Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7255 Recommendation

Long Xuanlu's eyelids twitched as he watched the other party's disappearing figure, and he raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Long Qian's impulse to take action was temporarily suppressed by him.

Jiang Tian escaped a crisis, and he also escaped a huge trouble!

But Jiang Tian's crisis has not been resolved!

Because of Long Qian's vengeful character, he would never let Jiang Tian go.

But as long as he doesn't do anything in the Holy Land, it will have no impact on him!

But he felt that it was still necessary to remind him in order to pave the way for the future.

So, he found Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Tian, ​​as an elder of the Holy Land, I must remind you, be careful of Long Qian!"

"Long Qian!" Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, his eyes filled with cold light!

"Yes, he has murderous intentions towards you. If I hadn't dissuaded him just now, I'm afraid he would have already killed you. He even wanted to drag me into the water and deal with you together!"

"Oh, I'm afraid it's not as simple as the elder said, right?"

Jiang Tian looked at each other with a faint smile on his face.

Long Xuanlu nodded and smiled: "You are right, I don't need to hide it from you. As a family member, Long Qian and I used to have a good personal relationship, but he violated the family rules and wanted to force me to join hands in strangulation in the Holy Land. For you, this touched my bottom line, so I scolded him away!"

"Dare you ask the elder's name?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"It's on Xialong Xuan Road!"

"Elder Long Xuanlu, good means, good city!" Jiang Tian smiled.

Since it was Long Qian's arrangement, the other party should have been targeting him for a long time.

But because he showed amazing potential in just three days, he changed his mind temporarily.

The rivers and lakes are dangerous, and people's hearts are separated from each other.

People's hearts are complicated too!

Many things are not as simple as they seem!

Therefore, his intuition told him that this elder Long Xuanlu was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

But the other party confessing this matter directly to him was naturally not a bad thing for him.

"Thank you, Elder Long, for reminding me!"

Jiang Tian held his hand indifferently, not looking very sincere.

And this attitude, instead of irritating Long Xuanlu, actually made him look down upon him!

If Jiang Tian was directly grateful to him, he would inevitably look down on him.

But this attitude now shows that Jiang Tian is not a fool!

"What a Jiang Tian, ​​what an unparalleled monster. Long is optimistic about you and your opportunity to enter Xingxu, but I must remind you that it is not convenient for Long Qian to take action in the family. Once he leaves the family, he will definitely take revenge. This I can't help you at all, just be careful!"

Long Xuanlu knew that people like Jiang Tian didn't need to say much.

As long as you hit the mark, it will be fine. Talking too much may be counterproductive.

He has expressed his goodwill towards Jiang Tian and proved that he will not be confused on major issues of right and wrong, let alone be manipulated by others.

Therefore, Jiang Tian already knew what was going on.

Once he becomes a powerful figure in the True Dragon Family in the future, he will naturally be impressed by what he does today.

By then, even if he cannot rise higher and higher, at least he will be free from all kinds of worries.

Of course, there are two things to say!

Long Qian will never let Jiang Tian go, and will definitely seize every opportunity to strike!

Whether Jiang Tian can escape this disaster depends on his luck!

But Jiang Tian, ​​can he really enter the Star Market as he wishes?

After Long Xuanlu left, Jiang Tian immediately returned to the cave to practice.

In the quasi-divine vein cave in the central area, his bloodline spiritual power was superimposed hundreds of times, but the bottleneck of his cultivation was not touched.

This was a very unexpected situation for him!

Now, he needs some time to settle himself, and at the same time, he also needs to adapt to the changes in strength brought about by the superposition of spiritual powers.

Regarding the issue of whether to enter Star Ruins, at least four people in the True Dragon Family are paying attention!

One is Long You, the presiding elder of the Qianlong Martial Arts Association!

It was on the condition of Xingxu that he persuaded Jiang Tian to come.

The second one is Jiang Tian himself!

Because entering the Star Ruins was his only goal when he came to the True Dragon Holy Land!

The third one is Long Xuan Road!

He is paying attention to the follow-up trend. With Jiang Tian's strength, he is very hopeful to get this opportunity.

And when you get an opportunity, it also means that a crisis is coming!

The fourth is Long Qian!

Relatively speaking, he even cares about this matter more than Jiang Tian himself!

Because it was no longer possible to take action in the Holy Land, he had to find another opportunity to take action to eliminate this trouble.

If Jiang Tian stays in the Holy Land for a long time, his plan will not be implemented.

The longer the delay, the greater the risk!

Because once Jiang Tian's cultivation reaches a breakthrough, it is possible to go beyond the scope of his abilities. Then it will not be a matter of whether he kills Jiang Tian or not. On the other hand, he must always be on guard against Jiang Tian taking action against him!

"No! He must be cut off as soon as possible!"

After realizing the seriousness of the situation, Long Qian became even more frustrated!

He decisively left the cave and found Elder Long Yingtian!

"Long Qian, I have many things to do and am busy with family affairs. Do you have something urgent that requires an interview at this time?"

Long Yingtian is a powerful elder of the True Dragon Family, second only to the elders of the Presbyterian Church!

He is also one of the elders responsible for this trip to Xingxu!

He has a great say in Xingxu’s choices!

Long Qian said solemnly: "Elder Yingtian, my subordinates really have something very urgent to do, so they are eager to see you!"

"A very important matter? Stop talking nonsense and get to the point!" Long Yingtian waved his hand and said, somewhat impatiently.

Long Qian's reputation is not very good among his family.

Therefore, he is also somewhat disgusted with this person.

What good can come of looking for him in a hurry?

"That's right, I want to recommend someone to you. I think he should have the opportunity to visit Star Market!"

Long Yingtian's face darkened slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Long Qian, how important is Xingxu? You know very well that if you want to interfere in the matter of qualification selection, I'm afraid you are not qualified enough!"

"No, no, Elder Yingtian, don't get me wrong. I don't want to intervene in the selection for the trip to Xingxu, but I really want to recommend someone to you!"

"Who is worthy of your recommendation in person?" Long Yingtian was a little curious.

"This is an extraordinary monster. His name is Jiang Tian. This person is..."

"Wait! You said his name is Jiang Tian, ​​is he a foreigner?"

Long Yingtian frowned, as if he was a little disgusted.

"Yes, this person is..." Long Qian hurriedly explained, but was interrupted again.

"Long Qian, do you think our True Dragon Family lacks talent? How can you have the nerve to recommend a foreigner to participate in the trip to Star Market? You still come to me in such a hurry, wasting my precious time!"

Long Yingtian's face darkened and he was very angry.

The day of the trip to Xingxu is coming soon, and he has been busy with this matter recently, and his affairs are very tight.

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