Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7276 Dragon Scale Seal

He had to go to Xingxu. The place he had gone through all kinds of hardships to get must not be taken away by this person with a foreign surname!

"Defeat me!"

Long Bo roared and lightly used this palm.

The golden vortex burst out with a scorching light, swallowing Jiang Tian with its brilliant power!


"Oh my God!"

"What a terrible method!"

"Can Jiang Tian still stand up?" someone asked.

"Turn over? Humph, it's great if he can bear it. I don't see any possibility of turning over!"

The monsters who were watching were no longer optimistic about Jiang Tian.

Originally, Long Bo had the upper hand in this battle, and Jiang Tian's several outstanding performances were already commendable.

To be honest, it is not realistic to defeat Long Bo!

Rumble, rumble!

The violent roar echoed through the void!

The golden vortex burst out with terrifying power, directly swallowing up the void!

The billowing waves of the void erupted, but they still could not escape the swallowing of the golden vortex. Even the cracks in the space were destroyed and wiped out!

"Too strong!"

"As expected of a top evildoer who has entered the Xingxu list, Long Bo's methods are much stronger than I imagined!"

"After all, he is the first person in his lineage to be able to stand out in the Holy Land in ten thousand years. Perhaps ten thousand years of oppression and the fate of that lineage have fallen on him!"

"In fact, Jiang Tian was not unjust when he lost to such an opponent!"

The golden whirlpool was raging endlessly, and everyone's eyes were filled with fear and their hearts were shaken.

If such a method is used on them, they will be severely injured and may even damage their foundation.

The consequences could be disastrous!

"Jiang Tian's strength is not bad, and his potential is even higher than Long Bo's, but he failed because he was too high-profile!"

"Yeah, if he plays steadily and hone in the core area for a year or two, I believe there will be no problem in being among the top!"

"It's a pity that he was too greedy for success, which led to Long Bo's suppression. I guess he must regret it now!"

"Of course, if it were me, I'd probably regret it until my intestines turn green. Why bother to fight against a monster like Long Bo when I can grow up safely?"

Everyone marveled at Long Bo's super strength, and at the same time felt sorry for Jiang Tian.

This man with a foreign surname has won everyone's respect with his strength and performance, but he failed because he was too impatient and lost strategic patience.

Thus he paid the price for his greed for merit and rash advancement!

However, the next scene shocked them again!


"What is Long Bo going to do?"

Everyone stared and saw that Long Bo not only did not stop his hand, but instead raised his hand to form a seal, urging the golden vortex with all his strength!

Swish, swish... boom!

Rays of golden light were injected into the vortex, causing it to tremble!

These golden lights are seals one after another. Their injection makes the aura of the golden vortex more powerful and violent!

"Hasn't he already won? Why is he still using this method? Isn't it redundant?"

"No! He continues to exert force!"

"Oh my God! Is he going to severely injure Jiang Tian?"

"Jiang Tian must have been seriously injured. If he continues to exert such force, Jiang Tian's foundation may be severely damaged!"

Everyone looked at each other, their expressions becoming extremely solemn.

If he just lost, even if he was seriously injured by Long Bo, it shouldn't be difficult for Jiang Tian to recover.

But if the serious injury continues to worsen and the foundation is seriously damaged, the situation will be very different!

Will this man with a foreign surname finally have to pay an unbearable price for his rashness?

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the seal created by Long Bo exploded in the golden vortex, and strange dragon scale shadows appeared one after another!

There are as many as the ones above!

Each one is hundreds of feet in size and exudes astonishing pressure!

"Dragon Scale Seal, give me a ban!"


Following the activation of Long Bo Nian Jue, hundreds of dragon scale seals trembled in unison, intertwining with each other to form a large formation of golden scales.

The next moment, the ten-thousand-foot golden vortex began to shrink sharply, shrinking back within a thousand feet!

But the coercion it exudes as a whole continues unabated, rising step by step, reaching a terrifying level!


"Long Bo is so angry!"

"If this continues, I'm worried that Jiang Tian will fall inside!"

"It shouldn't be the case. After all, life-and-death fights are not allowed in the Holy Land. Long Bo knows this very well!"

"Yes! As the only outstanding monster of their lineage, he is burdened with the rise and fall of the lineage. He should not ruin the hope of the lineage just for a moment of anger!"

"That's right. He probably wants to damage Jiang Tian's cultivation foundation so that this person will not be able to threaten him for a period of time in the future. I have to say that this is also a way to avoid future troubles!"

The monsters who were watching understood Long Bo's actions. After all, he was not only responsible for personal victory and defeat, but also the rise and fall of a lineage.

Anyone else would have exercised the necessary caution!

"Long Bo, please be careful. Since he is of a foreign bloodline, you cannot take his life here, otherwise you will probably be expelled from the Holy Land!"

Above the clouds, the elders of the Holy Land issued a warning.

While speaking, the elder looked at a cloud not far away.

There stood a familiar figure, it was none other than Long Qingke!

"Elder Qingke, it seems you have been here for a while?"

"Haha, the juniors are fighting, I'm here to see if there is any problem?"

Long Qingke sneered and retorted, but the other party just smiled and said nothing more.

Long Bo is one of the top monsters who has entered the Star Market list. Although he is ranked low on the list, he should not make such an impulsive move when the journey to the Star Market is about to begin.

Not to mention, the opponent he challenged was a bloodline with a foreign surname that was not on the list.

This battle is really a bit unreasonable!

But these speculations have no substantive effect.

Therefore, even if he thought Long Qingke was a little weird, it was hard to say anything.

Long Qingke's mood at this time was also quite depressed!

At first, he really didn't think Jiang Tian could defeat Long Bo.

To fight to the death is to force a 50-50 split. In that case, Jiang Tian may be paid special attention to by other elders, and then specially added to the list of Xingxu.

In this way, his goal will be achieved!

You no longer have to worry about Long Qian's harassment in the future.

But there is also a possibility that even if Jiang Tian forces a draw with the opponent, he will only get a few praises from the elders and may not be added to the Star Ruins list.

In his opinion, the greater possibility is that Long Bo won with a smaller advantage.

Jiang Tian finally lost due to his weak strength!

In this way, it can be regarded as an explanation to Long Qian, so that he will not be repeatedly pestered by the other party.

As the fight progressed, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Jiang Tian actually had a chance of winning!

At that moment, he was extremely excited!

Maybe he was about to witness a small miracle!

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