"what's the situation?"

"What are you talking about? A person with a foreign surname who has just been in the Holy Land for three days actually defeated Long Bo and entered the Star Market list?"

"Who is such a monster?"

"What, Jiang Tian from the Moju Mountain lineage?"

"What exactly is he capable of?"

"Let's go over and have a look!"

As monsters on the Star Market list, these people are somewhat dissatisfied.

They relied on their strong combat power to enter the Star Ruins list, and before that, they had been practicing in the Holy Land for a long time.

The shortest one is nearly a year, and the longest one may be four or five years!

Personal experience tells them that strength needs to be accumulated over time, especially in a place like the True Dragon Holy Land where monsters gather.

The competition is fierce beyond imagination. Even if you relax a little, you may be surpassed by a group of people.

Based on this fact, how could Jiang Tian, ​​a person with a foreign surname, break into the core area and join the Star Ruins list within three days?

They are naturally dissatisfied!

"Jiang Tian, ​​come out and have a chat!"

"I heard that you have entered the Star Market list, and we are also on the list. I want to know how strong you are?"


One by one, the top monsters came to Thunder Cloud Peak, their words showing strong fighting intent and even unabashed provocation.

"Long Bo knows very well how good I am in combat."

Looking at the dozen Xingxu monsters opposite, Jiang Tian said calmly with an expressionless face.


"You compare us to dragons?"

"Do you think we are all trash like Long Bo?"

"Let me tell you, although Long Bo made it onto the list, he is one of the weakest among us. Don't think it's a big deal just because you defeated him!"

Boom boom... boom!

The Xingxu monsters sneered one after another, and powerful auras rippled across their bodies, heading straight for Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tian seemed indifferent and allowed these pressures to hit him.

With his powerful physical body, he has no fear of such pressure.

"The physical body dominates the body!"

"I heard that you still have the Star Sword Body, a sword physique that is rare to see in the Central Region in a hundred thousand years. No wonder you can defeat the Dragon Sword Maniac!"

"This kid still has thunder bloodline, which is equivalent to having all kinds of qualifications combined into one body!"

Seeing that Jiang Tian had no reaction to their provocation, everyone was secretly surprised.

I thought Jiang Tian would be easily angered by them and then take action against them.

But I didn’t expect the other party to be so calm!

Thinking of Jiang Tian's previous achievements, they did not dare to underestimate each other too much.

After all, they have Long Bo as a reference. Although they are not afraid of Long Bo, this person is after all a monster who has been on the list of Star Ruins.

Anyone on the list is very strong!

Jiang Tian can defeat Long Bo, so he is naturally stronger!

But in fact, the fact that Long Jian Kuai lost was even more surprising to them than Long Bo's defeat!

"Dragon Sword Maniac is a solitary person and has always been unsocial, but his talent in swordsmanship is highly praised even by the elders of the Holy Land!"

"Some people even say that Dragon Sword Maniac's strength has long been enough to join the Star Market list, but it's just because he is too aloof and arrogant that he refuses to join in the fun!"

"If this is the case, then Long Jian Kuang's strength may be higher than Long Bo!"

"No wonder Long Bo lost!"

Everyone thought of the various rumors in the Holy Land, and everyone frowned with different expressions.

Most people are more cautious, but there are also some fierce-tempered people who continue to provoke!

"Jiang Tian, ​​why didn't you respond? Are you scared?"

"Hmph, I knew that your defeat of Long Bo was just a fluke, and the victory was due to his carelessness in underestimating the enemy. But when faced with a more powerful monster like us, you will definitely not dare to accept the challenge!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​it's not shameful to admit that you have no strength. I'm just afraid that you have no strength but insist on pretending to be a monster!"

"If you really don't dare to take action, then take the initiative to admit defeat and we can let you go!"


There were several monsters who insisted on fighting Jiang Tian. While provoking them with words, they pressed forward step by step, trying to force him to take action.

Jiang Tian's eyes were indifferent and his face was expressionless.

He actually has no interest in these people, because he has already obtained a quota in the Star Market, and it makes little sense to continue to take action in the Holy Land.

But if the other party insists on provoking him and forcing him to take action, of course he doesn't mind teaching the other party a lesson!

"What are you doing?"

An angry shout suddenly sounded!

An elder from the Holy Land arrived through the air!

It's none other than Long Qingke!

"Elder Qingke!"

"Why are you here?"

Seeing Long Qingke coming with anger, everyone felt a little embarrassed.

Obviously, Long Qingke is here to stop this fight!

"Assholes! What do you want to do? Get out of here!"

Long Qingke stepped down from the sky and scolded these Xingxu monsters.

"Elder Qingke, we just want to have a discussion with him!"

"He can defeat Long Bo, which shows that he is very strong. We don't want to bully him. We are really itchy!"

"Elder Qingke, please help us!"

"Besides, we didn't violate the rules of the Holy Land!"

Everyone tried their best to explain.

Long Qingke sneered: "Yes, the Holy Land does not prohibit you from competing with each other, but if a dozen of you surround him, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Elder Mingjian, we don't intend to besiege, we just want to have a one-to-one discussion!"

Everyone quickly defended themselves.

"Shut up! Do you think I am blind? If this continues, I will have to carefully consider the Star Market list!"

Long Qingke yelled angrily!

Everyone's expressions changed, and they were too frightened to refute!

It's about the Star Market list, they don't dare to take risks!

Although Long Qingke is not the sponsoring elder of the list, he has a lot of say.

Once he delivers a message to the presiding elders, they may face great trouble.

No one wants to waste the quota they worked so hard to get, so they have no choice but to give it up!

"Now that the elder has come forward, we will naturally not embarrass him again!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​for the sake of Elder Qingke, I will let you go this time!"

"But don't be too arrogant. Sooner or later we will test your strength!"

"I think it won't be too long. When we get to Star Market, there will be plenty of opportunities!"

"Yes, hahaha, at that time I want to see how sexy you are?"

All the monsters laughed, each one with wild momentum.

Long Qingke ignored them and looked at Jiang Tian.

He smiled and said, "Jiang Tian, ​​are you okay?"

Jiang Tian stood up and greeted: "It's just a few verbal disputes, how dare you bother the elders to come forward?"

Long Qingke looked serious: "You have already entered the Star Market list. It is not appropriate to take action at this time. If you are injured, it will be more dangerous when you arrive at the Star Market. As an elder, I will naturally uphold justice!"


"What a justice!"

The Xingxu monsters looked at each other and cursed secretly.

Long Qingke's so-called justice was just to protect Jiang Tian.

For them, there is only suppression!

But this kind of thought can only be thought in their hearts, and they naturally dare not say it in person.

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