Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7407 The Price of Arrogance

Xue Qingfeng has been angered.

Taking a step forward, a giant bloody seal suddenly appeared in the void.

The layers of blood streaks are spinning endlessly, like the feet of the gods falling down!

Boom, click!

The void collapsed layer by layer, and a destructive force descended.

Jiang Tian's body sank hard, falling more than ten feet in the air.

But then, he couldn't fall anymore!

That destructive aura imprisoned the void, preventing him from falling again.

"Hahahaha, human boy, die! Elder Yin Feng, kill him!"

Xue Nanfeng shouted loudly, as if he saw the scene of Jiang Tian's death.

"You are indeed stronger than me, but not much!" Jiang Tian sneered.

"What?" Xue Qingfeng was shocked!

Then he discovered that the void outside Jiang Tian, ​​who had been suppressed by him, was twisting and turbulent.

Then the figure disappeared!


The bloody giant seal crushed the void.

The next moment, Jiang Tian suddenly appeared in front of Xue Yingfeng!

Make a fist and strike wildly!

"court death!"


Jiang Tian punched out, causing blood to strike with his palm.

The two forces collided and caused a huge wave!

"Hmph! Even at the mid-level Blood King level, you dare to be in front of me..."

"not good!"

A shout suddenly came from Xue Qingfeng's ears!

From the bloody south wind!


The owner of the Blood-seeking Island was looking behind him with a horrified face, and raised his right hand quickly.

But before he could raise his arm, a cold murderous intent began to erupt, covering the blood and drawing the wind!

"You dare!"

Xue Yingfeng roared wildly, and a blood mark suddenly appeared behind him.


Jiang Tian's fist hit the blood mark, and the attack was forcibly resolved.

Xue Qingfeng laughed!

This powerful human being is indeed very powerful, but to him, it is nothing.

He subconsciously looked at Xue Nanfeng with mockery in his eyes.

As if to say: What's there to worry about? Is it worth making such a fuss about?

"Hide quickly, he is..."

Xue Nanfeng’s reaction was unexpected!

Not only was there no shame or relaxation, but I was even more nervous than before!

"Huh?" Xue Qingfeng frowned, feeling a little weird.

Look up in the direction of Xue Nanfeng's finger.

I saw that there was nothing out of the ordinary!

"Tsk! Blood Island Master, you really have lost the demeanor of a strong man!"

Xue Qingfeng was deeply disdainful.

After all, he is also the peak blood emperor. Why is he so arrogant in front of a strong human race?

"Eh? No!"

Xue Yingfeng was about to find Jiang Tian and take action again.

Suddenly his expression changed!

"Illusion? Damn it!"

That's right!

It's an illusion!

He actually fell into the illusion of a strong human race!

The majestic half-step Blood Emperor actually fell into the illusion of a human warrior in the middle stage of the God-making Realm!

What a disgrace!

This is really not the case!

"Break it for me!"



Purple light flashed, piercing Xue Qingfeng's chest!


Xue Qingfeng's body shook violently, preparing to break free from the void.

Such injuries may be serious, but they are not fatal.

As long as he gets out, whether he walks or fights, there is still room for him.

But the next moment, a strange force enveloped him!

"Receive the power of guidance, town!"


"Hua Xu Ji Yi... Damn it!"

Xue Qingfeng's face changed drastically, and he was instantly desperate!


Xue Nanfeng was shocked!

Turn around and run away!


The Blood Emperor has been suppressed for half a step, and he will die if he doesn't run!

"Want to leave?"

Jiang Tian launched the Starfall Instant Kill Technique and charged towards Xue Nanfeng.


A bloody vortex suddenly appeared, and the violent power forced Xue Nanfeng into it, and disappeared instantly!


Jiang Tian used all his strength to blast the bloody whirlpool, but there was no trace of Xue Nanfeng.

"Too careless!"

Jiang Tian frowned, and the figure disappeared immediately.

At the same time, another figure was still suppressing Xue Yingfeng.

"No... don't kill me, I can give you a lot!"

"If you need it, I'll get it myself!"



Jiang Tian's palm covered the top of Xue Yingfeng's head!

Search for souls!

At the same time, activate the bloodline devouring talent and slowly devour the opponent's bloodline essence.

The aura of Xue Qiaofeng quickly withered away, leaving only a breath left to search for the soul.


Jiang Tian's aura slowly rose, and his bloodline spiritual power reached 50%!

"As expected of a half-step blood emperor, it's a pity that the essence and blood of the peak blood emperor will be almost useless next!"


After finishing devouring the blood, Jiang Tian blasted Xue Qingfeng's mummy.

While grabbing a blood ring, I couldn't help but sigh.

Ever since he swallowed the essence and blood of Xue Caifeng, the blood essence of the Peak Blood Emperor has completely reduced its effectiveness on him, which is better than nothing!

Next, only those who are half-step Blood Emperor or above in the Blood Realm can be devoured and nourished by him!

"Blood Hunting Island Treasure House?"

Jiang Tian turned around and looked at a large hall ahead on the left.

at this time!

The main hall was suddenly uprooted and held in mid-air by three late-stage Blood Emperors, moving toward him.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Since Your Excellency is interested in this treasure palace, of course we will offer it voluntarily, just to save Your Majesty and spare our lives!"

The three late Blood Emperors came to Jiang Tian and knelt down directly in the air, offering the entire palace.

I'm afraid that if I move a little slowly, my life will be at risk!


Jiang Tian took the treasure palace into the Zixuan Realm without hesitation.

"Please forgive me, sir!"

The three late-stage blood kings knelt on the ground and begged for mercy together with dozens of other late-stage blood kings.

But for a long time, they didn't get a response.

Could it be that this powerful human race refused to let them go?

Finally, someone had the courage to look up, only to find that the powerful human race had disappeared!

"He...that adult is gone?"

"Phew! My life is saved!"

Half a day later!

Three blood rainbows broke through the sky, and three figures appeared.

It is the three peak blood kings of the Blood King Palace who came from Tianyuan City!

Looking at the chaotic Xue Xun Island, the old man in blood robe who led the group had serious eyes and a strange look on his face.

"As expected!"

"Elder, who is this person?"

"Could it be... that they are strong men sent by the higher-ups in the palace?"

The two accompanying middle-aged people couldn't help but speculate, their expressions a little strange.

It would be a bit embarrassing for them if they were sent by other people from the top of the Blood King Palace.

This means that the senior officials of the Blood King Palace do not trust them, so they send others to come.

"Probably not!" The old man in blood robe slowly shook his head, denying this guess.

"Even if the senior officials in the palace want to send someone, there is no need to hide it from us. There must be other forces taking action. As for who it is, perhaps only the people in the Holy Blood Palace know it!"


Before he finished speaking, the old man rushed into the island.

After killing several people, he caught a powerful late-stage Blood King and searched for his soul.

After the soul search is completed, shock the opponent to death with one palm!

"It's so strange that he is actually a strong human being!"

"A strong human being?"

"What's that person's background?"

The two accompanying people were also shocked!

The person wreaking havoc on Xuexun Island turned out to be a strong human race. How strange!

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