Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7341 Instant Kill

Ang...ho ho ho ho!

The violent dragon roar resounded through the void, and the green talisman turned into a huge dragon, surrounding him to resist the white Pilian's offensive.


The two forces, one pressing inward and the other rushing outward, suddenly evolved into a violent spiritual phenomenon!

A huge wave of ring-shaped spiritual power surged around him, spraying wildly in both directions up and down!

Long Qingke's face became even more ugly!

What he is focusing on now is mainly the offensive of the old man in white robe.

And the old man in gold robe has not yet launched a real threat to him!

At this moment, the scene he least wanted to see appeared!


The golden-robed old man waved his hand and seized the opportunity to launch a mad attack!

Rumble, rumble!

The cross golden light spiraled down, bringing up a golden hurricane and hitting his head directly!

"Damn it!"

Long Qingke's expression changed immediately!

If this blow hits the target, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!

Then you will lose your fighting power and be killed by the opponent on the spot!


Long Qingke suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, opened his mouth and spurted out a stream of blood!



This blood essence surged in the wind, and dragon-shaped runes evolved within it.

It crazily devoured the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and then condensed into a blood-blue dragon, roaring into the sky!

"The powerful God-creator from the True Dragon Family really has some life-saving methods!"

The old man in gold robe looked surprised, then smiled ferociously.

"But between the two of us, no matter how strong you are, you can't break free easily!"

For them, this is the best situation since they encountered Long Qingke.

The three people who had joined forces before this had never formed a real encirclement, nor had they achieved absolute overwhelming power.

Even though it was just two people joining forces now, they took the absolute initiative.

Although Long Qingke struggled hard and used extraordinary methods, he could not escape his fall!

"Hahahaha, boy, have you seen it? He is your role model!"

On the other side, the silver-robed old man clapped his hands wildly, trying to suppress Jiang Tian at one go.

The two sides had just started fighting, and Long Qingke was already completely passive.

Even if this young man wanted to run away, it was too late!



Jiang Tian punched out, and the terrifying power of the Tyrant Dragon Immortal Body blasted through the opponent's palm prints layer by layer, and hit the silver-robed old man with terrifying power!

"How can it be?"

The expression of the silver-robed old man changed drastically!

He originally thought that this young man had limited strength and could easily win.

But I didn't expect that the opponent's physical power was so strong!

Before he could think too much, he opened his mouth and spit out a stream of silver light!


Then the roar resounded!

The silver light turned into a dazzling formation, and mysterious runes appeared on it, blocking it in front of him.

This is a defensive method that he is proud of and is only used in critical moments.

It has an extremely powerful defensive effect against bloodline spiritual power and magic weapon attacks.

Even if it cannot easily resolve the opponent's physical power, it can at least alleviate his passivity.


But what he didn't expect was that with a loud bang, the silver formation broke.

The terrifying punch hit him without any reason!


The silver-robed old man hurriedly raised his arms to resist, but heard a loud "click" and both his arms were broken.

The violent physical force hit him, causing his body to collapse and blood to spurt out wildly!


The old man in silver robe was horrified and wanted to say something!

But the next moment, a palm suddenly pressed on his neck.



With a gentle squeeze of his hand, the old man's neck broke and he fell to death!

The whole process only takes a few breaths!

Jiang Tian put away his storage ring, moved his steps, and disappeared from where he was!


The next moment, two Jiang Tian appeared behind the old man in gold robe and the old man in white robe at the same time!

at this time!

The two of them were frantically besieging Long Qingke, and they were about to succeed, and they couldn't contain their ecstasy!

"Hahahaha, the taste of the essence and blood of the Dragon Clan's god-creating realm must be very exciting, right?"

"Jiejie, I can't wait any longer!"

The eyes of the old man in gold robe and the old man in white robe were full of greed, and they licked the corners of their mouths excitedly, eager to taste the essence and blood of the dragon clan in the God-making realm.

Looking forward to taking my strength to the next level!

But at the same time, they saw Long Qingke's expression of shock and ecstasy!


"not good……"

Poof, poof!

The two of them suddenly realized something was wrong!

But before he could react, a palm wrapped in purple light pierced his chest.

Bah la la!

The next moment, this palm shook with force, and their bodies instantly split into two pieces, and they fell to death!

Jiang Tian grabbed the two people's storage rings and then rushed towards Long Qingke.

"Is Elder Qingke okay?"

"I'm fine. Jiang Tian, ​​you...your combat power is so high?"

Long Qingke was extremely shocked!

Although he had long known that Jiang Tian had great potential, he would definitely be very powerful after entering the God-making realm.

But he never expected that he would be so strong!

Three powerful enemies that left him helpless were killed by Jiang Tian in an instant!

This means that Jiang Tian's strength is far above him, leaving him behind by a long way!

"After advancing to the God-making realm, my combat power has indeed improved."

Jiang Tian nodded lightly, his eyes calm.

"This...this is really amazing!"

Long Qingke suppressed the shock in his heart and couldn't help but start to look forward to the moving scene of Jiang Tian returning to the True Dragon Family after the trip to Xingxu.

At that time, Jiang Tian will become the most dazzling genius in the entire True Dragon family, right?

Maybe he will be directly promoted to the family elder echelon and become the first elder with a foreign surname that the family focuses on training!

"Amazing, really amazing!"

Long Qingke was deeply impressed, with a wry smile on his face.

I think of him, Long Qingke, who has been immersed in the God-making realm for a long time, but today he was cornered by three people of the same level and almost forced to self-destruct.

And Jiang Tiancai has just entered the God-making realm and can already kill opponents at this level instantly.

How big is the gap between the two?

"Nothing. Does Elder Qingke know the background of these people?" Jiang Tian asked casually.

He actually had no interest in these people, but he was somewhat curious about what happened to Long Qingke.

"I'm ashamed to say that these people are all powerful in the Tao realm, but they are not from some super powerful force, but are a few strong casual cultivators in the God-making realm!"

"God-creating realm casual cultivator?" Jiang Tian was a little surprised.

"Yes! You should understand that the resources that casual cultivators can enjoy are very few compared with those of warriors from aristocratic families and sects. However, it is precisely this condition that determines that if they want to gain strength, they have to pay ten times as much as ordinary people. It takes a hundred times more effort!

The chance of a powerful God-creator being born among casual cultivators is ten thousand times lower than that of warriors from aristocratic families and sects, but every person who emerges from the mass of casual cultivators is a top-notch strong man! "

"It's natural!"

Jiang Tian felt the same way.

Because strictly speaking, he is also half a casual cultivator!

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