Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7389 The Second Aperture

Such methods are not uncommon in the martial arts world, especially for a strong man of his level!


Several blood seal talismans entered Xueyinzhi's body, and Jiang Tian quickly completed the bloodline restriction!

"Phew! Now the master can trust the little one!"

Xueyinzhi also breathed a sigh of relief.

After the bloodline restriction is completed, Jiang Tian will no longer embarrass it, and it will become safe.

Although he lost his freedom since then, he at least saved his life for the time being.

As for how long this state can last, it depends on Jiang Tian's improvement in strength and personal wishes.

If Jiang Tian's strength improves slowly, or he won't encounter much threat for the time being.

It can survive like this forever without being refined into an immortal body that is reborn with blood.

But if Jiang Tian encounters some kind of potential crisis, or his strength reaches a certain level, he will definitely refine it when necessary.

At that time, its will will be stripped away and it will completely become the continuation of Jiang Tian's bloodline.

That day will be the moment when its individual will is completely destroyed!

"Don't worry, it's not over yet!"


Xueyinzhi’s expression changed!

The other party has planted a bloodline restriction and it has recognized its master. What else does the other party want to do?


The seals on Jiang Tian's hand changed and he created several blood seals again!

Puff puff!

These seals are penetrated into Xueyinzhi's body, and the aura is obviously different from the bloodline restriction just now!

Xueyinzhi's face looked a little ugly!

Obviously, Jiang Tian doesn't completely trust it.

This is done to make a complete plan!

"Sir, you can rest assured now..."


Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tianyin Jue changed again!

Purple thunderbolts shot out from the fingertips.

Bah la la!

Thunder rumbled and enveloped it as an extremely fine purple-gold thunder net.

"Hiss! Master?"

Xueyinzhi's face changed drastically, and he felt a will to destroy!

Is this to kill it directly?

The next moment, the Purple Gold Thunder Net covered its body, causing its bloody body to feel numb.

But it did not perish, but returned to normal after a moment of discomfort!

"Master, what is this?"

Xueyinzhi's face was ugly, and there was a hint of fear in Jiang Tian's eyes.

"Many spiritual creatures in the world have abnormal means. Your intelligence is so high, I don't want anything to go wrong!"

"I don't dare, little slave!"

Xueyinzhi immediately knelt down and expressed her loyalty to Jiang Tian.

"Whether you dare or not means nothing to me. What I want is to be foolproof. Come on!"



Jiang Tian waved his hand and rolled up Xue Yin Zhi to the Zixuan Realm!

"Hiss! Where is this place? The aura of heaven and earth... Why is it so strange?"

Xueyinzhi was nurtured and grown in the blood world and absorbed the essence of blood energy over the years.

At this moment, I suddenly came to Zixuan Realm, and I was immediately stunned by the spiritual energy conditions here!

It feels that the aura conditions here are stronger than the environment in which it originally grew up!

Jiang Tian silently glanced at Zixuan Realm and ignored it.

Xueyinzhi didn't dare to ask, so she could only keep quiet.

After a while!


Jiang Tian took a step forward, grabbed the Xueyin Zhi and swept forward.

After a while, we arrived at the end of Zixuan Realm!



Golden light flashed in front, and a huge golden turtle with eight peaks hunched over came out of the darkness.

Mountain swallowing black turtle!

"Old turtle meets the master!"

"No gift!"

"What are your orders, Master?"

The swallowing mountain black turtle lay on the ground, curiously looking at the Xue Yin Zhi in Jiang Tian's hand.

"This is the Blood Yin Zhi, a spiritual creature born from the blood world. I plan to seal it in the mountain orifice on your back!"

"I see, the master just needs to do whatever he wants!"

The black turtle that swallowed the mountain did not hesitate.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian took a step forward and came to the frontmost mountain aperture on the back of the Mountain-Devouring Black Turtle!

Prepare to use secret techniques to forcibly seal Xueyinzhi.

I tried a little, but got a frown!

His secret technique cannot break through the aperture of Jiuqiao Mountain!

Next, he tried the other seven orifices one after another!

They all ended in failure!

Jiang Tian frowned and thought!

If Jiuqiao Mountain doesn't work, is it necessary to seal Xueyin Zhi directly into the stone wall at the end of Zixuan Realm?

Or let it move freely in the Zixuan Realm?

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Tian gave up these two thoughts!

No matter which one it is, there are unpredictable risks!

Because Zixuan Realm is always in the process of self-repair, space expansion will occur at any time.

If the Blood Yin Zhi is sealed in the stone wall, one day it may be possible to escape from the trap as the stone wall collapses, or an unexpected situation may occur.

If Xueyinzhi is allowed to move freely, there will also be risks that are difficult to control!

This thing is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, born from the creation of heaven and earth, and is extremely spiritual.

Maybe there are some hidden talents that haven’t been awakened yet!

In the Purple Mysterious Realm, there are not only mountain-swallowing black turtles, but also several strange trees, as well as various heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Allowing Xueyinzhi to move freely will be a huge hidden danger.

The above two are absolutely impossible!

Only the extremely intelligent Mountain Swallowing Black Turtle can take on the responsibility of care and suppress the potential changes in the Blood Yin Zhi to a minimum!

So after much deliberation, the best choice is still to seal it on the Mountain Swallowing Black Turtle!

Finally, Jiang Tian turned his attention to the penultimate aperture of Jiuqiao Mountain!

There are nine orifices in Jiuqiao Mountain!

Previously, he had extracted the first aperture and refined it into a mountain of one aperture!

Although it doesn't have any special power, it is more powerful than anything else.

In actual combat, as long as it is thrown, it can collapse the void, making it difficult for the opponent to resist!

But the first orifice was completely removed by him and could no longer be used to seal the Blood Yin Zhi.

Therefore, he could only focus on the penultimate orifice!

"Void Immortal Realm, get up!"


Jiang Tian inspired the Void Immortal Realm and covered the penultimate orifice of Jiuqiao Mountain!

Changing the seals in his hands and constantly manipulating them, he hollowed out the inside of this mountain orifice with super space power.

But it was not completely pulled out!

It was equivalent to leaving an empty shell behind and serving it as a "house" for Xueyinzhi.


The last time he extracted the first mountain aperture, his cultivation level was still very low and the process was extremely difficult.

Even though he has reached the early stage of the God Creation Realm, it is still not easy.

After some attempts, he finally succeeded in pulling out the second orifice, leaving behind an empty shell!


Jiang Tian teleported and grabbed the Xueyin Zhi and came to the mountain orifice where only the empty shell was left.

He bombarded the wall of the orifice with the Immortal Dragon Strike, but it didn't move at all!

"Very good! Xueyinzhi, this is your future home!"

"Thank...Thank you, Master!"

Xueyinzhi is somewhat reluctant, but it doesn’t dare to refute!

It still knows whether it is superior or inferior!

If it offends the other party, it will perish at any time!

Although there is no freedom like this now, at least we can still survive.

Although the spiritual beings in the world are extremely intelligent, they also have their own consciousness.

They were quietly nurtured and grown in secret places no one knew about, and they knew how to avoid strangers innately.

Otherwise, once their whereabouts are exposed, they will be caught or seriously destroyed.

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