Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7377 Blood Pool

Jiang Tian raised his arms, and a purple-gold light erupted from his body!

The restlessness in the body was instantly suppressed!

"Impossible! How can you suppress the power of the Blood Emperor Seal?"

Xue Huanfeng’s expression changed drastically!

The Blood Emperor Seal is divided into two parts: light and dark, both bright and dark!

The Ming Seal was the huge blood seal that struck Jiang Tian, ​​and it was as terrifying as a huge formation pattern.

The dark seal is the mark that quietly penetrates into the body under the cover of the clear seal.

It is equivalent to planting a puppet in Jiang Tian's bloodline. Once activated, it will have terrible consequences.

But judging from the current situation, Jiang Tian is obviously not affected!

"A mere Blood Emperor Seal can't shake my bloodline!"

Jiang Tian shouted coldly, and the aura around him quickly stabilized.

The restlessness caused by the Dark Seal of the Blood Emperor completely disappeared!

"Even if the Blood Emperor Seal is useless, you will still die!"

Blood Phantom Wind started ruthlessly!

As a mid-term Blood King, he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Not to mention that Jiang Tian was a small level lower than him, and he was still in the human race, and he was in the blood realm.

Even if a strong human being of the same level comes, he is sure to crush him!

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Jiang Tian's figure flashed!


Instant killing technique!


In an instant, several Jiang Tians also appeared and launched wild attacks from different directions.

Purple light flashed and sword intent surged!

"it's useless!"

The blood phantom wind roared wildly, and the blood energy around the body surged, like a volcano erupting!

The figure hit by blood energy disappeared instantly!

But just when all these figures disappeared, several more "Jiang Tian" appeared at the same time, catching Xue Huanfeng off guard!

Boom... bang bang bang!

Several Jiang Tians took action at the same time, blasting out a series of immortal dragon critical strikes.

As strong as the blood phantom wind, I have to deal with it with all my strength!


at this time!

Purple light appears!

A purple sword intent struck unexpectedly and struck from behind!

"not good!"

Xue Huanfeng’s expression changed drastically!

The terrifying punches coming from all directions had already made him quite passive.

At this moment, there is another sword attack. If you don't pay attention, you will be killed or injured!


The blood phantom wind roared crazily, and the billowing blood energy erupted again.

A bloody shield formed outside his body!

Rumble, rumble!

The terrifying power spread outward like a mountain and instantly drowned all Jiang Tian's figures.


These figures disappeared instantly!


Suddenly, ferocious bloody hands stretched out from the blood and grabbed the purple sword intent!

Use crazy force to crush it!


"Jie Jie Jie! Do you think this will be useful? Naive, arrogant!"

Xue Huanfeng kept grinning ferociously, exuding a terrifying will, as if he had everything under control!



Accompanied by a strange noise, the ferocious laughter stopped abruptly!

Xue Huanfeng's body froze, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes!

He retracted his gaze from the red and white sword blade that passed through his chest, and looked down at his chest.

His chest was actually pierced!

"It turns out that this really works!"

Jiang Tian appeared in front of Xue Huanfeng with a sneer, covering his head with his palms!

Search for souls!


Xue Huanfeng noticed the desperate roar and raised his hands to fight back.

At such a close distance, even if he has been severely injured, he can still pull his opponent to death together.

Jiang Tian is faster than him!


The palm of his hand shook slightly, and the violent thunder suddenly hit the opponent's divine sea.

At the same time, the opponent is enveloped in the Void Immortal Realm, making it unable to move.

Can only be searched for souls!

"Xue Ze... Yin Xu... very good!"


The billowing purple flames turned the blood phantom wind into flying ash.

Jiang Tian took back his palm, and there was a blood ring.

In the divine sea of ​​Xue Huanfeng, the leader of the Blood Fiend Sect, he found a certain rumor about the Yin Ruins.

That place seems to be somewhat related to Blood Lake!

Yinxu Kunmu may be in that place!

As for the clues about the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm, no more clues were found.

There are still only sporadic clues about Blood Realm Mountain.


The Blood Evil Sect's treasure house has been captured by him, so there is no need to stay here for long.

Jiang Tian immediately activated the void formation and fled far away.

After a while!

"Who dares to kill my sect master?"

"Let him pay with blood!"

Boom boom... boom boom!

In the forbidden area of ​​the Blood Evil Sect, in a blood lake filled with evil energy!

Three terrifying auras broke through the restrictions on the surface of the blood lake and soared into the sky, turning into the figures of three old men.

All three of them were topless!

The beard and hair are all blood red, and the body is covered with strange blood lines!

They are the three supreme elders of the Blood Evil Sect!

They were practicing hard in seclusion and had not been seen for a long time.

At this moment, with the fall of the sect leader Xue Huanfeng, they were all awakened!

"The sect leader and members of the Council of Elders have all fallen. Our sect is also facing revenge from the Blood Emperor Sect. Please call the three Supreme Elders to make the decision!"

"And the Blood Emperor Sect? Damn it!"

"Open the blood-inducing formation!"

Rumble, rumble!

One of the three elders clapped his hands wildly.

There are waves of blood rising into the sky from the blood lake below!

Densely dense and strange runes swirled around it, eventually turning into a huge blood pillar formation thousands of meters high!

The blood rings intertwined with runes rotated rapidly, and there were tens of thousands of them densely packed!

They spread crazily around and escaped into the void!


Suddenly, a bloody streak of light shone brightly!

A figure vaguely appeared, but then disappeared in a flash!

"Over there! That's the direction of Blood Lake!"

"He went to Bloodpool!"

"What did he go there for? Could it be..."

The three Supreme Elders looked at each other with extremely ferocious expressions.

"You two are in charge of the sect, I will go and deal with him personally!"


The Supreme Elder in the middle transformed into a terrifying blood rainbow and fled away wildly.


Located far southeast of the Blood Evil Sect!

One day later, Jiang Tian arrived at Blood Lake!

There is strong blood everywhere here, and there is a thick blood-colored cloud in the sky!

It seems as if there are countless blood regulations solidified, it looks breathtaking!

Such a scene has never been seen before, whether in the lower realm, the middle realm or the Dao realm!

Jiang Tian couldn't help but be surprised!

The blood spiritual energy in Xueze is so strong, and there are thick blood clouds covering it as far as the eye can see. It should be an ideal place for cultivation.

But why are there so few Blood Realm warriors here?

"There must be something weird here!"

Jiang Tian understood that there must be some reasons that he didn't know!



There was a low and suppressed thunder from the high clouds. Jiang Tian looked up and his expression changed slightly!

I saw a not too dazzling lightning flashing through the clouds, and the light reflected was like a thunder and lightning dragon scurrying through the clouds!

Immediately afterwards, a huge black shadow penetrated the clouds and fell from it!

"Hey, this is..."

Jiang Tian took a closer look and saw that it turned out to be a blood-realm monster that was over a thousand feet tall!

The aura shocked him, and he suddenly reached the sixteenth level!

"The sixteenth-level blood realm demon beast, whose demon power is even higher than that of the same level demon beast in the Tao realm, died so casually?"

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