Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7307 The giant monster’s hand bones appear!

Jiang Tian immediately teleported to pursue him!

Long Qian was the first powerful enemy in the God-making realm that he faced head-on, and he was also the elder of the True Dragon Family.

The situation in Xingxu is extremely complicated.

Once he is allowed to escape, the consequences will be endless!

Jiang Tian urgently summoned the Taichu Demonic Vine and teleported to track it at the same time.

The Taichu Demonic Vine, immersed in the black demonic energy, did not react!

Jiang Tian frowned!

If this continues, the opportunity to fight will be wasted!

He no longer waited for the Taichu Demon Vine, waved his right hand, and decisively sacrificed the giant demon's hand bone!

"Jiaotianzhi, kill him for me!"

Two rays of golden light flew out crazily, drawing a cross in the void!

A series of terrifying roars echoed through the void!


Boom boom boom boom!

"What is this...no!"

Long Qian let out a horrified cry, which eventually turned into a shrill scream.

His body was twisted to pieces and perished on the spot!

"The essence and blood of the Dragon Clan in the God-making Realm cannot be wasted!"

Jiang Tian immediately teleported to catch up, preparing to swallow Long Qian's blood essence.

The next moment, a scene that shocked him appeared!

Hiss... boom!

The two giant demon hand bones actually began to actively swallow the blood essence overflowing from the remaining body of Long Qian.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian was shocked!

How is this going?

This has never happened to the giant monster's hand bones. Why did it take the initiative to swallow Long Qian's blood essence this time?

This scene immediately stunned him!

He couldn't figure out for a moment why the giant demon's hand bones did this.

This pair of precious treasures accompanied him all the way from the lower world and helped him kill countless powerful enemies.

But there has never been a time when he took the initiative to devour the opponent's essence and blood.

Could it be that the previous opponents were too low-level and they looked down upon them?

Or is there another reason?

Jiang Tian touched his chin, unable to make a conclusion for the moment.

In the end, the dragon turned into pieces of mummy and was swept into the violent flow of debris, remaining in the Star Ruins forever.

All that's left is a storage ring with dragon scales!


Jiang Tian recalled the giant demon's hand bones and looked at them carefully.

Suddenly I was shocked!

This time the demon bone took action, it did not trigger the same golden light turbulence phenomenon as before!

Why is this?

Jiang Tian was a little confused!

Devouring essence and blood, and having no vision, both situations are unusual!

The behavior of the giant monster's hand bones is really weird!

He carefully examined the bones of the giant demon's hand, and there were no other changes except for a faint streak of blood on the fingertips.

In desperation, I could only put them away.

Recalling the dangerous battle just now, his expression was quite complicated.

This was the first God-creation realm power he had killed, but the process was quite tortuous.

But looking back at this moment, his confidence has become stronger than ever!

The process and results of this battle all proved that his combat power had reached unprecedented heights!

Long Qianzong is a powerful expert in the realm of God-making, but his actual combat advantage is not too great!

Of course, a large part of the reason why he was able to turn the tide of the battle was because of his bloodline pressure!

If Long Qian was not of dragon blood, it might be another situation!

Another reason is the power of guidance!

In the battle with the God-creating realm power, the power of the lead is really a great weapon!

Take advantage!

Without this power, it would be difficult for him to counterattack the opponent!

After killing Long Qian, he originally wanted to use the opponent's blood essence to break through, but he didn't expect that the giant monster's hand bone would take the lead!

As a result, his opportunity to advance had to be postponed!

"Taichu Demon Vine, come back!"



The billowing black air shrank sharply, and finally turned into a short black stick and flew back.

There was no obvious change in the Taichu Demonic Vine, so Jiang Tian took it back to the Zixuan Realm.

After Long Qian's death, the void barrier he laid down was slowly disappearing.

Jiang Tian thought for a while, then decisively took out the silver flying boat he had harvested before and fled forward.

"Yin Xuzi, what is your origin?"

Jiang Tian investigated in the flying boat and learned something about the owner of the silver boat.

The mysterious old man who wants to refine him into a Taoist puppet is named Yin Xuzi!

The specific origin is unknown!

But judging from the power of the divine talisman and the illusory array set up by the opponent, Yin Xuzi's strength will never be lower than Long Qian!

Jiang Tian was escaping in the Star Ruins. With the silver boat as a shield, his identity would not be easily exposed.

I wonder how those dragon monsters will react when they see Yinzhou?

Will it be regarded as a rare treasure and snatched away?

Jiang Tian couldn't help but sneer.

As a person with a foreign surname, he naturally has no scruples in a place like Xingxu.



The silver boat flew through the air, its powerful defense making it almost indestructible.

The vast majority of Star Ruins fragments are unable to break through its defenses, and cannot even leave a trace on its surface.

When encountering the huge boulder fragments, Jiang Tian did not dodge and directly drove the silver boat to pass through it.

Only when encountering super huge fragments will he avoid them in advance.


Click... bang bang bang bang, click!

A hundred thousand feet away, an extremely huge shadow swept over!

This shadow is so big that you can barely see the edge at a glance!

At first glance, it looks like a dark starry sky!

But the violent roars one after another, as well as the various auras inspired by the countless large and small boulder fragments hitting it, reminded Jiang Tian again and again that this was not the dark background of the starry sky.

Rather, it is a super boulder fragment that is so huge that it is beyond imagination!

It's even possible that it's a relatively complete remaining small interface!

Calling it a small interface may be an exaggeration, but its size is at least equivalent to a super giant city!

Of course Jiang Tian would not carry such a huge thing with him!

Although the strength of the silver boat is not low, it is unlikely to be able to blast through it. Jiang Tian's strength is not strong enough to ignore such a giant.

However, the speed of this giant attack was beyond imagination!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The violent roars continued, densely packed one after another, and even merged into a continuous terrifying noise!

Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, secretly surprised!

"Save me...no!"


"Run? Where are you running!"


Rumble... bang bang bang!

Several frightened shouts came from the front, and within sight, at least a dozen warriors fell into frenzy.

This giant thing came so unexpectedly that they were completely unprepared.

By the time you realize the giant thing is coming, it's already too late!

Although they were all super monsters at the level of half-step god-creating realm, they still had no time to escape in front of such a huge giant.

Suddenly there was chaos!

next moment!

The terrified screams turned into shrill screams!

The giant object hit them at a terrifying speed, and their bodies fell into the range of the giant object and instantly exploded into a ball of blood!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people all exploded and died!


Jiang Tian's face darkened!

In the blink of an eye, I saw an even more terrifying scene!

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