Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7387 The Secret of the Canyon

"The Yin Ruins...are actually in that place?"

Jiang Tian was deeply surprised!

The results of the soul search showed that the Yin Ruins were not under the ground.

But in the clouds above the blood pool!

Only there can it be possible to find Yinxu Kunmu!

Of course, the information Xue Xuantian knows is not accurate, and is also just some rumors.

As for whether this rumor is true or false, he himself does not know.

In this case, Jiang Tian had no choice but to verify it himself!

Jiang Tian withdrew his gaze and silently sensed the positions of several spiritual power marks!

Soon, he activated the void formation and escaped with a mark to the southwest!


A purple light suddenly appeared somewhere in the southwest of Blood Lake!

Jiang Tian appeared with a fleeting formation pattern!

The spiritual power in the void fluctuated, and Jiang Tian looked at the woman opposite.

"Greetings, my lord!"

Xue Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Jiang Tian was coming.

Kneel down and worship!

"What did you find?" Jiang Tian asked.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. Apart from these things, I haven't found any rare treasures that look like Kunmu from Yinxu!"

Xue Feng presented a blood ring to Jiang Tian for inspection.

Jiang Tian only glanced at it and threw the ring back.

At the same time, nearly ten more blood rainbows were rushing towards this side, extremely fast and menacing!

"No, it's the Blood Emperor. There are quite a few of them. Sir, leave quickly!"

Xuefeng's expression suddenly changed and he urged Jiang Tian to leave.

Jiang Tian was unmoved!

A moment later, nine blood rainbows rushed over and stopped opposite Jiang Tian.

It was the nine powerful Blood Emperors, all releasing powerful auras!

"I'll see you later, sir!"

"We came as soon as we received your summons. Unfortunately, we haven't gained much in the past few days. I'm afraid we will disappoint you!"

These people all knelt down and reported carefully.


Xue Feng was deeply shocked!

In just a few days, Jiang Tian had conquered so many blood emperors!

Jiang Tian's mind scanned the blood rings one after another, confirming that there was nothing he wanted.

"Let's go!"

Wave gently and disappear into the void with Xue Maple!

After the two left, the nine Blood Emperors were still kneeling on the spot, not daring to say anything more.

It wasn't until after a long time that they confirmed that the two of them were gone that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"This strong human being is so lucky!"

"If the human race is as strong as him, I, the blood warrior, will definitely suffer!"

"Hmph, this human race doesn't seem very smart. He actually thinks that a spiritual mark can make us completely surrender. He is really stupid!"

"Jie Jie! Fortunately, I had reservations, otherwise the rare treasure would have been taken away by him. Now that he has gone far, we can take action!"

With sneers on their faces, everyone couldn't help but mock Jiang Tian behind his back, venting their grievances.

"So, you are indeed hiding something from me!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded!

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically!


"You... didn't leave?"

In an instant, the faces of these blood emperors turned ashen!

All the bad things they said were heard by the other party!

Jiang Tian looked at them coldly.

Xue Feng stood behind him with a joking look on his face.

Because of her tragic past, she doesn't have the slightest fondness for these blood emperors!

I wish Jiang Tian would deal with these people!

Thump, thump!

All nine Blood Emperors knelt down and begged Jiang Tian for mercy!

"Sir, spare my life!"

"We don't dare anymore!"

Bang bang bang!

Everyone kowtowed crazily and begged for mercy.

"no more chance!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the spiritual marks in everyone's bodies exploded instantly, destroying their Qihai!

At the same time, the blood essence of the Nine Blood Emperor Realm was reversed by the spiritual mark.

Swallowed up by Jiang Tian!


"Kill us!"

As a strong Blood Emperor, losing their cultivation level is equivalent to killing them.

At this moment, they are hopeless!

"not that simple!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand in the air, and nine spiritual palm prints were pressed on the heads of the nine people.

Search for souls!

After all the complicated memories were searched, Jiang Tian turned his head and looked towards the southern part of Blood Lake.

"Put away their storage rings and follow me!"

"Yes, sir!"

Xue Feng immediately took off the storage rings of the nine people and turned them into ashes.

Then follow Jiang Tian to escape south!

Soon after!

Jiang Tian came to a canyon in the south of Blood Lake.

According to the results of the soul search, there is a very high-grade blood crystal spring here, which is a rare nourishment for warriors in the blood realm.

The nine blood emperors originally wanted to divide it directly, but firstly, the refining time would be longer, and secondly, the breath would change more obviously after refining.

In order to prevent Jiang Tian from noticing, they decided not to report it!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian had taken precautions and heard their whispers clearly!

"Come with me!"

If it was just a blood crystal spring, Jiang Tian wouldn't care too much.

But the memory of a certain Blood Emperor shows that besides the Blood Crystal Spring, there seems to be something else here!

As for what it is, it remains to be discovered!

"Sir, the smell here is a bit scary!"

As soon as he arrived in the canyon, Xue Feng was trembling all over, with a look of fear on his face.


Jiang Tian didn't feel this way and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"It's true! Xuefeng never dares to deceive you. There is a special aura in this canyon that makes me feel scared!"

"Handeye, open!"


Jiang Tian originally wanted Xue Feng to go in and investigate.

In order to prevent self-defeating, I had to come in person!

Purple waves rippled, and Jiang Tian's sight penetrated the Mou Qianzhang stone wall on the left side of the canyon and penetrated the ground!

"It is indeed a blood spring, but where is that mysterious thing?"

Jiang Tian glanced around and found no so-called mysterious things.

Can't help but feel a little strange!

"follow me!"


Jiang Tian took a step forward and teleported to the underground space on the left side of the canyon!


The spring water keeps surging, and thick blood crystal spring water emerges!

"Oh my god! This blood spring is of a higher level than the Blood Emperor Crystal Origin Vein last time!"

Xue Feng couldn't help but exclaimed!

Just breathing in the accumulated blood essence can make her breath float.

Jiang Tian didn't react much!

Because his way of cultivation is very different from that of the vampire warriors.

Although he does not need to reject these blood energy like ordinary people, there is no obvious aura restlessness.

“Enjoy it!”

Jiang Tian said.

"Yes, sir!"

This time, Xue Feng did not hesitate.

Immediately follow Jiang Tian's instructions and jump into the blood spring, greed is sucking it in!

Jiang Tianze searched this underground space.


"Handeye, open!"


Purple waves rippled, and Jiang Tian scanned the space again.

He didn't notice anything strange at first, but soon, his eyes were fixed on a stone wall at the end of the north side!

There, there is a looming spiritual movement!

"What's this?"


Jiang Tian teleported over and took a closer look.

It turned out to be an extremely subtle hidden magic circle!

Almost deceived the phantom eyes!

"This magic circle is definitely not a natural formation. It seems to be man-made. What is the secret here?"

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