Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7246 The terrifying dragon-slaying talisman


"Inherit the secret technique!"

"He just arrived in the Holy Land, where did he get the secret technique?"

All the monsters were surprised!

Not just anyone has the opportunity to practice the secret technique of inheritance!

In addition to strong bloodline talents and excellent strength, they also need the favor of elders and even high-level officials of the family.

How could Jiang Tiantian have such a powerful inherited secret technique within two days of his arrival?

"Obviously, this is something he has practiced for a long time, and it is the trump card he has in his hand!" said the young evildoer.

"Who is this person?"

Everyone looked at each other, now they all had the same question!

The body is super strong, and he also possesses the terrifying inherited secret technique!

What is the background of this Jiang Tian?

"It's useless! Even if you swallow the Soaring Dragon Seal, you still can't defeat me!"

Long Xiaonan roared fiercely!

Tenglongyin's defeat was beyond his expectation.

But it didn’t touch his foundation!

His combat power has always remained at its peak, without any losses of his own!

But after this confrontation, he no longer planned to confront Jiang Tian head-on.

Because he already understands that even if they fight head-on, he may not be able to take advantage.


At this time, he decisively activated a spiritual talisman!

Dragon-Slaying Talisman!

A flash of golden light!

The dragon-slaying talisman roared and soared into the sky, turning into a terrifying dragon-shaped sword that cut through the void and slashed hard at the purple dragon!

The speed was so fast that Jiang Tian had no time to react!


Boom, boom!

Golden light flashed, and the void seemed to be cut off!

The giant purple dragon was slashed by a sword and roared unwillingly.

But this time, it failed to reunite!

The golden sword power of the Dragon-Slaying Talisman spread crazily, turning into a large golden flame that stretched more than ten thousand feet into the void!

Completely wrap the remains of the purple dragon in it!

"Brother Xiaonan is mighty!"

"Brother Xiaonan will definitely win!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​have you seen it? This is the strength of our direct line of monsters!"

Many monsters applauded Long Xiaonan, completely ignoring the fact that he relied on the magic talisman, and just praised his strength.

It is true that spiritual talismans and magic weapons are also part of the strength and the foundation of a warrior!

But they advocated so much that even the elders watching the battle couldn't stand it!

At this moment, the elders looked at each other, and the atmosphere was somewhat awkward!

They had to admit that if it was a life and death battle, Jiang Tian might have been destroyed by the Dragon Slaying Talisman!

But this does not mean that Long Xiaonan's hard power must be higher than Jiang Tian!

"Dragon-slaying Talisman?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, not too surprised.

Seeing the billowing golden flames covering the void, he raised his hand and moved towards the sky!



As he took action, two rays of purple light broke through the golden flames, swept back, and sank into his body.


"You can actually take it back!"

"Is this being annihilated by the Dragon-Slaying Talisman?"

"What's the point of those two purple lights?"

The monsters watching the battle were stunned!

What is Jiang Tian doing? Are those two purple lights still useful to him?

Long Xiaonan also looked surprised, not knowing why for a moment!

At this moment, Jiang Tian silently felt the purple light entering his body, his eyes flashing thoughtfully.

The dragon-slaying talisman was indeed very powerful, so powerful that it even made him a little afraid.

Obviously these monsters of their own race have some life-saving films!

If it were a life and death fight, the Dragon-Slaying Talisman would indeed be a big threat.

Of course, if it was a life and death fight, Long Xiaonan might have been killed by him long ago!

At this moment, he didn't pay much attention to the power of the Dragon-Slaying Talisman.

Instead, he silently savored the two rays of purple light that swept back!

This is the power of the "Dragon Transformation Technique". Although it was greatly damaged after being cut off, some of the essence was still brought back.

Derived from the essence of the Tenglong Seal!

"Is this... the power of space rooted in blood?"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, feeling the power.

It is indeed a kind of space power, but it is very different from his space power!

This may be the reason why Long Xiaonan can use the spinning dragon palm containing ripples, but has never used other spatial methods.

"It's amazing that there is such space power!"

Jiang Tian had to admit that the bloodlines in the world were full of strange things.

This is especially true for the monsters of the True Dragon Family!

Long Xiaonan's bloodline contains special space power, but he does not rely too much on space power, or in other words, he does not major in space power.

Jiang Tian suppressed his thoughts and looked into the sky!

At this time, the billowing golden flames are still burning!

He is also quite interested in these golden flames!

This is a powerful talisman from the True Dragon Family. Don’t miss this opportunity!



Jiang Tian grabbed a ray of golden flame from the air, swallowed it in his belly and silently realized it.

At the same time as this ray of golden flame entered his body, his star sword body suddenly reacted!

But it is relatively mild and the reaction is not very big!

"Sword Intent!"

Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

It is no surprise that the Dragon-Slaying Talisman itself is a spiritual talisman that contains the meaning of the sword.

As for those golden flames, they were swallowed up by the Golden Crow bloodline dormant in the air sea!


After the Golden Crow bloodline swallowed this golden flame, it began to become restless, as if it wanted to rush out of the sea of ​​​​qi!

"Oh, want to take them as a tonic?"

Jiang Tian was somewhat surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Crow bloodline was so hungry for this Golden Flame!

If it were any other time, he would never mind releasing this bloodline to let it drink those golden flames.

But here in the True Dragon Holy Land, in front of many monsters and those who are powerful in the God-making realm, he did not dare to be hasty.

The bloodline of the Golden Crow is extraordinary, and once they are targeted, it will easily cause trouble.

Thinking of this, he suddenly took a step forward and rushed into the golden flames that filled the sky!

"What is he going to do!"

The young monsters were all surprised and couldn't understand Jiang Tian's intention.

But it was obvious that he was interested in those golden flames, but no one knew what he was going to do!

"What does he want to do?"

The elders watching the battle were also puzzled.

Soon, they saw a shocking scene!

Jiang Tian directly opened his mouth and started to swallow wildly in the sea of ​​flames!


The golden flames all over the sky turned into huge waves and rolled back, being devoured by him!

"This..." The elders looked at each other in shock!

The dragon-slaying talisman is extremely powerful. It attacks first with the sword and then with the golden flame burning the sky. It is almost invulnerable!

But Jiang Tian didn't seem to take it seriously and actually took the initiative to absorb these golden flames!


The billowing golden flames turned into a huge fire dragon and entered the air sea. The Golden Crow bloodline took on the shape of a three-legged fire crow and devoured it to its heart's content!

Like a thirsty drinker, drinking crazily!

The speed of Jin Yan's rewinding was getting faster and faster, so fast that even Jiang Tian frowned!

"too fast!"

Anyone can see the weirdness at such a speed.

But he couldn't care about that much anymore and could only let the Golden Crow devour the food.


When all the golden flames were swallowed up, the Golden Crow bloodline swam happily in the sea of ​​​​qi, making an excited chirp that lasted for a long time!

"Okay, don't mess around, otherwise I will suppress you!"

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