Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7215 Hilltop Stone Palace

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"Little... little brother pays respects to Brother Jiang!"

"The little brother witnessed the entire battle just now. Brother Jiang's supernatural power is invincible. I'm in admiration!"

"However, Dragon Stone Girl is very talented, and she will be stronger tomorrow than today. Clan brother should be careful!"

"Brother Jiang doesn't have his own cave, does he? My younger brother is willing to donate his cave for you to live in!"

There were five people who came to please Jiang Tian.

"It's not necessary, I'd better find an empty cave."

Jiang Tian looked at them, smiled lightly, and walked away.

Although the real dragon family has a strong background, in the environment of the Holy Land, it has also created a group of guys who are stalking people.

He has no doubt that if they lose tomorrow, these guys will definitely turn their backs!

Seeing that it was impossible to please, everyone did not flinch.

Instead, he had an idea and looked over the top of the mountain!

"Speaking of uninhabited caves, there are indeed several on this mountain, but ordinary caves obviously don't match the identity and strength of Brother Jiang!"

"There is a cave on the top of the mountain that no one lives in all year round. I think it is suitable for Brother Jiang!"

"That's right, it's just that the cave is a bit particular. I don't know if Brother Jiang will dare to go there?"

Everyone pointed to a stone temple on the top of the mountain with weird expressions.

"What's the point?" Jiang Tian asked.

"That cave was already uninhabited a year ago, but in fact, it is still occupied by people!"

"Oh, since no one lives there, how can you occupy it?"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but feel very curious!

"That is a powerful evildoer of his own family, named Long Lin! A year ago, his strength soared and he directly entered the central area of ​​the Holy Land!"

Everyone explained.

"I broke into the central region a year ago. Since that's the case, this cave should have been vacated a long time ago?" Jiang Tian wondered.

"Brother Jiang was wrong. Long Lin has a tyrannical personality and has some habits that are different from ordinary people. After he was promoted to the central region, he threatened that no one could enter the cave he had read, otherwise he would bear the consequences!"

"It's so overbearing!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened.

This Long Lin is so rampant!

Now that it has entered the central area, the caves in the outer area are naturally unnecessary.

But he has occupied it for a year, using his power to intimidate people in the outer area not to enter this idle cave.

It's outrageous!

"Of course, it's not impossible for others to use this cave, but they have to surrender to him and be his little brother, so that they can get his permission to temporarily have the right to use this cave!"

"The right to use? Hehe, so he really regards himself as the permanent owner of this cave?"

Jiang Tian sneered!

Such a person, this kind of behavior really made him feel contemptuous!

"Brother Jiang clan, calm down, your arms can't twist your thighs, we don't want to fight with this kind of people, let's squeeze together and let you live in a cave!"

Several evildoers competed to please Jiang Tian, ​​and wanted to sell their cave to him.

"No need!"

Jiang Tian resolutely refused!

On the one hand, these people are out of goodwill, and on the other hand, they want to befriend him because they have taken a fancy to his potential.

Although this is natural, it is not in line with his temperament.

"This unowned cave, I want to settle!"


Jiang Tian took one step forward and climbed to the top of the peak!

Immediately plunder into the cave!



A pale green barrier suddenly lit up, blocking him!

"Brother Jiang, what you touched was the forbidden magic circle left by Long Lin!"

"Once this formation is touched, Longlin will feel it!"

"With his temperament, he must be furious instantly, and then kill him from the central area!"

"Brother Jiang, a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, so you should hide!"

Everyone reminded Jiang Tian one after another, with fear on their faces.

In their view, Jiang Tian speaks beautifully, but in the face of a powerful threat that may come at any time, he will still avoid the edge for the time being.

But Jiang Tian's reaction was greatly unexpected!

"Just a ban, just want to scare me away?"

Jiang Tian sneered, raised his hand and swiped forward!


Bang bang bang... Boom!

A ray of purple light cut through, and the light green restriction instantly collapsed like paper paste!


Seeing this, not only did everyone not have much surprise, but they gasped and became more and more worried!

"Brother Jiang, you...why are you doing this?"

"If you retreat in time, we can explain to Long Lin and help you smooth things over!"

"Now you have directly broken his restriction, and we won't even be able to speak for you when he comes!"

The evildoers who came up with Jiang Tian were terrified, their eyes filled with horror.

Long Lin's temperament is domineering and tyrannical. Once you get mad, it doesn't matter who you are, even those next to you may be pulled over and violent.

This person can be said to have a very vicious reputation in the Holy Land!

"Isn't the rule of the Holy Land that strength comes first? I'd like to see, what kind of abilities does this Longlin have?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, and stepped into the stone hall.

I have to say, compared to Longshinv's stone cave, this stone palace is much brighter!

And on the wall in the middle of the stone hall, there are several strong and powerful characters engraved: Longlin Cave Mansion, strangers should not enter, the consequences will be at your own risk!

"A good one at your own risk!"


With a wave of his hand, Jiang Tian completely erased the handwriting.

Immediately close the door of the hall, sit cross-legged inside and retreat.

"This Jiang family brother is really brave!"

"No matter how courageous you are, what's the use of being brave? In the end, you have to rely on your strength to speak!"

"Can he really beat Long Lin?"

"I find it difficult!"

"We have all experienced Long Lin's strength before!"


When it came to Long Lin's methods, everyone present complained one after another, feeling a surge of fear in their hearts.

They have tried Long Lin's method.

Before Long Lin went to the central area, he almost tortured all the warriors in the outer area.

Almost all the people who practiced here a year ago suffered from Long Lin.

All the previous things left a deep impression on them, so much so that when they talk about Long Lin now, they still turn pale!

"Long Lin is a very small-minded person, and he will take revenge for every wronged person. This time, it is absolutely difficult to be kind!"

"Just wait, Long Lin will definitely come!"

"Let's stay away, don't touch his bad luck!"


Everyone gasped, and quickly dodged.

There is no way, Long Lin's lustful power is too strong!

If you don't hide, you will be unlucky!

at this time!

Jiang Tian is retreating in the stone hall!

He came to the Zixuan Realm for the first time!

"World Spirit, what's going on?" Jiang Tian asked loudly.

"Master, your luck is pretty good. This dragon eye is the eye of a real dragon that has awakened a trace of the will of a real dragon. As soon as it enters the Purple Mysterious Realm, it will frantically absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here, causing its power to increase dramatically!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian stared at the void in front of him.

I saw that true pupil floating in the air, frantically absorbing the spiritual energy of the world from the Zixuan Realm!

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