Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7365 Seeing Star Marrow Again

Jiang Tian ignored the pressure of the storm and stepped in calmly!

The seemingly powerful storm swept over him, but it had no impact at all!


"How can it be?"

"How did he do it?"

Everyone was shocked!

The few strong men who originally wanted to taunt him were already dumbfounded!

These storms had no impact on that young man?

"Is it an illusion, or our illusion?" someone suddenly shouted.

"Perhaps the secret to breaking this storm is not to use any spiritual power or magic weapon?"


"Try it!"

Seeing Jiang Tian enter the storm effortlessly, everyone couldn't hold back their anger!

If Jiang Tian can do it, so can they!


Everyone boldly approached the edge of the storm, preparing to enter without using their spiritual power.

But the next moment, they regretted it!

Boom boom, boom boom!

Amidst the violent roar, more than a dozen figures were blown away by the storm.




All of these people were injured, with varying degrees of severity!

Their expressions were extremely ugly!

"Damn it! We were misled!"

"Why can that kid do it?"

"It goes without saying that he must have special abilities!"

"Maybe it's some kind of special physique?"


A word to wake up everyone!

Speaking of special abilities and physiques, they really thought of some!

"Being able to ignore the Star Ruins Storm, there are so many special bloodlines that I can think of!"

"Space power, he should have super space power!"

"There are not many bloodlines with this kind of power, except for the Phoenix, Huang, and Peng clans, and then there are some special bloodlines that have their own space power!"

"Nine times out of ten that's it!"


Everyone clenched their fists, feeling extremely jealous in their hearts.

I don’t know what kind of opportunities or strange objects are hidden in this storm.

Now you can take advantage of that person!

"Don't be discouraged. If he can get the treasure, we can get the treasure!"

“It’s not certain who will win in the end!”

"You're right, let's wait for him to come out!"

Everyone made up their mind and decided to wait for Jiang Tian to get out of the storm before taking action.

"The Void Immortal Body is really amazing!"

Jiang Tian was extremely excited at the moment!

The power of this storm is quite terrifying!

It's enough to make those powerful people outside the God-making Realm and even those in the Blood Realm helpless.

But to him, it was like walking on plain ground!

There is no other reason!

Just because he is now a "Void Immortal Body" instead of the previous "Void Overlord Body"!


The power of this storm greatly exceeded the endurance limit of the "Void Overlord".

Without physical transformation, even if he opens the Void Dominance, he will not be able to gain a foothold in it.



A violent storm raged across him, but the moment it came into contact with him, it bypassed him!

The wonders of the Void Immortal Body really excited him!

As he continued to deepen, Jiang Tian gradually felt some kind of special feeling!

"Hey, this breath... is so strange!"

The breath of this storm seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it before.

Suddenly, he understood!

Xingxuan heavy water!

The breath of this storm is somewhat similar to Xingxuan Heavy Water!

But one of them is water and the other is wind. They are two completely different things. Why do you feel this way?


Too strange!

Jiang Tian became more and more curious!

Why are the breaths of two things with different properties so similar?

This is probably no accident!

There must be some internal reason that causes these two things to have similar properties!

Thus exuding a similar atmosphere!

"What exactly is in here?"

Jiang Tian moved forward step by step with great curiosity.

And as it continues to advance, the power of the storm becomes stronger and stronger!

"Try it!"


Jiang Tian casually launched a "Void Immortal Realm"!

He only used about 10% of the Void Immortal Power, which was nearly twice as powerful as the Void Dominance at its peak!

The moment the Void Fairyland unfolded, the surrounding storm intensified instantly as if it was being sensed!

Rumble, rumble!

Click, click, click!

There was a loud roar, and the power of the storm crushed the already shattered void, launching a violent suppression of the Void Fairyland.

Faced with this huge pressure, the reaction of Void Immortal Realm was very dull, just making a few ripples!

Other than that, nothing is different!

There are no signs of collapse at all!

"As expected of the Void Immortal Realm!"

Jiang Tian was very excited.

This confirmed his guess!

If he still stayed at the level of the Void Overlord, even if he used the Void Overlord to forcefully rush in, he would be crushed instantly, or even suffer severe injuries.

Now there is no need to worry!

"Void formation, open!"


Jiang Tian tried to activate the void formation to see if it could be activated in this storm-raging space.

As a result, the formation pattern was crushed by the storm before it was fully formed!

He then tried the Starfall Instant Kill Technique!

The result was also greatly suppressed.

This made him somewhat depressed!

But compared to those warriors who can only watch from a distance but cannot penetrate deeply, it is still much stronger!

I have to say that the benefits of devouring the two bloodlines of Phoenix are really great!

After this try, he was completely relieved.

Keep walking towards the depths of the storm!

Not long after, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front!

"There's something!"

Jiang Tian’s eyes lit up!

The color of this light is more dazzling than the star marrow deep in the Xingxuan heavy water.

As it gets closer, its scent becomes stronger.

The more it gets, the more it looks like the star marrow in the Xing Xuan heavy water!

"The breaths are so close, what is the origin of the two?"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, full of curiosity.

If he said that there was no connection between the two, he would definitely not believe it!

Although wind and water are two different things, the aura is so close, which probably means that they have the same source.

Jiang Tian quickened his pace and kept getting closer to the light spot.

The power of the storm has also reached an astonishing level!

But for him with the Void Immortal Body, it has little impact!

And when he crossed this extreme storm, something unexpected happened!

He seemed to have walked out of a wall of wind, leaving all the storms behind!

There was calm in front of him, and there was only a ball of white light thousands of feet in front of him.

It no longer looks dazzling, but gives him a soft feeling!

"As expected!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but be a little surprised!

There was no longer the suppression of the storm. He teleported to the light spot and stared silently.

Just as he guessed!

This spot of light is almost exactly the same as the star essence in the Xingxuan heavy water before!

"It turns out to be Star Marrow too!"

Jiang Tian was deeply surprised.

Looking closely, he could hardly tell the difference between this star marrow and the one in the Xingxuan heavy water.

Since they are the same two star essences, why is one hidden inside the Xingxuan heavy water, while the other is hidden in the center of the storm?

This is so strange!

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