Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7290 Three Lie Biao

I saw a monster with a body size of more than 3,000 feet and three heads roaring crazily!

"As expected!"

"But what kind of strange beast is it?"

"Even in those ancient books about strange things, I have never seen such strange beasts!"

Several monsters were deeply shocked!

This beast has three heads, but each one is different!

From left to right, there are three forms: dragon, elephant, and tiger. They look as if they have been forcibly grafted together.

But its aura is surprisingly strong!

Not at all weaker than the half-step god-creating realm, three different monsters bloomed at the same time, making them deeply afraid!

"If it's one-on-one, I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture this beast!"

"Fortunately, with the five of us working together, it shouldn't be a problem to capture it!"

"Where is Jiang Tian, ​​where is he?"

Several people looked around, but Jiang Tian was nowhere to be seen.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from above the dragon heads of the three giant monsters.

"Are you looking for me?"

The person who spoke was none other than Jiang Tian!

At this moment, he was standing on top of the dragon's head, looking down at the five dragon monsters opposite him.

In fact, as early as in the cabin of the dragon-marked starship, he noticed the other party's malicious eyes.

But he didn't make any move at that time, pretending not to know.

After arriving at Xingxu, these people were still following him from a distance, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to attack him.

And this storm came just in time. He entered the storm to test the opponent.

I just didn't expect that there would be a strange beast in the storm!

As for how many people followed him, it was not beyond his expectation.

Although a quarter of an hour is not long, for the crisis-ridden Star Market, it cannot be ignored!

If these time were used to escape with all their strength, they would be able to escape very far.

If you're lucky, you might get some opportunities!

But these people have been waiting here, and finally broke in out of patience. Obviously they came with bad intentions!

"Jiang Tian, ​​it seems that you already know our purpose of coming. It doesn't matter, we will take action sooner or later anyway!"

"It's a miracle that a person with a foreign surname like you can thrive in the True Dragon Holy Land, but you made the mistake of not coming to Star Market!"

"If you don't come, we really have no good way to deal with you. At most, we will bully you, but here, no one will protect you!"

"The prohibition of the Holy Land no longer works here. Jiang Tian, ​​please make it clear. We want all the treasures and opportunities you have!"

"Stop talking nonsense and bring it to you!"

The five people spread out and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian stepped hard on his foot, and the dragon's head suddenly spurted out a stream of flames in pain!

The flames took on a strange blue color, and wherever they went, the void was directly frozen!

The coldness was even stronger than his Xuanbing Forbidden Fire!

"not good!"


The face of the dragon monster who rushed at the front changed drastically. Although his reaction was not slow, it was still a little late after all.

While turning around and swiping around, an arm was directly frozen in the ice.

He was horrified, but he didn't dare to hesitate!


He actively broke through walls to survive and swept thousands of feet away!

"Damn it, kill him!"

Having suffered a loss, he had a sinister look in his eyes and signaled his companions to help him take revenge.

Jiang Tian exerted force on his feet again.

The elephant head in the middle opened its mouth and howled wildly, and strange sound waves were sprayed out in circles, directly stopping the dragon monster attacking from the opposite side!


The dragon clan monster's expression changed, and he didn't dare to neglect him at all.

In view of what happened to his companions, he decisively crossed his arms and turned into a huge golden-scaled shadow to block the way forward.

next moment!


Circles of sound struck wildly, and the golden scale shadow exploded.

He was also blasted away hard, a mouthful of blood hit his throat, and he swallowed it back!

Looking at the monster opposite, his face was full of horror!

"Everyone, be careful. Although this beast has not reached the level of God-making realm, it is still extremely powerful with demonic power!"

As dragon monsters who have reached the half-step God-making realm, their blood and bodies are already extremely powerful.

But in front of this monster, he was suppressed in just one encounter, which is really shocking!

Seeing that the two companions in front had suffered a loss, the remaining three immediately stopped their advance and took the initiative to retreat.

The giant monster's third tiger head was furious when he saw this!

Fierce blood burst out from both eyes!

Immediately afterwards, two demonic flames as blazing as magma shot out and hit two of them instantly!

"Damn it!"


Boom, boom!

The two of them were unable to dodge and were blown out of the air, blood spurting out wildly.

The proud body was completely unable to withstand the attack of the tiger-eyed blood light, and the injuries were really serious!

"Go, go quickly!"

The remaining one didn't dare to rush forward, otherwise the result might be even more tragic.

"Now that you're here, don't leave!"



Instant killing technique!

Jiang Tian's figure suddenly appeared and punched the opponent's chest to collapse!


He was about to scream pitifully, and his blood and essence flowed out uncontrollably!

"Jiang Tian" also appeared in front of the other four people at the same time!

Let their expressions change drastically and they were caught off guard!

Tsk tsk tsk!

Four purple sword lights pierced the opponent's chest at the same time, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

"Bloodline swallowing, swallow it for me!"


Jiang Tian raised both palms.

The powerful blood talent quickly drew out the dragon blood of the five people, and finally turned it into a ball of blood essence and poured it into the body.


Jiang Tian's aura slowly climbed up, and his bloodline strength became significantly stronger!

"As expected of the Holy Land Monster of the True Dragon Family, the power of his bloodline is indeed extraordinary!"

This is definitely one of the most powerful bloodlines Jiang Tian has swallowed so far!

In terms of grade, it may not be as good as the drop of the direct bloodline of the God-creating realm that was refined before.

But in terms of quantity and purity, it is not inferior, or even better!

The five monsters had turned into mummies and were completely wiped out with a wave of Jiang Tian's hand!


The five storage rings were captured by Jiang Tian and then thrown into the storage ring.

Witnessing the changes in front of them, the three giant monsters behind seemed to be frightened, and even their roars became cautious at this moment!

But a monster is a monster after all. When Jiang Tian turned around and looked at it again, it seemed to have aroused its ferocity!


The three demon heads erupted into terrifying roars at the same time, followed by blue cold flames, white sound rings, and bloody strange lights.


Jiang Tian once again used the Starfall instant killing skill and appeared above the three giant monsters.

Puff puff!

The purple sword light flashed across, and the three demon heads were chopped off instantly. Green, blue, and red demon blood spurted out, exuding a completely different aura!

"Three different bloodlines are actually fused into the same monster. Is this really natural?"

Jiang Tian was a little surprised.

But before he had time to think about it, he immediately activated his blood-devouring talent and swallowed all the blood essence of this giant monster into his body.


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