Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7383 Blood Xuantian

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"You two don't have to leave. If anyone can tell me the news about Yinxu Kunmu, I will let him go!"

"Yinxu Kunmu, we don't..."

"Wait a minute, I know!"

The two blood kings had different reactions!

One of them shook his head subconsciously.

The other eye rolled, indicating that he knew!


"That's right, there is a place deep in the Blood Lake called Xuexuan Cave. I once heard someone say that there is Yinxu Kunmu in that place, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that I don't know where the Blood Profound Cave is!" The Blood Emperor said with a frown.

"If I said it, it means I didn't say it!"

Jiang Tian sneered and immediately covered the top of his head with his palms.


Search for souls!

The Blood Emperor was so suppressed that he did not dare to move!

Although the opponent is close at hand, it is not difficult to make a sneak attack!

But he knew that the other party could completely destroy his Divine Sea the moment he took action!

Even if he doesn't die, he will become a walking corpse!

The huge gap in strength prevented him from doing anything random and could only let it happen!

"Sure enough, you didn't tell the truth!"


Jiang Tian stunned him to death with one palm!

The so-called Blood Mysterious Cave was simply a lie made up temporarily, and the other party was just trying to save his life.


The other Blood King looked horrified!

I'm glad I didn't lie, otherwise he might be the one dying now!

"Sir...Sir, what I tell you is the truth. I really don't know about Yinxu Kunmu. I have only heard a few fragments of the legend!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Tian waved his hands lightly.

No problem?

The other party was stunned!

So, are you going to let him go?

"I don't know, but that doesn't stop you from helping me find it!" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"What?" The blood emperor's eyes twitched!


Jiang Tian flicked his fingers, and the purple light disappeared into his sea of ​​energy!

"This...is this?"

"A restriction!" Jiang Tian said expressionlessly: "If you think you can escape from the bleeding pool and escape my tracking, you can leave directly. Otherwise, just help me find clues about Kunmu in Yinxu!"

"The villain dare not!"

The Blood King named Xueyao shook his head desperately.

Then he left under Jiang Tian's order!

Help the other party find Yinxu Kunmu?

Of course he doesn't want to!

But does he have a choice?

He couldn't break the spiritual mark planted in his body at all, and even trying to break it would cause violent blood fluctuations.

He had no choice but to do it!

Next, he searched everywhere in the blood pool.

At the same time, Jiang Tian was not idle either!

Bang bang!

Over a small island in the Blood Lake somewhere, Jiang Tian casually killed two vampire warriors.

Shock the two Blood Emperors on the opposite side!

"Yinxu Kunmu?"


These two people were imprinted with bloodlines by Jiang Tian, ​​so they had no choice but to help him find them.

Jiang Tian kept repeating similar methods.

Within a few days, more than a dozen Blood Emperors had been surrendered by him to search for news about Kun Mu in Yin Xu.

But these people are still too few!

Firstly, there are very few people entering the Bloodpool. Secondly, because the Bloodpool is full of dangers, these people may die unexpectedly.

So, it’s far from enough!

Half a day later!

Jiang Tian's face darkened after taking down three powerful Blood Emperor warriors!

Most of the dozen or so bloodline marks that were planted before have simply disappeared!

There is only one reason: those people have fallen!

"These bloodlines disappeared suddenly. Who killed them?"

Jiang Tian was puzzled!

Although Xue Ze is surrounded by dangers, those people are all blood emperor level experts.

As long as you are careful, you won't die easily.

Not to mention that they will all die together in a short period of time!

A strong intuition came over me!

Jiang Tian felt that this situation was probably directed at him!

He locked the direction of the last bloodline's death and escaped there.

If someone wants to target him, there is no use hiding!

Why did the other party want to kill these people with bloodline marks?

Could it be that he is also here for Yinxu Kunmu?

This may not be possible!

Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy, his eyes lit up!


The great void formation opened, leading him to accelerate forward.

After a while, he stopped!


A wall of blood-colored clouds covering the void appeared in front!

From the blood cloud above the blood pool, it dropped directly down and connected to the ground of the blood pool!

The terrifying blood energy spread wantonly, blocking his way!

"A strong human being, I've had a hard time finding you!"

"Who are you?" Jiang Tian looked at the old man opposite.

Blood Queen Period!

The strength is even greater than that of the leader of the Blood Fiend Sect, Xue Huanfeng!

"Let you understand clearly! I am the Supreme Elder of the Blood Evil Sect, Xue Xuantian!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian sneered!

The other party is obviously here seeking revenge!

"Do you know Yinxu Kunmu?" Jiang Tian asked.

"What?" Xue Xuantian was stunned.

Then he laughed ferociously!

"Are you stupid? Do you think I would tell you even if I knew?"

"Then there's nothing more to say!"

Jiang Tian sneered and took one step forward!



Instant killing technique!

In an instant, several Jiang Tian appeared around Xue Xuantian.

Each of them took crazy action and unleashed a critical strike from the Immortal Dragon!

Bang bang bang bang... boom!

The roar resounded, and the power of the immortal dragon's critical strike exploded into the void!

Facing the power of the Blood Queen Stage, Jiang Tian did not show any slightest hesitation!

Attack from several directions at the same time, intending to suppress it with a violent offensive!


"The power of the physical body? Nothing more than that!"

Xue Xuantian shouted wildly, and the bloody pressure suddenly shook!


Bang bang bang bang!

A huge blood shadow appeared all around, blocking Jiang Tian's attack!

Immediately afterwards, he made a fist with his right hand and struck out!

But his punches seemed to be fast and slow, but he did not launch an offensive for a long time!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face changed slightly!

It’s not that the other party is not strong enough, but it’s intentional!

What he is waiting for is the moment when his instant killing technique stops!



As several figures disappeared, the only Jiang Tian appeared!

The fist that Xue Xuantian had not punched for a long time came out at this moment!


With one punch, the color of the world changes!

A huge wall of blood appeared out of thin air and hit Jiang Tian directly!


Jiang Tian groaned and was forcibly knocked back.

In the Blood Queen period, one’s cultivation should not be underestimated!

At this moment, his expression was extremely solemn!

But he doesn't back down!

The stronger the opponent, the more willing he will be to fight!

"Come on, let me see how strong the Blood Queen Stage can be?"

Jiang Tian drank like crazy!

His current combat power can easily crush the mid-stage God-Creating Realm, and can also kill the powerful blood realm warriors in the mid-stage Blood Emperor Realm, such as the leader of the Blood Evil Sect, Xue Huanfeng!

But facing a late-stage blood emperor like Xue Xuantian, he was still a little passive!

But he didn't feel that he couldn't deal with this opponent!

The Blood Queen stage is indeed very strong, but not so strong that it makes him retreat!

"Void Immortal Realm!"


The Void Immortal Realm suddenly appeared, Xue Xuantian's body froze slightly, and his steps became sluggish!

"Void Confinement!"

Xue Xuantian's face darkened, and a ferocious look flashed between his brows.

Raise your hand and shoot towards the fairyland!

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