Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7322 Advance with all your strength

This is a super-powerful demon bird that he has never seen before, even a spiritual bird!

If you can surrender and use it for your own use, it will definitely become a great help to him!

"bring it on……"


Just as Jiang Tian was about to take action, he was blasted thousands of feet away by the chick's wings.


The chick was completely enraged after losing a small piece of its feathers.

The ferocity became fierce and he launched a fierce offensive against Jiang Tian!

Boom boom... boom!

The strange white mist fanned wildly, blasting Jiang Tian tens of thousands of feet away in one breath!

He hit the boulder fragments several times. If it weren't for his physical strength, he would have been seriously injured!

"As expected of a rare demon bird, this kind of strength cannot be resisted by ordinary God-creating realms!"

Although he was a little embarrassed, Jiang Tian became more and more excited!

He silently felt the remaining essence and blood in the bone feathers, and found that its essence far exceeded the human-headed octopus monster he had killed before!

It can be said that the bloodlines of the two are not on the same level at all!

"Void Formation!"


The purple light flashed away!

Jiang Tian did not retreat but advanced, appearing behind the strange bird!

This was a bit beyond the strange bird's expectations, but its reaction was also extremely fast!

The other fleshy wing flicked slightly, and a strange white mist filled the air and swept toward Jiang Tian.

Trying to sweep Jiang Tian away again like just now!

With a sneer on his face, Jiang Tian teleported to the top of the strange bird!

"Bloodline aura, open!"

Ang, ho ho ho!

The violent dragon roar suddenly sounded, and the majestic and domineering blood aura filled the void!

The bloodline will of the Savage Blood Dragon shrouded down, and the huge body of the strange bird suddenly trembled, with a look of fear in its eyes!

The fleshy wings that were originally swung effortlessly now became extremely heavy!


Under intense fear, the strange bird struggled hard.

A pair of fleshy wings kept trembling, trying to swing hard, and it looked like he was about to launch a counterattack.



The dragon roared loudly, and an even more powerful blood aura erupted from Jiang Tian's body!

Huge pressure shrouded down, and the strange bird's wings fell down again, unable to resist!


Jiang Tian didn't hesitate and pointed to kill quickly!


The purple sword intent shot through the air and sank into the body of the strange bird.


The strange bird let out a shrill scream, and billows of demon blood flowed out.

Compared with the small piece of bone feather before, the blood essence and blood pouring out at this moment exudes a dazzling blue-silver divine light!

One look at it and you can tell it has an extraordinary origin!

Although Jiang Tian wanted to subdue this strange bird, he found that it was not tame in the previous contest and attempt.

Even under the pressure of the bloodline of the Barbarian Blood Dragon, he still struggled hard.

Perhaps because it has not yet fully grown, its intelligence is not ideal either.

Overall, it’s not very suitable for surrender!

In order to avoid various variables, he decided to kill it!

"Blood Devouring, open!"

Jiang Tian spread his right palm, and a long dragon-like purple light burst out from his palm!

It is his blood-devouring talent!


Under the purple shroud, the monster bird's huge body trembled violently, and the blood essence and blood spilled out crazily!

And its huge body shriveled up extremely quickly!


Finally, it let out a painful scream and fell to death!


The billowing blood essence is like a blood lake suspended in the void, nearly a hundred feet long!

But as the blood-devouring talent continued to be refined, it finally became about ten feet in size and was quickly poured into Jiang Tian's body.

split into two!

Half entered the Zixuan Realm, and the other half became Jiang Tian's bloodline and spiritual power and merged with it.


"So fast!"

Jiang Tian's aura suddenly changed!

This surprised him!

But when you think about the amazing demonic power of the strange bird, it’s not so strange!

At this time, he looked at the shriveled monster material!

The young bird has completely fallen, and its body that was originally nearly ten thousand feet has shrunk to less than a thousand feet in size.

And the strange white mist that once existed, that is, its feathers that have not yet fully grown, have long since disappeared!

Jiang Tian was not surprised by this!

Because that is the extension and embodiment of the power of the strange bird's bloodline!

As it continues to grow and develop, this extension and concreteness will transform into substantial feathers.

At that time, the chick will also grow into a giant bird, and its strength will be far greater than it is now!

But unfortunately, it met Jiang Tian and had no chance to grow to that point!

"Bloodline spiritual power, melt!"

The bloodline spiritual power that enters the body is extremely powerful and domineering!

The meridians all over the body surged rapidly, causing waves of blood!

Jiang Tian immediately guided him and encouraged him to integrate into himself.

Soon, this power rushed to the bottleneck of his cultivation, showing no signs of stagnation!

"Are you going to advance?"

Jiang Tian was secretly surprised!

Because of his physical body's first breakthrough, his cultivation bottleneck became more and more stubborn.

But after devouring the blood essence of the strange bird, the opportunity for a breakthrough finally came!

This time, he didn't want to wait any longer!

At the end of the line of sight, a fragment of a boulder measuring tens of thousands of feet was rushing towards them.

Jiang Tian immediately activated the Great Transformation Formation and fled over, sitting cross-legged on this fragment, preparing to advance with all his strength!

As for the monster material of the strange bird, he did not collect it!

Because he had already explored it and it had no value.

After all, this is just a young bird, and its essence is all in its blood.

When all the blood is devoured by him, the skin and bones of the strange bird will be worthless!


Jiang Tian channeled his bloodline spiritual power with all his strength, preparing to attack the cultivation bottleneck.

But this time, he will break through this barrier in one fell swoop and officially enter the realm of god creation!

At that time, his combat power will skyrocket, reaching an unprecedented level!

Thinking back to the battle just now, he was filled with emotion!

The blood essence of the strange bird seems to be extremely powerful, but a considerable part of it comes from devouring human warriors.

Just what he witnessed with his own eyes were more than ten powerful human beings in the God-making realm!

And before that, I don’t know how many people it had devoured!

Thinking about it this way, the strength of the strange bird is not so exaggerated.

But there are still some questions that are confusing and difficult to solve in his mind!

What kind of monster is this strange bird descended from?

Who put it in a crazy place like Xingxu and let it grow on its own?

Or did it accidentally end up here and cultivate and grow through constant devouring?

Is this the law of the strange bird family, or is there something else going on?

No one can answer these questions.

For a moment, he had no way to pursue it!

The only thing I can do now is to advance with all my strength!

"God-creating realm, rush for me!"


Jiang Tian channeled his bloodline spiritual power and was about to attack the God-creating realm!

Just then, an unexpected situation occurred!



A dull roar came from far and near, and several rainbows of different colors came rushing out!

They were charging all the way, aiming directly at the void where Jiang Tian was!


Jiang Tian turned his head and looked, and his expression suddenly darkened.

These escaping lights are no stranger to him!

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