Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7267 Dragon Vine

"How strong are you?"

Long Xiaonan originally wanted to witness Jiang Tian's defeat, but now he was shocked.

After a brief deliberation, he decisively jumped into the air and fled towards a mountain peak in the hinterland of the core area.

This mountain peak is called Longji Peak!

It means the true dragon’s spine!

The person who occupies it is a top monster in the core area, and he is also his cousin Long Teng!

Long Teng is an out-and-out top talent in the core area. He was already among the upper reaches a year ago and his combat power is extremely strong!

Long Xiaonan originally didn't want to come to him, but after witnessing Long Jian's defeat, he didn't want to wait any longer!

He came to Longji Peak and walked into the stone hall where the dragon vine was!

"Xiao Nan meets Brother Teng!"

"Brother Nan, you are finally here!"

Long Teng smiled, very pleased with the other party's arrival.

The two are cousins, and their double relationship makes them particularly close.

As children, they often played together and had a great relationship!

"Haha, you are indeed my cousin. He came to the core area a year earlier than I expected. I really saw you right!"

Long Teng slapped Long Xiaonan on the shoulder, with a look of pride on his face.

As a double relative, the better Long Xiaonan's performance, the happier he will naturally be.

This means that both sides have top monsters in the core area. In the future, when the two sides join forces, they will become a powerful faction in the True Dragon Family!

Facing Long Teng's praise, Long Xiaonan looked embarrassed!

"Ahem, I'm not afraid of Brother Teng's jokes. In fact, I was... forced to come here by others!"

"Oh, what's going on? Tell me!" Long Teng frowned slightly, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

He knew Long Xiaonan's talent.

Who in the central area can pose a threat to him?

"His name is Jiang Tian. He is a member of the surname Qianlong Martial Arts. He comes from the lineage of Moju Mountain. In just three days after entering the Holy Land, he defeated powerful enemies one after another. Now he has arrived at the core area!"

"What, are you serious?"

Long Teng's expression suddenly changed, he was shocked!

"It's absolutely true. The reason why I came to the core area is because the cave was robbed by him. I thought he would stay in the central area for a few months. I didn't expect that I just arrived yesterday and he is here today!"

"In this way, he is really an amazing genius! But fortunately, fortunately, he is a foreigner. If he were a direct descendant of our clan, it would only be more difficult for us!"

Long Teng suppressed the shock in his heart, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Long Xiaonan frowned: "Aren't people with foreign surnames more of a threat?"

"Wrong! No matter how powerful a person with a foreign surname is, he is just an outsider. He does not have a strong foundation in the True Dragon Family, and is destined not to reach a high position. Even if he really joins some elders, he will still struggle for power at the top. The ups and downs are nothing to be afraid of!”

Ryūdo explained with a smile.

Before entering the Holy Land, he read the historical books of the True Dragon Family thoroughly.

He has long been familiar with the history of the family's power struggle.

In the history of the True Dragon Family, there have been few bloodlines with other surnames that can truly occupy a strong position.

Even if there were a few bright spots, they were eventually suppressed by the direct bloodline.

"Brother Teng makes sense!"

Long Xiaonan silently weighed the other party's words and felt that they made sense.

"But these are two different things. His influence on the power structure of the family should be treated differently from his cultivation potential. Is he much stronger than you?"

Ryuto asked with concern.

There were no obvious injuries on Long Xiaonan's body, indicating that yesterday's fight was not tragic.

Therefore, he cannot evaluate the opponent's strength.

"Judging from yesterday's fight, his strength seems to be only slightly better, but judging from today's situation, his strength should be much better than mine!"

"What's going on in today's fight?" Long Teng was stunned and asked quickly!

Long Xiaonan said in a deep voice: "On Thunder Cloud Peak, he just defeated Long Jiao and Long Jian!"

"Oh?" Long Teng was greatly surprised!

"Long Jiao and Long Jian are also two good players in the core area. If they join forces, they are capable of fighting me head-on. I didn't expect that these two people would be defeated by a new person with a foreign surname!"

Long Teng touched his chin, thoughtfully.

In the cold eyes, the light flashes!

"I have to say that this person with a foreign surname is really a potential rival for us. Don't tell me, after learning about this, I am really interested in him!"

"Brother Teng, do you want to fight him? I don't think you have to for the time being!"

Long Xiaonan felt a little worried for some reason, and didn't want Long Teng to deal with Jiang Tian.

"Fight with him? Haha, I, Long Teng, am not that frivolous person. Even if I want to take action, I will not act rashly!"

Ryuto laughed!

As the top monster in the core area, he is naturally very confident.

But unfortunately there are too many good players in the core area, and he is not the strongest one.

Without knowing the details of Jiang Tian, ​​he would naturally not take action rashly.

Otherwise, given his status, even being forced into a draw would seriously damage his reputation.

"Xiao Nan, you just came here and haven't settled down yet, so you can practice here with me!"

Ryuto said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Dragon's Back Peak is your dojo. I'd better find another place to stay!"

Long Xiaonan quickly refused.

"No need! Dragon's Back Peak is no longer of much help to me. I'm about to move to another place. If you don't want it, you will only give others an advantage."

"Thank you so much Brother Teng!"

Long Xiaonan smiled and accepted this dojo.

"Don't worry about Jiang Tian's matter, I will handle it myself!"

Longteng smiled mysteriously, and then swept out of Dragon's Back Peak.

Soon, he came to Sword Cloud Peak!

Just as its name suggests, Sword Cloud Peak is like a straight long sword piercing the sky!

The clouds are floating at the top of the peak, and the fairy charm is lingering!


The dragon vines swept straight to the top of Sword Cloud Peak and walked into a stone palace.

"Jian Kuang, come out!"

"Ryu Teng, do you want to challenge me?"

There were no other furnishings in the stone hall, but there were thousands of broken swords floating in the air, making a low hum.

And the edges of their swords were all facing away from the young man sitting on the ground in the hall!

This person has an expressionless face, looks unusually indifferent, and exudes an unparalleled sense of pride!

He is the swordsman of the younger generation of the True Dragon Family - Dragon Sword Madness!

"I'm not interested in fighting you. I'm here to tell you that I've found a rare opponent for you!"

"Oh, who is he?" Long Jiankuang's seemingly dim and pointless eyes suddenly lit up, as if a beast had smelled the smell of blood!

"This person's background is not small. He is the number one monster in this Qianlong Martial Arts Association, and he is of a foreign bloodline!" Long Teng said in a deep voice.

"The number one in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association, with a different surname and bloodline? Hey, do you think such a person is worthy of being my opponent?"

Long Jiankuang sneered, his eyes that had just lit up dimmed again, and he lost interest.

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