Xuanyuan's lineage in the True Dragon Family?"

"Xuanyuan's lineage! Are you related to this lineage?" The corners of Long You's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of astonishment flashed between his brows.

"It's just a little curiosity. It is said that this lineage is quite mysterious?" Jiang Tianbang explained in confusion.

"Phew! I'm afraid I will disappoint you. Although the True Dragon Family's background is strong, it has no close connection with the Xuanyuan lineage. In fact... that lineage is extremely mysterious, powerful, and difficult to touch even for my True Dragon Family!"

"Oh! So, the Xuanyuan lineage is not in the Dao domain?" Jiang Tian was very surprised!

"Yes! There are no members of Xuanyuan's lineage in the entire Dao Domain. The True Dragon Family is already the top existence of the Dragon Clan in the Dao Domain. However, if you are really interested in Xuanyuan's lineage, I have a piece of news that I need to share with you!"

"Elder, please speak!"

"Do you know the Star Market?"

"Star Market!" Jiang Tian's expression changed!

He had come into contact with this place as early as when he was in Zhongyu.

Is it the same place?

Jiang Tian expressed his doubts, but Long You couldn't stop laughing!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you obviously misunderstood. The 'Star Market' you mentioned is completely different from the Star Market I mentioned!"

"What I'm talking about is the 'Star Market' of the Dao Domain. The so-called Star Market of the Dao Domain is not a fixed location, or a place like the Julong Mountain Range, but a mysterious independent space, which can be regarded as a small interface!"

"Small interface! How is it compared to the 'God-Building Realm'?" Jiang Tian asked.

"The Realm of Creation of Gods is nothing more than a small space for man-made sacrifices. It is completely different from the mysterious and unpredictable Star Market!"

"What is the relationship between Xingxu and Xuanyuan?" Jiang Tian asked.

"This matter..." Long You rolled his eyes, and suddenly switched to using spiritual power to communicate with him.

"Jiang Tian! It's about some secrets of the True Dragon Family. I can't reveal them to outsiders, but if you want to know the details, you must agree to my request!"

"Request?" Jiang Tian was taken aback!

"It's very simple. You must agree to go to the holy land of the family to practice with the old man, so that the old man can reveal this secret to you, otherwise I have no comment!"

Long You looked solemn, and was extremely cautious about this question.

"This..." Jiang Tian frowned and fell silent.

"Why? You are still hesitating about the opportunity that others can only dream of!"

Long You shook his head and sneered.

"I understand your concerns, and it's nothing more than fear that Long Qian will make things difficult for you, but if you want to know the situation in Star Market, this is the only way!

In addition, if you follow the old man to the holy land of the aristocratic family, the Moju Mountain lineage will be complete! Because Long Qian's target will only be on you, and he has no time to distract and suppress Mojushan. Of course, with his temperament, he will find opportunities to compete and retaliate, but if you practice in the holy land of the aristocratic family, you will be able to learn of these news at the first time, so that Mojushan can take precautions to avoid major losses! "

"I see!"

Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath.

Whether it's for the secret of Xingxu or to protect Moju Mountain, he can only accept the other party's invitation.

"Elder Longyou, I am willing to follow you to the Holy Land of the Aristocratic Family!"

"very good!"

Longyou is overjoyed!

If Jiang Tianzhen doesn't accept it, he can't force it.

Now that Jiang Tian accepts the invitation, he has made a small contribution to the family!

"Now, I can tell you that the Star Ruins I mentioned is a secret topic even within the True Dragon Family!"

"Do you know why the aristocratic family established the Qianlong Martial Arts Club and recruited the top monsters of the martial arts club to practice in the Holy Land?"

"One of the purposes is related to the Star Market!"

"Specific questions, I will tell you in detail when we set off, now, you can bid farewell to Long Cuilan and the others!"

"Thank you Elder Longyou!"

Jiang Tian bowed his hands to express his gratitude, and temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart.

The question of Daoyu Xingxu seems to be a bit complicated, obviously it cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

This made him look forward to it!

What is so special about Daoyu Star Ruins?

What is the connection with Xuanyuan's?

All kinds of doubts are waiting for Long You to answer!

He looked at Long Cuiran!

"Dragon Vein Master, this junior will follow Elder Long You to the Holy Land to practice, let's leave now!"

"Jiang Daoyou finally figured it out, congratulations!"

"However, when you get there, you must be careful of Long Qian's revenge. Among the elders of the True Dragon Family, this person is notoriously narrow-minded and will take revenge!"

"Senior, don't worry, I have my own measure!"

Jiang Tian sneered secretly in his heart.

Entering the Holy Land of the Aristocratic Family may seem like a crisis to others, but it is also a great opportunity for him.

If Long Qian really dared to attack him, he would never mind giving him a "surprise"!

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, please don't call me 'senior' any more, I really can't afford to be a concubine!"

With a wry smile on Long Cuilan's face, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

Jiang Tian's combat power is obvious to all, and it is enough to easily crush a half-step god-making level powerhouse.

It can be said that most of the pulse masters and elders present are not his opponents.

Of course, Long Cuiluan is no exception. Under such circumstances, it is really embarrassing to be called "senior" by the other party!

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently: "I fight in the name of the younger generation of Moju Mountain, and there is nothing wrong with calling the Dragon Vein Lord a senior!"

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