Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7304 The power of guidance

Long Qian set up a space barrier for Jiang Tian, ​​but now it became his own void cage!

"What bloodline do you have, and why is your aura so powerful?"

Long Qian roared furiously and asked questions again and again.

At this moment, he could no longer remain calm!

The aura emanating from Jiang Tian's body made him tremble and feel inexplicable fear!

He even found that under the suppression of this aura, it was even difficult to mobilize his bloodline spiritual power!

What Jiang Tian released at this moment was naturally the blood pressure of the Barbarian Blood Dragon!

With his super bloodline power, he can transcend levels and kill monsters that are beyond his level.

You can also cross levels to suppress dragon monsters whose realm is higher than yours!

In addition to dealing with monsters, it can be said that dealing with dragon warriors is what he is proud of!

This is the magical effect of the blood pressure of the Barbarian Blood Dragon!

"It's enough to suppress your bloodline!"

Jiang Tian sneered and approached, but always kept a certain distance from the other party and did not get too close.

After all, Long Qian is also a powerful god-creator in the Dragon Clan.

There must be some life-saving means on him!

It was the first time to fight against a powerful person of this level, so naturally he couldn't show any slightness.

Long Qian is already cautious enough, but he must be ten times or a hundred times more cautious than the other party!

"I want to see how long you can suppress me?"

After the brief panic, Long Qian quickly calmed down.

As a person of his status and strength, he naturally has some means to save his life.

But now, it is not the time to use those methods!

Therefore, he did not mess up.

Long Qian used some kind of secret technique, and the bloodline spiritual power that had been suppressed began to rebound.



Jiang Tian urged him gently, and the pressure of his bloodline covered him layer by layer.

A low cry came from Long Qian's body, and the rebound of bloodline spiritual power was instantly broken!

"Damn it!"

Long Qian's face looked extremely ugly!

He once relied on this secret technique to kill a powerful enemy against the odds, and he has long regarded it as one of his life-saving trump cards.

But in front of Jiang Tian, ​​it didn't work!

In desperation, he could only give up this method and use other methods.

And for the great masters in the God-making realm, the biggest advantage is of course the unique power of the God-making realm - the power of God-making!

This is a power that is in the same vein as the power of the stars and the power of the original god. It is a special method closely related to the realm.

Once used, it can absolutely crush low-level warriors, causing them to be defeated without attack and instantly defeated!

"The power to create gods is rising!"


Long Qian decisively activated the power of God-making, and his powerful aura burst out against the pressure of Jiang Tian's bloodline.

The power of creating gods is different from the spiritual power of blood, and the pressure of blood has limited impact on it.

With this power alone, he is very sure to kill the opponent.

"Hmph, a mere junior in the God-making realm who is only half-stepped, do you really think he can change the world? What a dream!"

Long Qian looked ferocious and his confidence soared!

He who sacrificed his power to create gods believed that he was victorious and undefeated!

Jiang Tian's bloodline aura is indeed very strange. Even if the True Dragon Family is as powerful as the clouds, he has never felt such terrible pressure.

But all of this was in vain as he opened up the power of creating gods!


The God-creating power surged wildly, pressing back against Jiang Tian!

"The power of creating gods, yes, very good!"


The moment this force came back, Jiang Tian's body shook violently. He was not surprised but happy!

He once refined a talisman that sealed the divine conception.

After entering the Star Ruins, I was in a passive state and felt the pressure of the divine talisman.

The power of those two talismans once shocked him!

But it wasn't until this moment that he discovered that in front of the real power of god creation, no talisman or talisman could compare with it!

"Hahahaha, boy, your death has come!"

Long Qian laughed wildly.

As the God-creating power recoiled, Jiang Tian's bloodline aura also fluctuated.

The suppression he suffered was significantly reduced!

And this is just the beginning. As the power of God Creation continues to oppress, Jiang Tian will lose his fighting power and be left to his own devices!

"Kneel down!"


Long Qian activated the God-creating pressure and reached his own limit!

At this time, he couldn't help but sigh!

For a junior who is only half-stepped into the God-making realm, being able to push out his ultimate God-making power can be said to be an honor despite defeat!


But he soon discovered that Jiang Tian not only did not kneel down, but was still fighting against him!


With the release of the God-creating power, Long Qian's bloodline spiritual power also recovered.

At this moment, he mobilized his bloodline spiritual power and tried to suppress Jiang Tian with two forces at the same time.

But the next moment, he was shocked!

He can mobilize less than 30% of his bloodline spiritual power!

While he was trying to activate his bloodline spiritual power, the pressure of bloodline released from Jiang Tian increased again!


Long Qian's eyelids twitched, feeling something was wrong!

Under the suppression of his god-making power, Jiang Tian should have been tired of protecting himself, or even fought and retreated.

This is not the case!

The other party seemed to be trying to show weakness and was trying to trick him into defrauding him!

"That's unreasonable!"

Long Qian waved his palm and slapped Jiang Tian.


This palm shot was met with solid resistance!

Jiang Tian used his physical strength to fight against him!

This punch was evenly divided between the two, and no one took advantage!

"That's unreasonable!"

Long Qian was furious!

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Tian would not be able to resist his attack easily.

But because his bloodline spiritual power can only be mobilized less than 30%, and his combat power is sealed at about 70%, this palm is far from being able to exert its normal power.

It is reasonable to be blocked by the opponent!

"The power to create gods is rising!"

Boom boom boom, click!

Long Qian spared no effort to activate the power of God-making to resist Jiang Tian's bloodline pressure.

At the same time, he claps his palms wildly and takes crazy shots.

Jiang Tian pounded his fists wildly and faced Hong head-on.

Under this relative balance, the two refused to give in to each other, and the battle became evenly matched!

But during the fight, Jiang Tian was also frightened!

He discovered that he had underestimated the power of the powerful in the Blessing Realm!

In the past, when he activated his bloodline pressure, even powerful dragons with higher realms than him would be crushed instantly.

At least 90% of the opponent's strength will be sealed, or even all combat power will be lost, leaving it to be harvested!

But Long Qian is different!

Against the pressure of his bloodline, he forcibly released the power of creating gods.

Then, driven by the power of God Creation, about 30% of the bloodline spiritual power was forcibly mobilized.

This means that his blood pressure did not achieve the expected effect.

This method greatly reduces the suppression of the God-creating realm powers!

"The realm of God-making is really not that simple!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but criticize him, but now was not the time to sigh.

To fight against someone of Long Qian's level, he must seize every opportunity to disintegrate the opponent's combat power and kill him!

Otherwise, once the other party seizes the opportunity, he will be the one to perish!

"Is this the limit of your god-making power? Nothing more than that!"

Jiang Tian shouted fiercely, irritating Long Qian.

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